Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 810: Big lie! [The third! Ticketing! 】

"What? There is such a thing? How is this possible, how can Her Majesty fall in love with the snow and tears!" Arrow God is full of doubts and frowns, his face is unbelievable.

"There is no falsehood in this matter." Shengjun sighed with sigh: "Since the snow and tears of the day have prevented me from sending out the troops, I am surprised that this person can treat the brothers in this way, and he is not alert, he will pay attention to this person. All the moves, by chance, I learned about many of these old things."

"Please continue." Arrow God frowned.

"It’s a last resort for Her Majesty to choose to leave. Because, the Queen of the Aristocrats was already pregnant with snow and tears. So..." St. Jun shook his head and sighed: "It’s a pity that the generation is peerless. Guohong powder..."

"Continue!" Arrow God frowned deeply and said.

"The Queen went down to find the snow and tears, I hope that this matter can be achieved. In fact, if it is really harmonious, it is also a great event for both of us. But the snow and tears are not responsible! In addition, Her Majesty also accidentally hit. Broken snow and tears and the aftermath of the demon. The demon enchantress was also harmed by the adulterer at that time... At that time..." Shengjun looked sad.

"Ah? Actually, this is true! Can you take it seriously?!" The pair of scorpions surprised by Arrows turned completely green and looked at the Holy King.

In my heart, I am thinking about the possibility of this matter.

Will the Holy King be lying?

This is incredible!

Just... I remember when Her Majesty the Queen said that after the Nine Heavens and the Nine Emperors, the most admired ones were indeed the tears of the East Emperor, and this appreciation was not concealed in the words.

When Her Majesty once traveled out, she seemed to have seen it several times with Snow Tears, if she said that she had a good impression on the East Emperor. This is beyond doubt. But when it comes to falling in love with snow and tears, and there is an unusual relationship, it is unlikely.

Not to mention the fact that the other side is pregnant with the top six, and what happened to the former emperor after the smashing of the Eastern Emperor. More incredible.

However, this sentence is from the mouth of the holy prince, which adds a bit of credibility.

After the nine emperors, I was the only saint, and the holy monarch was the first person in the nine heavens.

Will such people be open to the river?

The most important point is that the time is very consistent!

In the heart of Arrow God, he believed in seven points of doubt and stared at the Holy King. His face is not very good: "His sir, this is the beginning and the end... Where did you hear about it?"

Sheng Jun smiled lightly and said: "I know that you don't believe it. I originally wanted to come slowly, but your patience is not very good. I just have to say it all at once. Naturally, there are some unclear words. Please listen to me slowly. Come."

The arrow **** snorted.

Shengjun said: "At the beginning, the demon emperor was seriously injured when he was competing for the demon emperor's heavenly emperor. He retired for recovery and lasted for hundreds of thousands of years. After the demon, he was alone in the vacant room, but he was lonely. She used to have tears in the past. There was a marriage in the cold, and finally it was a traitor with the snow and tears. Since then, it has become more closely related, and Her Majesty has just smashed this traitor at that time."

"Under some conflicts, the demon who was alarmed by retreat, the demon emperor was full of anger and determined to kill two people, but because of the forced entry, the skill was greatly reduced, but he was killed in the hands of the adulterer. On that day, if no demon emperor gave up his life to send away the aristocratic queen. I am afraid that the aristocratic queen has already fallen for a long time!"

Shengjun shook his head and sighed: "To tell the truth, if it is not the day, my most cronies will report to me. I really can't believe that they are such a person and can actually do something like this!"

Arrow God did not speak.

"That time. At the time, the snow and tears sent out the "East Emperor Hunting Order"; the pursuit of blood without traces! In this matter, I believe that the Arrow God must be no stranger to it?"

The Holy King said calmly.

The face of Arrow God suddenly became ugly.

The Eastern Emperor pursued the killing order and pursued the blood without traces.

This past event was originally initiated by the snow and tears. The official statement is to kill a killer called a bloodless tracer, and the killer, the final result is also in the hands of the people of the East Emperor.

However, the time of this incident is similar to the time difference between the disappearance of the Elf Queen, but it is completely consistent!

"If it is only judged from time, and the matter of the demon, there is always no evidence of death, but there is another thing, something that you certainly don't know, can be evidence, in fact, the blood is no trace, it is the blood deed! And the blood deed, It’s the younger brother of Donghuang Xue’s tears! Until now, still alive...”

Some of the self-deprecating expressions of the Holy King said faintly: "So who was being chased in the end of the year? Who else can actually work for the Emperor to personally take the shot?"

Arrow's face was white, and he took a deep breath and still didn't speak.

This thing is too big, really can't make any reaction!

"And at the time of the pursuit, the demon emperor's demon also sent a message, is traveling in the East Emperor, decided to participate in the pursuit of blood without traces, for the scourge of this evil." St. Jun sneer: "Really good, isn't it?" ”

Arrow God also sneered a bit, if the belief and doubts are just three or seven points, now it is still three or seven points, but the order is reversed.

"There was no trace of blood in the future, and the two strongest masters of the world can not die. In the face of such combat power, even this monarch may not be spared." The holy priest continued to sneer.

"After that incident, the demon trails turned from the demon day, and the snow and tears disappeared for a while, and your Majesty the Queen, it was during that time that it completely disappeared, and there was no follow-up news..." The holy singer smiled: "So I said... I don't know the specific whereabouts of the Elven Emperor, but the snow and tears are sure to know."

Sheng Jun smiled lightly: "This kind of scandal happened to two high-ranking masters... even if it is me, it must be destroyed."

"As far as I know, Donghuang Snow Tears is now in the Emperor's Day, accompanying the demon after the demon." Shengjun said: "And ... that Tianjiang Pavilion Chuyang..." Shengjun said here, mysterious A smile.

"What happened to Chu Yang?" The Elf Arrow God didn't know the details of Chu Yang's man. At most, he knew that there was such a person. But at this moment, listening to the Holy Man's tone was extremely mysterious and he couldn't help but ask.

"That Chu Yang..." St. Jun sneered: "In fact, it is the illegitimate child who got the snow and tears and the demon's private pass... I explained that you can understand the situation in front of you!?"

"The original truth is so!" Arrow God suddenly realized.

Until this time, it is the true complete letter!

It’s no wonder that Donghuang Xue’s tears were strong at the time of Chuyang’s Weiwei. The Emperor’s Heaven also spared no effort, even unreasonable support for Chu Yang’s Tianbing Pavilion, even at the mercy of Chu Yang’s confrontation with the Holy King. The strength of the Holy Palace!

It is reasonable to say that the Tianbing Pavilion of Chuyang can rise so fast in the Emperor’s Day!

It’s no wonder that after the demon, the injured emperor came on!

It is no wonder that at the beginning of the Holy Palace, the annihilation of the Tianbing Pavilion, a purely civil organization, the snow-tears of Donghuangtian immediately objected clearly!

Everything in this has found a reason and found the root cause!

Chu Yang is the illegitimate son of the Eastern Emperor and the demon, his own son!

This reason is enough to defeat all the fog in front of you!

With this premise, everything becomes logical!

This answer is really perfect!

With this premise, then the snow and tears and the demon conspiracy to kill the elf queen, it is not absolutely impossible, but very likely!

If the arrow **** believes in the heart before, the suspicion is seven or three points, but now it is a perfect one.

Since the demon and the emperor have long been hooked up, it is a matter of course to have an illegitimate child? As for saying that no one knows about the pregnancy after the demon... there is no need to explain at all: this level of master, a retreat is more than ten years, decades, hundreds of years is possible, not to mention giving birth to a child Time, even if you have thirty or fifty, you are not talking about it.

Let's say that with the strength of these two people, I want to cultivate an excellent illegitimate child. As long as the talent of this illegitimate child is not too rubbish, it is easy to make it, and it is almost the same...

This exceptional thing is too obvious, too obvious.

"And the Holy Palace is now fighting in the Emperor's Day, the position can be described as very embarrassing. If I reveal these truths to the Scorpio, it will inevitably lead to greater tragedy. Now the Scorpio, the Six Sixth and Seventh have been encroached by the strength of the 'Tianbing Pavilion'. In addition, Donghuangtian and Yaohuangtian, which are not invaded in name, even if they are the princes, they have already felt that they have not caught up."

Shengjun said sincerely: "So I came here this time to uncover the privacy of others; the means are undoubtedly some not fair, and there are some of my own thoughts, I hope to get the help of the elves... This is really a trick." However, the **** of the arrow, but my overall view is still focused on the safety of the day, this can be seen in the sun and the moon, the heavens see pity."

The words of Shengjun are really open and honest, and they are sincere and sincere.

The arrow **** nodded, the heart of your true thoughts, if I can't see you, then I have lived for millions of years...

"As the saying goes, the enemies of the enemy are our allies." Sheng Jun said with sorrow: "For the sake of peace and tranquility, for the sake of the people of Limin; for the future of the blood of the elves, for the supreme glory of the elves. I think we should Alliance!"

The Holy King said frankly: "To deal with it, after the Eastern Queen, these two are powerful... the enemy of the peak!"

"And the best entry point for us to achieve each other's goals is... Chu Yang or his Tianbing Pavilion!"

Arrow God nodded deeply. Deeply thought.

If it is directly against the East Emperor and the demon, even if it is an arrow god, it is also a drum in the heart. Absolutely not sure, but dealing with Chu Yang is different! !

I killed him, slaughtered, smashed, and was abolished. Are you two sad and not sad?


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