Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 811: In the middle of the mind? [First! 】

But even if you two are sad to die, do you dare to admit that this is your illegitimate child?

Kill your illegitimate children first, let your mind be confused, and then pack up your two adulterers! For Her Majesty, report to the enemy!

The above is the cause of the matter.

Shengjun, with his three-inch tongue, created an extremely evil fact out of thin air, and used such a big lie to exchange the elves to join and shoot.

The elves have been powerful in the elves, but their understanding of the human race has always been small. How many...some simple.

Although the arrow **** is cultivated as a world, experience is enough, but the kind of arrogance and simplicity that belongs to the elf still exists. Especially... the person who said this passage before the eyes is the most trustworthy in the world, only my holy king!

How could you not believe it?

It’s just that I believe that the Holy One’s dreams can’t be imagined. In his own lie, it’s a coincidence that there are a few real things.

First of all, the blood deed is indeed the younger brother of the snow and tears.

At this point, the Holy King did not expect it.

What he didn't even think about... These two people are actually his pro-big sister!

Secondly, what he didn't even think about was that the East Emperor and the demon had no natural hooks at that time, but now it seems to have begun... Keke, a little bit, only a little...

After this shocking lie, things have finally evolved into the current situation.

While the purple evil sentiment learned this thing, the demon and the snow and tears were also at the same time, and learned the news.

"Glutinous rice? The missing Elf Queen is my own kill? Or my woman? And my child? Elf Huang Yin is in my hands?" Snow tears on the spot was stupid: "Where is this?" what?"

After the demon, he also stunned: "How did Chu Yang become the illegitimate son of me and your bastard? He is clearly a 100% purebred descendant of ethnicity. Is there a half-featured demon? I also It became the murderer of the Empress Elves? This... How did these things happen to him? Isn’t the genie not a long-term brain? Don’t you investigate it? How is this imaginary thing fabricated? ?"

The two kings are relatively dumbfounded.

The injury after the demon has already recovered. However, when I suddenly heard the news, I was almost stimulated to relapse. This matter is a matter of her reputation in her life. When she heard this explosive news, almost all of her brains and blood vessels collapsed!

A woman's festival. That is the most important thing in life, absolutely absolutely not to be smashed, even if it is doubtful!

And this ridiculous rumor, once ruined the most noble two women's festivals of the nine heavens!

After the demon, this would really blow up the lungs, and I thought about it. I finally squandered it all over the snow and tears. "You said that when you have this soul, you can’t kill the blood without a trace? Why do you want to be there? When? You said. You told me!"

"Heaven and earth conscience, I didn't really have to chase after the blood." Snow tears squinted and I couldn't say anything: "How can I contact this matter? what!"

"Why don't you just squat, time is just right... Can you really say that you really have a leg with the elf queen?" After the demon suddenly frowned, suspicious.

Snow tears and cold smiles, I really feel that I feel like a trauma: "No. Even you believe?"

After the demon snorted, said: "Hey, no wind, no waves, flies are not a seamless egg!"

The implication of this "哼" is very obvious. You have been like this to me all these days. Is it true that there are no elves, and men are not all virtues. When I don't know where!

The snow and tears almost hit the wall, and screamed: "Hey, other people think about me, you can think of me like this? You don't say that this rumor also said that you and I were hooked into If you say that there is no wind and no waves, then are we not..."

"Shut up, you give me a roll! Bastard! Hurry!" The roar screamed.

Snow and tears are awkward.

"Talk about it!" After the demon, the towering chest was undulating, choppy, and flushed.

The snow and tears sneaked a sneak peek at the hills and swallowed, and then they were sitting in danger. Make an image of a gentleman, saying: "Don't worry, I will tell you the truth, the blood is indeed my brother..."

"Hey? You!?" After the demon is more anger.

Snow tears and cold smile: "There is a reason for this fact, the blood of the original has no trace. It is the deputy of my brother, the two of them worshipped the brothers, walked along the rivers and lakes, the early roads are quite well-known, not evil, but The original practice of blood without traces is evil in nature. With the progress of the work, the temperament has changed greatly. Finally, several consecutive tasks have done things that are irritating."

After the demon slowly nodded: What is the anger of the sky? This section does not have to be asked.

"So I shot it myself, I took the blood without a trace, kill it!"

Snow tears cold road: "At that time, it has been dragged... Because at that time, the blood will be mad at any time, as long as it is mad, it will be accompanied by a massacre. One death is the Manchurian!"

After the demon took a breath, he said: "This reason can be said, I can agree, but you can still disappear after a while? It is the time when the Elf Queen finally disappeared completely. This time is too coincident. How do you explain..."

Snow tears spread the hands, a look helpless: "How to explain? How can I explain, at that time I suddenly encountered a hundred thousand urgent things, must go immediately, so went to the lower bounds... Speaking, this is really very Strange? Time is really coincidental, but what can I do? I just caught up... Where do I know that the Elf Queen disappeared at that moment?"

The thing that Snow Tear Cold did not say was that... At that time, after just killing the blood without a trace, I met that time, that person, and from then on, the nine robbery sword was truly turned out...

There are also legends of the nine masters of the swordsmanship.

But such a thing... Who would believe it?

Especially... people who have not experienced the nine heavens.

I believe that even if the snow and tears are willing to say, no one will believe that if the saints said that they are lie and horrible, the truth about the snow and tears is even more unimaginable.

This is the end. The two only have a relative smile.

The white woman of the demon's sister has been listening to it. At this moment, I cautiously asked: "In this case, can you find the elf arrow **** to explain it?" The most substantial evidence is that my sister said that Chu Yang is a pure descendant of the human race, and there is no such thing as a demon. Just check it. Isn't everything clear?"

After the demon, he said with anger: "Hey, the elf arrow **** is another thing. I want to explain it to him? The idiot thing, he is so filthy to my reputation, even if I give it to me, I can’t forgive it. I whispered to explain to him? He loves to think about it and thinks about it! If you want to fight, you can fight. Do you want to fight and fight! Do I still fear that they will not be able to make a nest of elves? Explain? Explain a big ghost!"

The white woman spit out her tongue and retracted her head.

This matter is also difficult to do.

With the status of the demon and the emperor, what should be explained? That is too much to give them face...

Snow tears faint smile, said: "Don't explain it... This kind of thing, the more you describe it, the more you explain it. The more they doubt it. The final fallout is definitely..."

White clothes are deeply taken care of. Or the East Emperor wants to have a long-term perspective. Sincerely, if this is not what you are doing, why should you explain the status of both of you? The explanation is to cover up, and concealing does have something to do! ! If it is what you do, it will be explained in vain. Just be a guilty conscience!

Anyway, no matter how you do it, how to say it, this raspberry is now stuck on the head, and it will not be able to get it for a while.

"More... I am with your sister, that is also a sympathy..." Snow tears must be smiling: "More and more black."

This will be a little bit smug.

This matter, the relationship between the two of them was clarified... The demon was still hesitating, but now it is directly exposed to the broad daylight.

More wonderful.

After the demon is not with himself, in the world's population, it is also together; with himself. That's even more together.

Thinking of this, the snow and tears almost have to scream in the sky, almost tears and tears: This is really ... the good news falling from the sky, asking for a good thing! Actually because of a rumor...

Snow tears and even some thanks to the elves in my heart...

Really sensible! These gangs...

Unfortunately, the snow and tears only saw the eyes. I did not expect a series of subsequent changes caused by his temporary feelings. It was unexpected and far-reaching...

The white woman was shocked by the words of snow and tears. She widened her eyes, grew her mouth, and pointed her fingers at the two people. I saw the ghost expression: "You, you, you... guys...really...oh my god...I’m going to die, I must be dreaming...”

Suddenly awakened: "Is it true that Chu Yang is your illegitimate son?"

After the demon and the East Emperor looked at her at the same time.

The tangled can't speak.

This monk, in the end, swearing, you just said that Chu Yang is clearly a pure human race, how has it become our illegitimate child?

"Don't I guess correctly, Chu Yang is really your son, just to completely cover up the characteristics of the Yaozu..." White clothing feels shocked to the limit, the whole person is crumbling, lost soul, almost six gods, completely The wind is messy.

Is this a super brain supplement?

"You little girl..." The emperor and the demon gnawed their teeth at the same time; " guessed a fart!"

The demon immediately angered: "Who is happy with you? Snow tears, you... you are too shameless!"


<Today is the birthday of ‘堞儿爱尊尊' beauty, let us wish her a happy birthday.

Uh... It’s really a big beauty, I’ve seen it... (turned to look at it, my wife is not behind...)

So continue to say: I really saw... photos. Uh huh...

I wish you a happy birthday! more and more beautiful! Happy every day! Everyone shouted together!

It broke out today! >

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