Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 812: Fire three thousand miles [second! 】

Snow and tears raised his hand and surrendered: "I am wrong, I am not wrong yet..."

Seeing his lazy look, the demon is even more angry.

The white woman looked at the two men in a stunned manner, finally stood up and staggered and went out: "I will go out and calm down first... don't bother you to flirt..."

After the demon hurriedly explained: "You give me back, who is flirting with him... oh..." Only to find that his sister has gone without a trace.

The snow and tears of the cold laughed: "It was originally in the flirtatious heart... you will recognize it."

After the demon was furious, his face was flushed, and he suddenly ran away!

The snow and tears laughed happily, but they did not return their hands; Laughter is coming...


After a long, long time, both of them calm down, and the demon said: "Since it has been unclear, then it is imperative to fight the Elves?"

Snow and tears are also frowning: "Now it seems that this war is really hard to avoid."

The demon sighed long.

Speaking of practical problems, the two are even two kings, and they are also sad.

Allies are enemies, and they don’t say who wins and who is afraid of not being afraid. On this battle, the two sides will definitely be defeated! The news of the Zixiao Tianjiu brothers came over. As the Tianmo army attacked day and night, the thick and thick fog barrier that was originally thick and thick has become more and more faint!

Seeing it will be broken!

The demon war is just around the corner, so the key moments are so lost, it is really unbearable.

But I really can't think of any way.

Although the attitude of the demon and the snow and tears in front of the person is tough and abnormal, in fact, there is no feasible way at all; at one time, they can only listen to it and temporarily observe the follow-up development.

Don't look at the two populations, although it is extremely hot, but if this war affects the battle of the heavens and the devils outside, the two will not forgive themselves.

So this thing actually formed a deadly knot in here!

And the other side. The elves have discouraged them from now on, but they are already enemies, and they have no scruples.

After the departure of the Holy King, Arrow God summoned the elders of the Elves to discuss the response to this matter.

Inferences from various aspects, argumentation. From the various incidents that occurred at that time, they were implicated and scrutinized, and it was discovered that the matter said by the Holy King actually had more than 90% reliability!

In other words. The lost sacred object of the ancestors, the emperor's seal, in the hands of the East Emperor Xue tears cold.

Regardless of whether it is public or private, the elves are unlikely to be good with the East Emperor!

Nine heavens, the strong is the respect; the need to report, the enemy must pay!

A point of grasp, can already be a reason; three points to grasp. Basically determined, you can start a war, 70% grasp, you can completely do not end!

What's more, this incident has already had the possibility of 90%, and it is already a nail!

The most critical point. This matter is related to the lost Elf Emperor, not to mention that there is a 90% possibility, even if only 10%, or even fewer opportunities, the Elf will not let go!

Under the arguments of all parties, everyone slowly became skeptical, became convinced, and sentimental. In the end, it was already **** and intolerable!

So, it was just a summoning order. The war broke out immediately!

First destroy the Tianbing Pavilion!

This is the established policy and the first strategic approach.

There is no reason for this, this Chu Yang, actually the illegitimate child of the East Emperor Snow Tears and the demon after the demon! Humph. This is simply a good torment of enemy props, more likely to be the best props to exchange back to the Elven Emperor!

Since there are such convenient conditions in the front, it is not easy to use, how can it be?

Do not let this adulterer’s wife suffer from pain, how can it be reported as a great feud for the elves under the Jiuquan? Take a breath?

The soldiers were very fast, and that night, the elves had attacked the Tianbing Pavilion and suddenly increased their strength!

The purple evil spirits on this side of the drum, for a while, the hands and feet are too busy, can not cope with the danger, especially the elves have once dispatched hundreds of senior night archers, among them, the eleven disciples of the Elf Arrow God The lethality exerted by these people is really an unprecedented horror.

If it is not for the catastrophe of the catastrophe, and so on, it will only have this serious night.

At the crucial moment, the seven-star guards belonging to the demon palace were instructed to assist in time, and the two sides were caught in a state of entanglement and they were unable to play. It was only a night of harassment, but it made Tianbingge feel it -

In the land of these mountains and mountains, with the elves, it is really... defense!

It is terrible!

The next day, the purple evils disregarded the physical fatigue, and ordered to set fire to the mountains!

Under one command, the fire continued to rise, and several saints used their own cultivation to force the fire. The fire spread overnight over three thousand miles!

The mountains and mountains within the radius of three thousand miles have been turned into a scorched earth!

The city of Huanhua, surrounded by flowers for millions of years, suddenly became a building surrounded by scorched earth!

This contrast is so dramatic that everyone is stunned!

In addition to being shocked by the decisiveness and sorrow of the purple evil means, but also worried about the future life. Of course, they don't know that the reason why the purple evils dare to do this is because... Chu Yang has a fountain of life in his hands!

At that time, the crisis will pass, and the flowers are still like the sea, and the four seasons are fragrant!

For this change, the elves are even more unprepared.

The reason why they can carry out the offensive almost without a trace, the six or seven is relying on shelters such as flowers and trees to lurk in the hidden environment, and in the special environment of the city of Fallen City, it can be said that it is like a duck, almost nowhere. The enemy is not harassed, but these flowers have disappeared in such a short period of time, and each one feels that the two points are not suitable.

Many elves looked at the lush green hills, and the colorful trees became a thousand miles of fire in a short time, and they were so smoky that they burst into tears.

This is not related to the psychological quality of the elves. It is really the nature of the elves, and so many plants are turned into their own eyes. It is inevitable that the sadness is inevitable.

In the face of this situation, Arrow God forced to retreat three thousand miles under the helplessness!


This retreat has to be withdrawn.

The elves are always a race that cannot be separated from plants. Once they leave the plant, the cultivation of the elves will be affected to a considerable extent. Although this situation will not be fully displayed in a short time, but for a long time, it is fatal!

However, as a result, the arrow gods are more and more jealous of the Tianbing Pavilion: an illegitimate son of the Eastern Emperor and the demon, it is already so powerful! What about me?

After three consecutive days of fighting, the Elfs lost more than tens of thousands of bodies, and Tianbingge also paid tens of thousands of casualties! Although everyone is trained and orderly, each army is an elite teacher; but the first time facing the legendary race of the elves, it is really a big loss.

The purple evil sentiment bites his teeth, and the gods and tiger brothers who have been robbed of the sorcerer, led the 300 masters of the three hundred sages to become masters, divided into ten squads, and began to fight against assassination!

Obviously, you kill me one, I kill you ten!

If you hurt me, I will kill you ten people!

This extreme decision, purple evils do nothing to worry about: the elves? Hey! Now know guilty? At the beginning of the Battle of Purple Sky, my father was fighting to the end of the road, when you were a soldier, where are you? When the purple sky fell, where are you? When the billions of people have been slaughtered, where are you?

Nowadays, we are bent on playing the devil, Jingping, and you are running out to engage in guilt? What is the kill?

After the demon and the snow and tears, there may be some scruples for killing the elves, but the purple evils are all without any psychological pressure!

This night! It can be described as a **** night!

The purple evil sentiment sits in the Tianbing Pavilion. It is a victory in the snow and white, holding a book in hand, seems to be reading in a relish. But a closer look will tell that in her eyes, there seems to be no focal length at all.

"Chuyang, they have left the headquarters for more than a year... How have they not returned yet? Recently, it seems that I have picked the Holy Palace and rushed to Daxitian with great fanfare.

The purple evils are upset and distracted: "There are so many squadrons, and everything comes one after another. The Holy Palace is a master of thousands of ancestors, and the riches are deep. The five kings of the elves are all hidden and unpredictable... Can I cope with it? Come, will there be any accidents? If Chu Yang knows the news here, will it come immediately? Will the chaos here disturb his original plan?"

All kinds of complicated thoughts make the purple evils feel like a mess.

In fact, she can be sure that Chu Yang once knows the news here, will inevitably return to the stars and nights!

But at this moment, under such circumstances, if Chu Yang returns rashly, he will inevitably face an arduous battle! Because he has to face, it will be the highest-killing night killer of the elves, and even the legendary Scorpio first killer, the elf arrow god!

In the face of these top killers who are almost invisible, I believe that no one can dare to say anything!

Can Chu Yang?

Who has created many legends, can you tell the legend again? !

Anyway, the purple evil is not optimistic about this question, not optimistic!

In the face of such a tough enemy, the purple evil has only one idea. It is best to be able to bite the teeth and hold it over. After Chu Yang returns, there is only a path of no danger.

"The seat." The dream came in without saying: "I have a hunch."

"Oh?" Purple evil looks up.

"Although the elves have been under pressure, but the expected comprehensive decisive battle situation has not broken out like a general overdue; the most important point is that the elites of the elves are not playing at the moment. Judging by the situation, they It seems that I am waiting for something..." The dream was said with carelessness.


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