Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 818: Two East Emperors [fifth! 】

"Is it true that the Holy King suddenly died in the wind? If it wasn't for the Devil's self-destruction?" Ji Mo guessed.

"You think about the beauty, think about those things that don't adjust!!" The people despised together.

"No... It’s Xie Danqiong... Hahahaha..." Mo Tianji laughed with tears and trembled: "This bastard, we said that we went back to Mo Yuntian, but the result was that we secretly went to the demon king day. I want to replace the East Emperor and the enemy to fight..."

"Ah?!" Everyone was shocked to hear it.

Even with the sound!

"This **** actually dared to lie to us!"

"When you see each other again, you can't kill him!"

"This **** thanked the rabbit, and the white face was more careful, and the stomach was awkward..."

Everyone is gearing up.

Mo Tianji laughed and fell: "Everyone doesn't have to be excited. Someone has already taught this book a bit... Hahaha..."

"Ah? What about the matter? Who is out of the hand?" Everyone asked.

"This goods... I want to replace the East Emperor to go to the decisive battle, but... I feel unsure of myself, mainly because of the tolerance, I need to have a personal helper to affirm, think about it, take advantage of us, go find Daxie. Up..."

Mo Tianji wiped the tears of laughter: "This product has always thought that the temper is very good. After I went there, I actually picked it up and said... I want to replace the snow and tears, please help me..."

What? Purple evil temper is good...

Chu Yang heard the words immediately and said: "The end of the goods must be very miserable..."

"Whether it is miserable..." Mo Tianji is still in the end: "After he went, Daxie was very embarrassed, and the truth was not fruitful, so he promised to help find a way. Then... then he did not intend to hold him. It is said that someone has been arrogant for a long time... directly, the Mo Yuntian emperor was turned into a chubby face by Xiaobai face. Anyway, the little face is very fat..."

"Ha ha ha ha..." The crowd suddenly burst into laughter.

In the midst of infinite tension, I heard such awesome news, it was really enjoyable.

I thought about the process in which Xie Danqiong was beaten into a chubby face from a small white face. Everyone has a brain in their own mind... The more they make up the brain, the more they feel addicted, so cool...

"Now, our Qionghua Emperor has been beaten up and can't move. The body is still tied with seven or eight dragon ribs, all dead buckles. The bundle is like a scorpion, closed. In the most closed room of the demon emperor's corps, waiting for us to visit..." Mo Tianji is a great gloating, laughing and seeing his eyes.

The brothers swear to the sky, this is really the first time in my life to see Mo Tianji showing this expression.

However, everyone's expression is more exaggerated than the Mo Tianji.

"嗷呜嗷呜~~~~Wow, hahaha..." Rock's enemies were directly intoxicated by this news: "I have never thought that I will have such a cool day in my life... It is so enjoyable. Now completely I can imagine the expression of Xie Danqiong, I will faint in excitement... Hahahaha... Thank you, rabbit, you have today, God open your eyes!"

"The purple scorpion is really good!" Ji Momei flying dance: "This is really awesome!"

Everyone burst into laughter in the air.

Everyone is refreshed and enjoys the gloating.

I have been discussing it, and when I see Xie Danqiong again. How should we bury a talent? Such a great opportunity may not be there in the future. If it is impossible to bury it... it is a pity, it is too wasteful!

Chu Yang and Mo light dance, iron supplement Tianwu Qianqian four people are also laughing out of breath.

"Zi Dajie has a good temper..." Chu Yang thought about this sentence and wanted to laugh. And it’s the kind of laugh that absolutely can’t stop: “Xie Danqiong’s kid is too talented, too thoughtful...”

When you completely let go of your heart, everyone is happy.

This trip, everyone was a serious anxious, but never thought that the second half was actually spent in laughter!

Thank you very much, Dan Qiong! - Everyone thinks so.

Everyone speeded up the speed: if you can rush. The swelling of Xie Danqiong’s body has not been eliminated... It’s so much fun!

Suddenly like an arrow!

Three days passed by blink of an eye.

On the early morning of this day, the demon asked the snow and tears: "Is it good to eat together at night?"

Snow tears nodded and said: "Okay."

After the demon heard the words, the heart was a little relieved, and the heart did not seem to be today.

Snow and tears looked up at the sky, faintly said: "I want to be quiet. Enlighten me."

After the demon is not rumored, the body has moved, it has no trace.

At this time, the most people are concerned about it, especially the man who is a man, who usually has a big man on weekdays.

Or would say: I care about you, I will care about you like this.

Are you sure?

Can you win?

how do you feel? Etc. etc., and so on.

However, in fact, for the battle of the same level of masters, every time you ask such a sentence, it is equivalent to give him a little more psychological pressure!

When this pressure accumulates to a certain extent, it may cause a bad result of defeating and defeating!

Because I have already crushed myself.

After the demon is the same as the peak of the world, at the same time a big woman, still understand this truth, so at this time, she chose to retreat.

The snow and tears are white and fluttering, and the feet are calm, slowly stepping out of the demon palace.

Then, he smiled faintly, still walking along a quiet road like a leisurely walk.

After the demon guessed wrong, or she was misled by the reaction of the snow and tears - the period of the final battle, just today.

Today's noon!

This is a long-awaited agreement, and the interruption cannot be changed!

Snow and tears are waiting, waiting for time to come.

At this moment, there is no sadness and no joy in his heart.

Looking up, watching the sky and white clouds fluttering, gathering and impermanence, bowing, watching the flowers blossoming in the mountains, the glory turns, the snow and tears suddenly feel infinitely comfortable. There is no longer a concern for the upcoming war.

At ease; leisurely.

At this time, the snow and tears suddenly felt that someone was flying close.

The whereabouts of the people are erratic, the breath is secret, the strength is extremely strong, and it has already reached the peak of the world, at least the strongest of the same rank after the nine emperors!

Although it is only such a sensory, the snow and tears have already realized that this person who came here is not only the strongest of the nine emperors, but also one who is not inferior to himself, the peak of the strong!

But he stood up and did not look back, waiting for the arrival of this person.

No matter who the person is, even if the Holy King comes with the Elves and four gods, the snow and tears at this moment will never take the initiative to look back.

The comer stopped a little behind the East Emperor. An elegant voice said: "His Majesty, the war, let me play!"

The sound is elegant, but the tone is ruthless, and there is no room for negotiation.

Under the snow and tears, he frowned and finally turned slowly.

He couldn’t help but see it.

Throughout the world, the three worlds and six roads can make the East Emperor Snow tears cold and move the gods too little and too little, but the scene in front of it is an exception of an exception, it is also an accident accident!

The reason for moving the sacred **** is actually simple. In front of the white man wins the snow, the body is long, the hand is standing, the phoenix eyebrows, the head wearing the crown, the gentle and elegant, but the king of the world; handsome Wenxiu, but there is a killing Overbearing!

It turned out to be another East Emperor Snow tears.

There is another one in front of him, and the strength is not under himself. This is an extremely rare strange thing. Snow tears and frowns, the scene in front of me, although unexpected, is still in the senses, Shen Sheng: "Who are you?"

"I am the owner of the East Emperor, the East Emperor Snow tears cold!" The man stood up with his hands, his eyes in the eyes, gentle and unparalleled in the spirit, it is the eyes of the snow and tears everyday: "This seat is snow and tears!"

The snow and tears smiled, and the smile was very pleasant.

In front of the East Emperor, pretending to pretend to be the East Emperor, can actually make the snow and tears laugh so cozy, today's strange things really happen one after another!

"I believe you should know that I will not agree." Snow tears cold.

In fact, at the moment of entering the goal, the East Emperor has already recognized who is in front of him. Although he is amazed at the cultivation of the coming, but the essence is the same, it is still the man: "Granda Qionghua, your kindness I have received it. But today’s battle belongs to only one Emperor, please come back."

The person who came is Xie Danqiong.

At this critical moment, I didn't know what method he used. He actually ran out and arrived in time.

Xie Danqiong said faintly: "But, you have promised me before, people don't believe it, and the letter of the East Emperor can be okay."

Donghuang shook his head: "The loss of trust is also the loss of the East Emperor. That time is only a matter of expediency. You don't have to worry about it."

Xie Danqiong was silent and said: "You are afraid... The name of the East Emperor is damaged because of me? Or are you actually afraid of losing?"

The snow and tears were silent, saying: "You said yes, that is."

Xie Danqiong bit his teeth: "Can I understand that you think I am not an opponent of Arrows?"

The East Emperor smiled faintly.

"If I have to go?" Xie Danqiong was angry.

"Nine heavy heavens, the loss of the East Emperor." Snow tears finally looked at Xie Danqiong, seriously said: "But ... nine heavens, but can not afford to lose any of your brothers!"

"I said so, I hope you can understand that this battle belongs only to the snow and tears." Snow tears faintly said: "In addition, I have the confidence to win."

"The so-called grasp of the victory, that is, the arrow **** defeated or died, but the East Emperor should also be buried with this, at most only half of the snow and tears, is this right?" Xie Danqiong frowned, asked.

The snow and tears looked into the distance, and said: "Even if I am buried and disappeared, it is also the tranquility of my life."

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