Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 820: War! [The sixth! 】

Between the masters of the same level, there is no need to play anything.

Directly a word to the home.

Everyone is very honest and has no falsehood.

Xie Danqiong stood quietly and did not speak for a long time.

The East Emperor did not even speak and walked to the destination.

Seeing Xie Danqiong pass by.

Xie Danqiong suddenly said quietly, quietly said: "East King! That promise is my devil!"

Snow tears suddenly stopped!

Dong Huangben thought that there is no one in the world who can keep his footsteps at the moment, but stop for this sudden sentence!


If the heart is demon, if the heart is not lifted, it means no way forward!

Xie Danqiong did not turn back, and the two stood opposite each other and stand side by side. You face south and I face north.

Two faces, exactly the same!

"Donghuang, I am now a big move, has broken through Qionghuatian!" Xie Danqiong quietly said the second sentence.

Then he whispered: "I have broken through the visible Qionghua!"

Donghuang Xue tears cold and silently.

"I won't lose!"

Xie Danqiong said: "Because I use it, it is also a hidden weapon. And the arrow of the arrow **** is nothing but a hidden weapon!"

"This battle is played by you. The best result is that the arrow **** dies, you are seriously injured, and then repaired as a fall, and the East Emperor is no longer." Xie Danqiong said quietly: "Your day, I will Always thinking."

"Since that time, I have been searching for the way the Emperor shot, imitating and integrating into my martial arts."

"When we are in such a realm, we don't need to be obsessed with which one. Which one."

"I will enter your identity... to feel the battle, I can feel that you can undoubtedly kill the arrow god! But your own cultivation, and cultivation as a realm, but to fall at least 80%! And can never recover. In the people, in the family, in the world, in the world, there are all kinds of disadvantages and no benefit, only the second is the Holy King, and the upcoming Tianmo family."

Xie Danqiong finally stepped back and faced the East Emperor. Looking straight into his eyes.

"Now, compared with you, I am still a little bit worse than you. I am not as good as you. If you are facing the battle, you can finally defeat the enemy, but I may not be able to win, but for the arrow god, this kind of partial door secret weapon master I can handle it freely, but you may not! The martial arts way, the mutual grammar, purely crushed by force, to break the law, may not be applied to the same level of strength. This point is obvious, I believe the East Emperor is more clear than me, why bother reluctantly?!"

Xie Danqiong said quietly.

"This is a fact. I believe that you will not obliterate your conscience and strongly deny it."

"If today's battle is imminent, and I thank Dandan, even if I am injured in the war, I am confident that I can recover. But you... here is a completely unnecessary, even purely internal battle, and you will be unnecessarily hurt. It’s no longer possible to recover. It’s really unwise to wait for such brain damage.”

Xie Danqiong said: "I will say this, it is undoubtedly difficult to listen. But in the end, there is only one meaning: although you are stronger than me. But when it comes to this war, you are not as good as mine. So, let me Play for you. I will dispel my heart; and you, protect your strength, and wait for the future."

"There is one more point. I am sure that I am sure that I can make it difficult for the arrow **** to retreat. I can still save my strength and my life. Can you?! You will only kill him when you shoot!"

Xie Danqiong said.

Snow tears cold contemplation, after a long time, gently asked: "Xie Danqiong, do you really have a heart?"

Xie Danqiong stunned and looked up at the East Emperor.

The East Emperor also looked at him quietly.

The two suddenly laughed at the same time!

If there are outsiders here, it will surely scare away.

Because, it is clearly the two emperors under the eyes, laughing relatively, laughing very happy.



It’s a silence!

The wind blows the treetops, and the entire mountain forest unexpectedly sounds like a tsunami.

The arrow **** is in white, standing on the treetop of the tallest tree!

Or the treetops are not exact, because the arrow **** is just standing on the top of the leaf.

The surrounding trees are all blown up by the wind; but only this tree is always moving!

Even the leaves are completely still.

He stood quietly, his eyes narrowed; he waited quietly.

Waiting for the opponent to get it!

Donghuang, will definitely come!

Thousands of miles around the area, I have already been covered by his gods!

In addition to the East Emperor Snow tears can enter without any block, no one else, no one can come in!

Even if it is a sacred priest, you can't sneak in without disturbing the arrow god!

In this battle, there are only two words that the arrow **** wants: fair!

Never allow anyone to interfere with this battle!

Suddenly, he opened his eyes and poured his eyes to the northeast.

For a time, the sky is gathering, and a shout of screams will come, and the wind will be raging, and the whole forest will roar!

"Tennan's forest, really good scenery." The shadow of the East Emperor has appeared in the air, smoked and refined, a party leisurely: "Arrow God, you and I are here in a battle, enough to be a good news ""

The arrow **** said coldly: "There is hatefulness against each other, what can you say?"

Donghuang smiled and said: "Arrow God, you are too nervous to say this, the war is not open, self-discipline, I am afraid that it is useless."

A few words before the war, just passing the door.

This point knows each other, at this time, there is nothing to say.

However, between words, it is able to combat the morale of the other side. Perhaps an intentional or unintentional distraction that disturbs the other's state of mind is enough to become the key to affecting this victory.

The words have been said to this end.

Arrow God no longer speaks, because he knows that even if he opens his mouth again, it is definitely not a good idea.

This snow and tears came up with a generous virtue, and my own reply, it was somewhat small and intestines.

So he is ready to do it!

His eyes condensed in an instant, and the whole person seemed to disappear in this world!

His people are clearly still here. But the feeling of giving people has disappeared.

Dong Huang haha ​​laughed, and his body flew back. In an instant, he had already withdrawn from the three hundred feet. Smiled: "Arrow god, Tiannan's forest, green sky, is equal to your home, put your strength, completely and completely out of it! Don't let me down!"

Arrow’s eyes moved sharply. Some surprised to see the snow and tears.

Three hundred feet!

This distance, said that it is not close, it is not far away.

Dealing with the average master, even dealing with the average saint peak, this distance is absolutely enough! If it is farther away. Arrow God is equally confident and confident that a deadly arrow!

However, it is not enough to deal with the East Emperor!

Far from enough!

This distance is really a very subtle distance!

In addition, this is a distance that is absolutely safe for you.

Arrow God knows the truth: this distance is definitely not the distance that ordinary people can comprehend. Non-peak power can't understand.

Moreover, only in the case of the hidden weapon, the repair is at the peak level, and at least close to the level of the hidden weapon master at this level, can be accurately grasped. This safe distance!

Other people, or standing too far, then have more opportunities for the arrows to change in the middle. As long as there is a chance to change, there are naturally more possibilities for an arrow!

Or the station is too close, although it will make the arrow path relatively fixed, but the distance is closer, but it increases the chance of many arrows. After all, the arrow is a weapon that relies more on speed. The shorter the distance, the shorter the distance. . The greater the threat.

However, three hundred feet, this is a subtle distance, for the master of this series, especially when facing the master of snow and tears... but it is really a kind of "helpless" distance!

Whether it is moving forward. Still retreating, they gave the other party considerable initiative, but if they immediately shot, they only vent their own brilliance, it is difficult to build!

When I first confronted the same day, I tried each other's knives. Snow and tears have not done so. Obviously, I didn't realize how suddenly I became smart today.

The battle of today is not optimistic!

In the distance, the snow and tears are empty, and in the air, a shining sword appears in the hands!

The East Emperor bowed his head and stared at Jianfeng. The faint road said: "Arrow God, today's battle, is that you challenge me, then you will first shoot it! I am snow and tears, life and war, always have no money, others are the first to grab the first The precedent of the opportunity."

Arrow God is almost a mother: Hey, it’s good to say, if you first shot, I will increase the chance to kill you. Because as long as you attack me, the distance between the two will change. But you let me take the shot first, if I have the confidence to shoot, but also use you to say hello...

You see, this is a pit person, and you are selling your mouth...

However, the momentum of the other side has already condensed at an extremely high speed and has never been upgraded.

The sky is full of clouds, and the clouds in all directions, like the rushing of the horses, then whistling away, and then whizzing again...

The arrow **** whispered and finally shot!

The arrow is like lightning, and it is full of sky! ......


Falling Flower City, Tianbing Pavilion.

"Played up."

The purple evil sentiment looked at the other side of the sky, subconsciously patted his hands, and finally he could really breathe a sigh of relief. Hit it up, Xie Danqiong is still in his own hands.

There is nothing to worry about.

For the East Emperor to play, the purple evil can be said to be no worries; to the East Emperor's earth-shattering cultivation, at most it will be hurt, life is absolutely no big problem.

However, if it is played by Xie Danqiong, the nature and consequences are greatly different.

Even though Xie Danqiong’s cultivation is like a big advance, there is always a line difference compared with the East Emperor. The peak of the strong matchup, the difference between the first line, can be determined to be a winner or a winner. Yudong may be a tragic victory, but Xie Danqiong is very likely to be defeated. !

Therefore, as soon as I saw that there was finally a fight, the purple evil feelings could finally be reassured.

Speaking of it, the purple evil spirits are not completely worried or careless about the East Emperor. The East Emperor waits for the purple evil feelings as a pro-female, and cares for it. The purple evil spirits are not enough to be a snow-tears like a father, but also quite There is a bit of closeness.


<Chapter 7 is being revised! >

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