Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 829: Coincidence

Snow tears and frowning said: "You are wrong, you look at the child's eyes, eyes, eyebrows, and nose bridge ... all of them are exactly the same as the purple tyrants of the year! Especially the character temper, it is simply no longer like ... Zihao has a woman like this, and it should be comforted."

Snow tears cold and old, comforting, smiling.

"According to what you mean is... This girl is just like Zihao? Isn’t it like Ling Piaoping at half?" The eyes behind the demon are in danger.

Snow tears are very interesting and close your mouth, heart, this kind of thing that people can see clearly, you are still fighting... Then again, is it useful now? Fair and self-sufficient, black and white can argue?

"You explain the words to the aging mother!" The look behind the demon is even more dangerous.

Snow tears helplessly: "It is still more like Ling Piaoping... Is this alright?"

Hey, the original justice is not in the hearts of the people, right and wrong!

"Oh, your attitude is clear and unwilling! Do you want to be a man!" After the demon, he was angry: "If a daughter is like Zihao, how can she marry it? If you are a brother, you can find a daughter-in-law who has been burned for the rest of my life." Gao Xiang, how can my little purple like Zihao, what your eyes look..."

The snow and tears are extremely helpless and say: "What do you say? You said that I will recognize it, but you said that my brother will not do it. My brother is awkward. Zihao is also a very handsome man. Thick eyebrows, how to say it is not ugly."

After the demon, he went away: "Snow and tears, you are really unreasonable! The fairness is free, the black and white can argue?"

啥米? What is this world? How do you tell me my lines? The emperor’s lower eaves stood there for a long while, and finally he was depressed and said: “Who is unreasonable in the end? This kind of thing will actually quarrel...”

Extremely weak, shaking his head, and quickly went back.


And do not say how the purple evil sent back to rectify Xie Danqiong.

Just say Chu Yang this side. All the way to the moon, the moon is generally coming to the side of the island of Tiannan.

Just about two thousand miles from the destination, I heard a blast of robbers without warning!

Seeing the smoke rising from the mushroom cloud in the distance, it was shocking, and everyone saw it with some weakness and sighed.

"This should be the last blow, is it too late?" Ji Mo's eyes looked deep, with some tension and embarrassment.

"The battlefield is definitely over, just don't know what the outcome is..." Rock's enemies also sighed long. The eyes are upset.

Everyone is worried. Is Xie Danqiong dead or alive? After this war... Is it okay?

I really don't blame everyone for not having confidence in Xie Danqiong. It is really that the elf arrow **** is too famous, and the previous record has never been defeated. Even though Xie Danqiong has cultivated a lot of progress, everyone still has not much confidence in this battle!

Only Mo Tianji has been listening carefully to the movement, and Chu Yang is also paying attention to every little change; after a while, finally. Both of them were relieved. A smile of relief: "At the end of this battle, Dan Qiong is fine."

"Although I don't know the final outcome, but at the very least, there are no deaths and injuries! Elf Arrow God, and Xie Danqiong, there is no big deal. This is already certain!" Chu Yang took a long breath.

"Why?" Ji Mo and Rock's enemies are puzzled.

"Two fools." Tie Butian smiled: "If Xie Danqiong really has something wrong, Zi Dajie has already gone crazy at this time... Where can I stand it? It’s so quiet. We haven’t listened here. To the purple sister's mad voice, there is no follow-up murderous outbreak in the distance... It must be Xie Danqiong's nothing. Maybe this battle is still Dan Qiong wins, it is a big happy event!"

Ji Mo and the two suddenly realized.

"Even if I don't count the factors of Zi Daqi, if Xie Danqiong is out of the East Emperor's battle, then the East Emperor and the demon must have already erupted... Even if the Arrow God died, the Elf of the Arrow God broke out early... ..." Mo Tianji looked at the two with a look of fools: "The situation is so calm now, both of you can still scare it like this... I really don't know what is stuffed in your mind? Tofu brain? ?"

Ji Mo and Luo Ke's face are red and red, and they are angry and angry: "In our mind, the tofu is smashed? The tofu is stunned? You don't have to turn a heart more? Believe it or not, let's join hands and yell at you?!"

Seeing that these two goods really have signs of worry, Mo Tianji also shrinks his neck, does not speak, the hero does not eat before the loss, the brother endured.

Chu Yang, who was relieved to see this scene, is also endless. At this time, I saw a silhouette of a meteor in the distance. Moreover, there are some wolves who flee and succumb to the taste of the road!

But this person's cultivation is the absolute nine-day peak!

Who is coming? !

Chu Leer and Mo light danced at the tip of the eye, while the exit exclaimed: "How does it seem to be a cloud person, impossible..."

Chu Yang and Mo Tianji heard a word, and at the same time, they looked at it.

At this point, the figure has come to a place that is within a few feet of the crowd. The next moment, we must meet everyone.

The person who came is really the person on the cloud.

But at this moment, I saw that he was covered in dirt on the white clothes. The whole person seemed to be somewhat sacred, and there was some anger and loss.

There is no such thing as the calm and gracefulness of the people on the cloud.

What's happening here?

When Mo Tianji moved, he immediately voiced to everyone: "This is mostly the avatar of the cloud, and it should be a big change."

At the same time, Chu Yang also said something similar, and sent a message to everyone: "The coming person is the avatar of the cloud, although the mind is not, but the strength is complete, everyone is careful!"

Mo Tianji said that 'mostly', with a hint of uncertainty, but gave a follow-up analysis, this is the true nature of the think tank, but Chu Yang is directly affirmative tone: this must be the avatar of the cloud ! As well as the strength analysis, I have confirmed that today's Chu Yang, every day is in the speed of a thousand miles.

At this time, the avatars of the cloud also noticed everyone, and the eyes flashed a stern look, but then they wanted to turn in the direction, obviously do not want to conflict with everyone.

This phenomenon is very unexpected, because the strength is relatively dominant, it seems to be the other party! ?

Ji Mo’s eyeball turned and flew before him: “Hey, excuse me, buddy, inquire about the road.”

"I don't know, don't know." The person on the cloud is full of impatience, and then he has to turn around.

However, this sentence of Ji Mo provoked the reaction of this guy, but it fully proved a point: this guy in front of him did not know Chu Yang and others! If the front is the sacred body, it is impossible to not know Chu Yang and others!

In other words... this is another avatar with an independent soul!

Just don't know, for what reason, such a secret avatar like a funeral dog is here?

Rock's enemies rushed up: "Kids! A few brothers and a good voice to ask you a way, you don't help, but also love to answer? Everyone is in the rivers and lakes, safflower The green leaf is a family, an umbrella in the rivers and lakes, sheltering the wind and sheltering the rain, blocking the shade and keeping the cold; you are so inhuman, then it is, but why is it so rude?"

"Hey!" Rock's wife, Sister-in-law, suddenly screamed, loudly: "Yes! Your kid is quick to answer my words, why are you so rude?"

Ji Mo touched his chin: "Is your old man not told you, is it polite to people? If you walk in the rivers and lakes, you will have to eat it sooner or later! If your old man did not tell you this famous saying, today, my brother will tell you well." Tell you!"

Chu Yang and Mo Tian machine moments dumbfounded, then it is almost ridiculously exported.

These two goods, there is really no joke that they can't make it...

At this time, I can still say that this is so confusing, even Mo Tianji has some admiration.

"Do you want to die?!" The sacred eyes of the sages scorned everyone in a fierce manner, and the eyes were fierce: "If you want to die, I will fulfill you! If you don't want to die, just go away!"

After the Eastern Emperor, the Emperor of the Clouds, the Emperor of the Emperor, and the Eight Heroes, surrounded by the heroes, just a little bit, formed a smashing game!

He had just escaped from the kind of mortal situation, and he managed to dig a hole and escape. This grievance and fear, almost let him break out.

Now, it’s hard to escape, the whole body is retreating, my mind is undecided, I am still worried about whether someone will catch up... because he knows his own affairs, or his own cultivation is not much worse than everyone in Tianfeng Peak. .

However, it is definitely not their opponent.

Especially the characters like the East Queen.

Because I am only a avatar in the end.

Even though they are similar in strength, even though they are independent of the soul, they never have their kind of heritage!

That kind of air transport!

And these things, a avatar can never really get!

So he can only escape, but at this time; but he has encountered such a group of people.

At this time, the other party actually asked for directions?

It’s really dizzy, is this a joke? Still staring at me to play?

"This friend, you said so, it's not right, it's too wrong." Chu Yang frowned and stood up: "The original intention of a few of them is just to ask you for a way, you know, you know, I don’t know if I don’t know. As for what is dead and alive? My brothers may be a bit flustered, but they meant to be good. I wanted to reprimand them. How can I treat strangers like this? Even if it’s out You can't do this kindly! But... your friend's anger is too big? I have to theory with you, people floating in the rivers and lakes, can you not reason? Unreasonable to go to the rivers and lakes, how can you not slash?"

Mo Tianji carried his hand and quietly raised his thumb.

The boss said this sentence is too level.

This is clearly the rhythm of living and dying.


The monthly ticket was pulled so far... I asked for a monthly ticket, and I continued to write the fourth! (To be continued.)

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