Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 830: Live a pit to die!

The people on the cloud frowned, seeing the other lineup is really unusual, and it seems that it is really aggrieved and angry, and could not help but suppress the fire, said: "Okay, I was wrong, you guys. What kind of road do you want to ask? Let me listen to it? I know that I know it in detail. If I don't know, I am sorry."

Chu Yang's hearty smile, said: "I just want to ask, how to go to the Tiannan of the forest ... I heard that there is a century war detonated, we rushed all the way, just to watch this battle, just now There was still some movement, but now it has not moved. We have arrived here and have no goals at all. I don’t know where to go."

The person on the cloud suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and said with a hand, "That's over there, go." He said that he would turn away.

"Wait." Chu Yang stopped him, sincerely said: "Thank you for this friend's way, I see you seem to have injuries, I have a medicine here, can you help me?" It’s also a little bit of my heart. Thank you.”

The person on the cloud wanted to refuse, but when he was about to speak, he saw the things in Chu Yang’s hand and suddenly felt his heart.

The medicinal herbs in Chu Yang’s hands exude a strange aroma, and Dan is so dense that it is colorful and exquisite. It turned out to be the divine medicinal herb that I saw for the first time in my life!

This kind of medicinal medicine definitely has the power of heaven and earth!

Don't be white, and the other party's sincerity is still so good! Don't... can't you just be yourself?

He hesitated and said: "This drug is very expensive... isn't it good?"

Chu Yang has a sincere face: "People are in the rivers and lakes, and they meet each other. It is really a bit of a wish. Everyone meets. It is a friend." He said, he sent his hand forward.

In the palm of your hand, the fragrance of Jiuzhong Dan is more intense, and the fragrance of Danxiang is more fascinating.

"That, thank you..." The cloud man's body hesitated, and finally reached out. Go to Chu Yang’s palm to get the Jiuzhong Dan.

"You're welcome." Chu Yang smiled heartily: "In the four seas, all brothers!"

The fingertips of the people on the cloud have already touched the Jiuzhong Dan, and the heart is full of emotion: "I really didn't think of it. In today's Jiuzhong Scorpio rivers and lakes, there is still such a stupidity... actually this kind of rare Dan When the medicine is handed over, it is a way for others to..."

I was thinking, suddenly a sudden pain in my hand!

The moment of the accident. A big horror. It is already late!

I saw one of my own arms, together with half a shoulder, actually lost vitality and vitality in an instant, and instantly made fly ash! The medicinal medicine in the other hand that exudes the power of endless temptation does not know when it has become a sharp sword.

At this moment, there is blood on the sword front and there is still a slow flow.

no doubt. Obviously, this is a trap!

The prince's avatar immediately woke up. but. He wakes up too late!

Mo Tianji's purple jade, Mo light dance star dream light dance knife, Ji Mo and Rock's enemies' sword, ignorant short sword and Nirvana's fire, as well as the mother's wolf teeth... attacked at the same time!

With the sword of Chu Yang, almost at the same moment!

The avatars of the people on the cloud only had time to scream and scream for half a lap, and the body has been smashed by these weapons!

I am completely out of reach!

Outright is unexpected!

I don’t think of anything, I just met such a group of people, and it’s a terrible king! And each one is so powerful.

The set of smiles is almost close, but it has not been turned into a knife!

Who are these people...

The avatars of the people on the cloud screamed: "You...what are you guys?"

The intense pain is already drowning his mind!

The physical function is to continue to lose vitality, this fear makes him crazy! There is also the kind of depression that I don’t know at all...

"We? We are naturally the ones who want your life!"

Chu Yang’s body took the lead and turned into a residual image. The nine robber swords pierced the front of the sacred prince precisely and said coldly: “This is what we destroyed... the second cloud avatar!”

The avatars of the people on the cloud tremble violently, both because of pain and because of fear!

I couldn’t think of dreams. With the tyrannical cultivation of my sage’s peak, I faced people who didn’t know the origins, and even had no chance to fight back. Was it so easily killed? !

The nine robbery sword is inserted in his heart position, swallowed in the most crazy and extreme way, and swallows his body at a speed that is visible to the naked eye!

His body is gradually drying up, and vitality is losing.

He is crazy and roaring, and even wants to blew himself up, but the nine robbers have even swallowed up the power of detonating themselves! I want to struggle, but the strength of any one of them is not inferior to him. I have already combined to eliminate all his resistance.

Mo Tianji and Jimo Rocco's unbelievable four people made every effort to clamp up his limbs and even the body. The weapons were already stuck on him. Because of the fierce struggle, they caused the injury, but everyone ignored them and restrained them!

Mo-light dance star dance light dance knife constantly sway! Chu Leer's medicine Wang Hao, as the Thunder is constantly bombarded!

All attacks and clamps are performed simultaneously. But it is very measured, and will definitely not let his body really crack! Once cracked, this kind of mortal injury in the ordinary people, for the master of this cultivation, is equivalent to giving him the opportunity to make a detachment.

At this time, any unnecessary adventures are superfluous, and they are all superfluous!

The nine robbery swords suddenly rang, and the sword light flashed abruptly!

The sacred face of Shengjun sank like a gray.

Immediately, the whole body made a squeaking sound, and Chu Yang’s eyes flashed, and his attention was more concentrated and waiting.

Finally, the sound of "噗", the body of the sacred prince, completely turned into a pile of powder, scattered in the hands of everyone.

There was a subtle black light that suddenly flew up.

Chu Yang has already prepared for this. The nine robbery swords re-enacted "What is the reason for the massacre of the world?" It is like a long sword-like sword, which divides the black light into thousands of segments, and then it is a trick and a sword. The iron wall copper wall is not fighting!

This move will immediately cover and block this space completely!

The stunned Sen Han Jianguang, at this moment is completely incandescent color, violently shining, constantly flashing.

Finally, that little black light completely lost the ability to swim, quietly suspended in midair!

The nine robbery swords swayed in the air and once again made a huge appeal.

A little bit of black light, which was not attracted by a little bit of resilience, was completely digested by the Nine Robbery Sword and swallowed up!

This is the true spirit that truly belongs to the Holy King!

Only by destroying this true spirit can we truly eliminate the avatar of the Holy King!

At this point, the talents were relieved.

Mo Tianji sighed for a long time and smiled and smiled: "Fortunately, this encounter is really a coincidence. The real chance coincidence, I can't think of how to solve a sacred prince so easily."

Ji Mo and Rock Enemy are also full of excitement, and they are still somewhat meaningless.

It is a huge victory to destroy a sacred prince without paying any little price at all!

Chu Yang smiled slightly and said: "Although this is a lucky one, everyone should also be able to see that the strength of our brothers has finally grown even further after the battle of Zhongji Tian. What is more to celebrate is that Ji Mo and Rock Enemy have already caught up, this is the most happy thing for everyone!"

Everyone nodded.

At the beginning, it was also because of a avatar of the people on the cloud, where almost everyone died.

This time, even if it is a sneak attack, even if the other party's mind is in chaos and the state is not good, you can feel it. The strength of everyone is really a miraculous leap!

Because such a master, if your own realm has not reached a considerable level, even if it is a sneak attack... it is also awesome!

However, under the joint efforts of all, it was so easy to kill!

This is not progress, what is it?

When Ji Mo and Luo Kedi heard the praise of Chu Yang, they suddenly laughed at each other: "Really, I have just discovered that I can keep up with the rhythm. This feeling is really enjoyable, hahaha... ”


Chu Yang and Mo Tianji also solemnly nodded at the same time.

Ji Mo and Rock Enemy laughed, but smiled and smiled, but the eyes were gradually red. The two laughed and huddled together, burying their heads in each other's shoulders, and the laughter continued to come out. However, only the two of them felt each other, the tears of the other side, soaked the clothes on their shoulders.

For so many years, the two have been falling behind among the brothers, and they are always worried that they are falling behind, dragging their brothers... It feels really unbearable!

Now, that concern has finally disappeared completely!

We really caught up, really can go with the brothers and drive, and go in!

The bitterness of this moment, two people almost want to cry and cry.

Chu Yang sighed and stepped forward to hold the two brothers together in his arms. He said nothing.

Immediately, the Mo Tianji, who couldn’t get through, also hugged him up without saying a word.

The five big men are together. This kind of scene is very weird. However, Tie Butian and others are in the eye, but it is a touch of heart, a burst of sorrow and grief.

They are very clear about the efforts that Ji Mo and Rock Enemy have made in order not to fall behind!

It is also very clear what kind of sacrifice Chu Yang and others made for their brothers...

I am not waiting for the sound, even if I can break through, I will not break it! When I can get stronger, I will postpone...

Just for... not too far away!

Don't let the brothers feel that I am far away from him!

that is it!


<fourth more... ask for a ticket! > (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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