Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 838: This is the game of winning and losing [third! 】

It turned out that... we met on the front yesterday.

But they don’t know each other...

So missed the opportunity? !

"What are they going to do with their people going to Tiannan?" asked the shadow, a gloomy voice.

"I don't know." Arrow God.

"Who else is there?" asked the murmurous voice.

"This..." Arrow God is awkward.

In the shadow, the gloomy voice sighed, and said helplessly: ""

The arrow **** red face is red, and the grin is said: "Family! Can you say a few words, can you die without talking?!"

There is no sound directly in the shadow.

This gloomy voice is obviously not the official appearance of the elves, but it is also the most terrible dark god; his age is much smaller than that of the arrow gods, but it is unique, but among the elves, Not many dark elves are descendants.

The natural darkness of the property allows him to hide himself at all times. But also because of the nature of the dark attributes, let him develop a quirk: never want to be exposed to the sun!

Even, it has always been rare in front of people!

Even the few brothers who depended on each other for their lives, the number of times they saw him after his cultivation as a great success in his life, is also one of the few!

"This is the end of the matter, let's go." Arrow God looked at the three brothers, but in the mouth he spoke to the shadows.

"Why are we five people? Are you afraid of being afraid of power?" Lishen hesitated.

"Let's five of us, you can." Arrow God smiled proudly: "Even if you face the sacred prince, the power of the five people can make him defeat and escape! Under this heaven, there are still us. What can't the five people cope with?!"

In the shadow. The voice of the dark **** said sullenly: "That is not necessarily the case. If the five of us are at the same time on the nine emperors, we must be escaping."

The arrow **** was furious and yelled: "Shut up!"

This is really the pot that does not open which pot.

At the same time, after the last nine emperors?

Are you kidding?

Let's not say five of us, even five more. That... at most, it can only be tied into a tie; this is still the case after the nine emperors have a heart to each other...

In the shadow, the dark **** smiled.

So the five brothers immediately set off for the journey and went to the forest of Tiannan!

Within two days, two trips to the forest of Tiannan... such an experience can be regarded as a miracle that has never happened in his life.

However, the things that Arrow God and others can never imagine are... what the Dark God said. Actually fulfilled! This time, they must not only face the masters who are equivalent to the nine emperors, but also... the strength they face this time is even more terrible than facing the nine emperors at the same time...

Of course, they certainly don’t know anything about it now.

Otherwise, it is hard to hit it up. That is the brain!


Chu Yang and others set foot in front, naturally it was the first step into the forest of Tiannan.

After crossing the broken base where there was a true spirit, everyone continued to move in. Because, such a battle, you must make a hearty, in order to really get the experimental results.

And this result can only be done when the Chuyang oil is running out. So the location is also very important.

Once the power is too great, you must find a remote place to avoid accidental injury.

Second, we must prevent people from getting confused and taking advantage of the opportunity.

The emperor and the demon came after him to avoid this kind of thing.

Of course, the third point is about the things that Mo Tianji and Donghuang all the way to discuss: Is it possible... to make this experiment into a bureau?

"Another key is whether the Holy King is likely to come? If he does not come, everything is just empty talk." The demon expressed some concern about this.

"He will definitely come! After this period of contact. His fear of Chu Yang is already on top of them. Just look at him and confuse the elves, and put the goal on us and the three people in Chuyang. It will be visible."

Snow Tears said affirmatively: "This opportunity, he will never let go. He will not only come. And he will definitely shoot, can vent their humiliating resentment today! I think this is Chu Yang The real purpose of doing this experiment today!"

On the one hand, Mo Tian had a chance to smile.

The East Emperor really deserves to be the East Emperor.

Even this section has been thought of!

"This... What do you mean by this? What is the real purpose?" The demon was confused.

"The amount of Chu Yang’s attempt to take Jiuzhong Dan this time is excessive, and the prerequisite is that he is exhausted by his own vitality and energy. The most effective way to achieve this condition is to have him go all out to vent. Opponents! In terms of the current strength of Chu Yang, such an opponent, even you and me, will not work; because there is no desperate heart for us. Only the people on the cloud are the ones who really have to deal with!"

Snow Tears said: "So, as long as the Holy King is shot here, and after the battle to destroy the Holy King, you can know yourself and know each other!"

"In front of this game, the holy king is already destined to be trapped inside." Snow tears cold road: "The only thing we are not sure is... the elves, will they fall into this game?"

"If the elves are also entering this game, then this game will be truly complete!" Mo Tianji said: "There is a big picture of the Nine Heavens!"

"It’s a decisive battle for a friend who is not a friend!"

"But this one game, it is not a double-edged sword. The risk to bear in it is quite small!" Snow tears cold and dignified: "Even Chu Yang, he has to bear the most risk, even can say that this time he The risk of taking on the burden will be unprecedented. If it is not good, I am afraid that it will lead to fire and it will not pay for it."

Mo Tianji nodded and took a deep breath: "So you will come together as a last guarantee."

Donghuang smiled and nodded.

"Our bureau, in fact, there are still shortcomings, missing five people." Mo Tianyun said: "Lack of care alone, Dong is not hurt, proud evil clouds, ink tears, talk about these five people. If these five people are also Here, then today, in the First World War, you can kill the Holy King directly! There is no risk at all."

Speaking of this, Mo Tianji is also somewhat helpless.

According to the latest news, before the disappearance of a section of this talk, this guy actually entered the country with great magic. After the counterattack defeated the Yanyang Emperor Dragon Shadow, he did not take the world where he was. With the daughter-in-law went directly to the purple day! Moreover, it has directly entered the first bridge of Zixiaotian, becoming the strongest line of defense against the extraterrestrial Tianmo!

The strongest line of defense built by the first line is not simply a defense against the demon. On the contrary, his line of defense is the sharpest counterattack line.

In the recent period, it is accurate to say that after the arrival of the talk, there is no chance to take a shot directly from the Jinyi Tianwei. All the demons who came to the first bridge are killed, killed, defeated! As long as there is a foreign **** outside the domain, talking about it is like eating aphrodisiac and rushing up.

Not only killing, defeating, but also killing all the way to kill three thousand miles!

This will not return to the end!

Of course, Mo Tianji and other people know that it is not for the sake of the show, but to try to use the battle to sharpen themselves. But he went so alone, but he really took too many risks, it is... too risky!

If you are not careful, you may not be able to come back.

As the situation of the demon in the extraterrestrial world has become more and more serious, the chances of the top experts there appearing at the forefront will inevitably become more and more. The chances of encountering an enemy master will increase, and the temper of the talk is not the nine cows, and the chance of a crisis is not big!

The tears of the snow and the smell of the words also shocked my heart.

Yes, the high-level lineup of Tianbinge, which is now appearing, is already a super lineup that is comparable to the collective strength of the nine emperors!

However, there are a few people in the Tianbing Pavilion who are ranked in the front position, not here!

Dong is not hurt, Gu is alone, talks, and is proud of the evil spirits. These four people, among the brothers of Chuyang, are solely on the basis of combat effectiveness, that is, only under Chu Yang, and even above the Mo Tianji, now, Almost everyone can reach the current level of Xie Danqiong.

Among them, Dong Wushou and Gu Lone are only slightly higher, especially Gu Zhixing. Since the day they have realized the power of the two sides of the water, the strength has become more and more rapid, and the strength is even worse than that of Chuyang. It won't be too different, at least it's snow and tears.

Thinking of this, the snow and tears could not help but endlessly sigh: "Is this only a few years? At first, I looked at the nine-robbery brother who seemed to be a joke... Now I have enough power to dominate the entire Nine Heavens..."

At the same time.

Mo light dance and purple evil spirits and Chu Leer three women, will iron Tian Tian and Wu Qianqian in the center, whispered: "If there is a change in the future, we must pay attention to the three, Chu Yang that We don’t need our strength, but we must take care of ourselves, don’t give them a concern, and take care of them.”

"In any case, Tiantian sister and Qianqian sister will not have anything!" Mo light dance solemn guarantee.

Chu Leer’s two eyes sparkled and nodded: “Reassured. I will lay down the poison screen on both sides of the body. If no one is provoked, if someone does not look long... oh!”

"I don't need to see the poison screen..." The purple evil sentiment raised a very strange feeling. The instinct stopped the road: "Everything is still based on our own defenses; if there is a poison screen Protection, we will have a sigh of relief because of a layer of protection, and we will not be slack."

Chu Leer heard some words but did not agree, did not understand what the purple evil is, but still promised. My heart secretly made up my mind: "I must do my best to prepare for it, do everything possible, and keep the two embarrassers safe!"


Continue with the fourth word code! Ticketing!

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