Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 839: Who can compare with the sword, who can be the knife in the palm of your hand? [

Along the way, the speed of the people is very fast, but in fact everyone can feel it, everyone is trying to control the speed, and does not really put the speed to its limits.

Moreover, on this road, Xie Danqiong and the ignorant two people whispered on the side, seemingly discussing what was discussed, the five women also huddled together, as well as Ji Mo and Rock Enemies also together, are also negotiating.

The look of the big guy is very nervous.

The Mo Tianji, who is in control of the whole situation, also gathered with the East Emperor, and constantly calculated and calculated, thinking about the missing areas.

Only the party who bears the most risks Chu Yang is the most comfortable, leading the way, flying ahead.

The oncoming wind blew his hair. Going to let his thoughts fly with the wind.

As this road came, his mind was empty, without fear or horror, and he was unhappy.

Since I went to Daxitian and rescued the crisis of Gu’s independence, it has been until today.

Chu Yang has a feeling more and more.

It seems that his own path in this world has gradually come to an end.

This is not to say that his death is near, the road ahead will end, but he can feel that there are limits in the Nine Heavens, and there is a wider world outside, waiting for himself.

In fact, this feeling, when the day was at the time of the nine heavens, Chu Yang once had it. At that time, it was after the elimination of the law, and its own strength climbed to the top of the zenith peak, looking at the world, no anti-hand, or it can be said to be a kind Master is lonely! Only then, but still know why their own way, there are more high-profile nine-day Scorpio, there are generations of nine robbery brothers waiting in front, and the extraterrestrial demon waiting for themselves to destroy. Etc., etc.

However, nowadays, I once again climbed the summit of the position of the nine-fold Tianzhu, and there is also an anti-hand in front, but I am a holy lord, that is an unprecedented enemy that I still have unbeatable. However, it is just like the legal respect of the day. Chu Yang’s self-confidence will eventually win and win, and there is still a rush to go, and the coming of the extraterrestrial giants, they must be completely destroyed, and never suffer. But after that? What about your next step? !

However, this issue is not yet urgent. It can be put down temporarily and wait until time.

Today, this time a whim is going to make this experiment, and then intentionally or unintentionally lay down the overall situation. In fact, once again, Chu Yang felt that his own pace, once again accelerated!

At this point, Chu Yang clearly felt a whip called ‘destiny’, and was constantly spurring on himself! Let yourself either get rid of it or go to obey...

But whether it is to get rid of or obey, the only certainty. But they must all go forward!

What is the front and what is it? ?

A cloud of clouds drifted from the eyes of Chu Yang. Chu Yang wakes up and rushes out of the clouds, only to find that the group has already arrived in the sky above the forest of Tiannan!

Below, a piece of green is continuous to the horizon, like the boundless, breezy blowing, this face is green, like the waves of the sea rise and fall.

Under the whim, Chu Yang screamed in the sky, and suddenly his heart was full of pride.

"Be born is BBK.

Red dust scorpion is a tough work;

Who is better than a shuriken,

Who can be the knife in the palm of your hand!

Ask the day nine to be exhausted;

Laughing at the mountains and rivers one step away;

This day, sweeping the human road,

Come to the sky to test the hero! ”

"Ha ha ha..." Chu Yang smiled long, black clothes like ink, and flew into the forest of Tiannan!

Behind him. The brothers listened to Chu Yang’s long sigh, and the same pride in the heart was boiling, and shouted in unison, shaking the sky!

"The boss is so angry!"

"The younger brother will come!"

"Join the dance together!"

"Together with the world!"

The sky clouds dissipated in front of everyone, and they were left behind.

The boundless green waves are also passing under the feet, not to mention.

In a twinkling of an eye, the group of people has gone deep into the thousands of miles of the land of Tiannan, and at this time, it is full of green eyes!

Chu Yang suddenly stopped!

Almost at the same time when Chuyang stopped, a grand sword light flew like a long dragon, and a sigh of relief flew out.


The hundreds of thousands of trees that Jianguang had reached were all cut off instantaneously, and the strength was still not stopped. The trees that were cut off were rolled up like a huge black cloud. The sound of "call" flew all the way and flew all the way. After hundreds of miles, this is gently falling.

However, the earth is still a tremor, hundreds of thousands of trees collectively "moving", and the movement can be small!

In the middle of the south of the forest, the original position is full of green, but now there has been a large open space, full of miles and circles, completely emptied by Chu Yang, the following has revealed black yellow soil.

Even the roots of the grass, there is nothing left.


Everyone fell at the same time.

"Just choose here." Chu Yang wandered around, Jianguang flickering, around, some trees in the dead corner position, once again cut off, rolled out.

The first time, the purpose is to clear the venue, and this time, it is to prepare for the defense of the elves, the trees, is the natural stealth props of the elves, can not help.

Mo Tianji stepped forward and was about to speak.

Chu Yang has said softly: "Everything goes with the flow."

Mo Tianji is instantaneous, no longer open, but immediately retreats.

Today, the original intention is to experiment with the effect of taking a large amount of Jiu Dan in a single dose; even if the Holy King does not come, this purpose has also been achieved. If the masters of the Holy King and the Holy Palace come, then, of course, it’s better, and everyone is ready to adapt!

Let it be.

Come or come, you can!

This is what Chu Yang means.

Mo Tianji suddenly felt that the current state of mind of the boss seems to be very different from the previous one. Now Chu Yang has a kind of artistic conception that is detached from the dust.

The Chuyang people have already stood in the middle position, and the nine robbery swords are flashing, already in their hands: "Come on! Who will come first?"

Ji Mozhen saw a smashing sword in the hands of a certain king, could not help but want to shrink back, but was Xie Danqiong squatting on his butt, and suddenly flew out. There is no such thing as a "pump" to Chu Yang.

The one who didn't want to shoot the most, was the first to appear.

Ji Mo screamed and screamed: "Thank you, rabbit, I remember you, I remember you forever!"

But the voice did not fall, a sword light in front of it has been mercilessly attacked, Jianguang Sen cold, it seems that this sword cut the head of this goods!

Ji Mo screamed and sweated: "The boss is ruthless, I am not ready yet..."

While screaming, while pulling the sword to meet, screaming a few times, the two exchanged a few strokes instantly, Ji Mo's **** has been smashing Chu Yang seventeen feet, and somewhere seems to be swollen, Chu Yang still self Regardless of regardless of the situation...

Somewhere is swollen, and I have to lick again. The pain is a few times more dramatic. Someone hurts almost even tears: "Hey... Dogs! I spelled you with me..."

Ji Mozhen rushed up like a madman, the offensive was fully open, and then the other side of the Rock enemy stunned the sky: "I am here too!"

Being posed, the back of the snow is chilling with a kick: "I still put a jade tree on the wind, let's go!" Rock's rivals danced and flew up, just in the footsteps of Ji Mo.

"I rely on, who is playing me? Who is this..." Even though in the middle of the busy schedule, Rock's enemies turned back, but they saw the East Emperor like laughing and laughing: "I kicked, slammed? You If you haven’t finished, don’t you finish it?”

"Oh... well played!" Rock's neck squashed: "I said that I feel so smart to play... It turned out that the Emperor of the East was personally out of the way, really... the boss, you see the sword."

Everyone saw the change of Rock's enemy's mouth, and the laughter was around.

This kind of goods used to be bullied and hard, this habit seems to be deep into the bones...

Chu Yang uplifting spirit, single-man sword wars, Merkel, two enemies, three people are crazy in the general fight, no hands, but slowly, Ji Mo, although tacit, still started Some are stretched.

I couldn’t see it and shook my head: "I am coming! Two brothers, I will help you!"

Flying out of the air, instantly turned into a phoenix of the gods!

The phoenix immediately flew high above the wind. My heart is that I am flying in the sky and attacking. It should be less than the enemy of the ink and the Rock.

However, seeing Chu Yang’s eyes, when the body swayed, suddenly a virtual shadow flew in the air, and he grabbed the phoenix’s sharp mouth and slammed the whole body of the phoenix from the air. Knocked down!


The sound of the heavy object fell to the ground, and the whole piece of land was shaking!

The huge body of the phoenix is ​​like a dead brick that is slammed on the ground, smashing feathers and screaming!

Chu Yang still does not let go of the ignorance, but also the phoenix that he has turned into a weapon, swept in all directions!

Ji Mo and Rock Enemy came to a new wave of violent offensives, and their noses were all stunned.

"He can't understand your stupid bird. Are you coming to help us or help the boss..." If it is possible, the two really want to catch this dead bird and directly pull out the hair of the whole body!

How can it be so useless, it is better to stew and eat meat, which can always fill the stomach? !

This will not be as good as before, before the two sides used swords against the sword, even though the nine robbery swords were sharp and unparalleled, but the swords of the Jimo Rocco rivals were also extraordinary iron. In a short period of time, there was no problem with the nine robbery swords. It has become a humanoid weapon that can't be rumored. Can they both fight with their swords and say hello? Can only blindly dodge, can not help but get more downwind, it is better not to get up and help!

I couldn't help but be miserable, my mouth was caught, and I was almost struggling. When I was in a state of mind, I changed my mind and changed back to the original shape. I instantly broke away from Chuyang and even bite it. The goal is the big hand of Chuyang. . Chu Yang hurriedly rushed to shrink his hand, and he couldn’t help but stunned his head and flew out.

Chu Yang nine robbery sword in hand, a sword, a round of fast break, the sweat of the three brothers killed, the chaos.


<I will continue to write the fifth! >

<monthly ticket, what else? ! >

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