Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 87: Nine robbery days, the sword is the emperor! [Fourth! 】

The seventh part of the eighty-seventh chapter of the nine robbing the sky, the sword is the emperor! [Fourth! 】

The other four eyes are also looking at the face of Chu Feilong. The indoor murder is fierce. The brothers and sisters of many years have died so badly in front of themselves. The hatred and anger in the hearts of the four people is unstoppable!

At this time, they need to vent! Need revenge!

Obviously, as long as Chu Feilong’s ‘inner trait’ status is determined, there is no slap in the night, and Chu Feilong is even 10,000 lives, and he wants to go out alive from this room!

Chu Feilong's cold sweat fell on his face, feeling that the killing machine is becoming more and more intense, and it seems that the next person's head will leave home. In a hurry, the screaming voice shouted: "Thirteen lords... There are misunderstandings in this! You think about it, in the past 20 years, I have been loyal to the 13th lord. What have you done to disappoint the thirteen lords? Even if I am really a spy, there is no need to wait until twenty years later to start in this sensitive period?"

There is no cold night in the night: "For many years, you must be big."

But the tone has been slightly gentle.

Chu Feilong anxiously said: "Moreover... That Chuyang is just a hybrid that has been left outside, and in the next three days, what is his ability to cultivate to the emperor in the sword? Thirteen, he can reinvent Ma Laosan and put him to death. It’s not what the general Sword Emperor can do. The emperor in this sword... at least it should be close to the monarchy.

He took a breath and endured the panic in his heart. He said: "Even if this little beast is in a big family like the night house, it is impossible to cultivate to the emperor in the sword at the age of eighteen. ... thirteen, you must be clear!"

The night without waves is really sinking.

Yes, even if I am a big sister, the first day of the recognition of Jiuzhongtian, the nightmare of the first big son of the night, when the family fully supports and breaks through the sword of a sword, it is already 22 years old!

At that time, the news also shocked the nine major families!

A abandoned child who grew up in the next three days, when he was 18 years old, could he cultivate to the point where he could fight the swordsman of Ma Sansan, who was able to fight for the third grade.

This incident, the night without waves, I do not believe it.

However, the news that Ma Laosan has been desperately sent back is deceptive? Several other people looked at Chu Feilong's eyes, still a suspicion, a sharp killing. Church

"This matter, I need an explanation!" The night without the chilly eyes looked at Chu Feilong: "I want to see this Chuyang!"

Chu Feilong promised, this only wiped the cold sweat on his head, only feeling the clothes, just in this moment has been soaked by cold sweat.

Then I got up: Chu Yang, the little beast, how can I order it? Not to mention letting him come to see the night without waves...

The night, the waves of the wild, the eyes are drooping, watching the scarlet on the sword, that is the life of the horse! Follow your own for many years, the life of your loyal men! Just bury it here!

Chu Feilong, don't you have a bit of suspicion? !

In this entire southeastern region, apart from Xiao family and law enforcement, who can make Ma Laosan unable to escape? Xiao family and law enforcement officials are not willing to do it easily for the night family. Even if you want to do it, you have to deal with the most important and core people of the night house, killing a horse in the district, what is it? Looking for a stunned snake to ask for trouble?

If not your nephew, how can Ma Laosan die? If it wasn't for him, it must be the hand of others!

You are a scorpion who just came back, will you always follow the high-ranking masters? Isn't this a joke? This kind of thing is impossible at night!

Then, there is only one explanation: Chu Yang has been prepared for it!

Why are you prepared for it?

Chu Feilong! Can you get rid of it? !

As long as you can see Chu Yang, everything will be true!

Seeing Chu Feilong noodles, there is no difficulty in the night, and there is no wave in the night. I don’t care what you use. Within three days, you will bring Chu Yang to me! If it is three days later, I I can't see Chu Yang, then, Chu Feilong, arrange the aftermath in the evening of the next day!"

The night's scorpion is full of sparkling fire, and the atmosphere in the room is stiff and cold.

Chu Feilong's cold sweat came out again, and he said: "Yes! Please rest assured that the thirteenth lord, even if it is my life, I will bring the little hybrid of Chuyang to you!"

There was no noise in the night, and the wrist turned over. The long sword was silently in the sheath, and the cold eyes faintly tilted Chu Feilong. ("")

For a long time, no wave of night, gently got up, came to the side of Ma Laosan's body, reached out and gently licked the already cold face of Ma Laosan, whispered: "The third, the thirteen will revenge for you! You Believe me! Just find out the murderer, no matter who he is, and he will not care about what he has done for me... I will, let him, die!"

The next three words, he said it out one word at a time, killing the plane.

With his hand stroking, Ma Laosan’s eyes closed suddenly and peacefully closed...

On one side, Chu Feilong’s heart was cold, and there was a shudder!

"Take the body of Ma Laosan, let's go!" The night did not wave to the door, the body settled, carrying his body, slowly said: "Chu Feilong, three days later, this time, I am here, waiting to kill you! Or kill Chu Yang!"

Then his figure flashed and the strange disappeared.

The other four people also came out, and the goatee old man silently picked up the body of Ma Laosan and went out without a word. Everyone did not take a look at Chu Feilong.

Even the prince-level master guard who was sent to Chu Feilong before the night home actually went out together and did not look back.

Chu Feilong stood in the room stiffly and felt that his mind was chaotic.

There is no wave in the night... I still doubt myself, and my suspicion is very heavy! He...has already murdered himself. The last sentence, clearly is to say yourself!

After so many years of hard work, is it only for such a stop?

At this moment, Chu Feilong’s heart suddenly bursts with incompetence!

Night thirteen, isn't it true that Chu Feilong is in your eyes, is it just such a dispensable little role? For a district horse third, just one of your followers, you want to kill me? And, is it so embarrassing to kill me? !

Chu Yang! I blame you, you are a small beast, since you arrived, around my Chu Feilong, it is endless trouble! Endless crisis! I don't kill you, I can't even stand at the Chu family! I don't kill you, I can't even get the letter of the night!

Chu Yang! I don't kill you, I don't want to be a man!


Chuyang all the way back, the sword spirit in the nine robbery space has been somewhat excited.

Because Sword Spirit only remembered it until now, the bottleneck that Chu Yang broke this time was the Sword Emperor!

"Why are you the Swordsman? Why can you break through to the Swordsman?" Sword Spirit could not understand. After witnessing the battle between Chu Yang and Ma Laosan, Jian Ling confirmed that there was no doubt that although Chu Yang had a sword-throat when he broke through, the main weapon used by Chu Yang was the sword, and Jian Ling did not think much.

But before this battle, the momentum that made Wan Jian surrender was real!

Sword spirit is extremely boring.

"Why can't I break into the Sword Emperor?" Compared with the strangeness of Jianling, Chu Yang is also extremely wondering.

Sword Spirit called: "In the process of the upgrade of the Nine Robber Sword Master, it is impossible to appear the Sword Emperor! It can only become the Emperor, the Emperor! No one has never been a nine-robber sword master, will become the Sword Emperor!"

"What's the relationship?" Chu Yang was puzzled: "Others can't, it doesn't mean I can't. Or they don't know anything else."

Sword Spirit shook his head: "It is absolutely impossible! You are absolutely not normal."

Chu Yang: "Why? This position of the Sword Emperor is not only for the sake of respecting the Nine Robbery Swords? Why can't the Nine Robber Swordsman become a Sword Emperor?"

Jian Lingdao: "The master who created the nine robbery swords was strictly stipulated in the same year. Because of the nine robbery swords, there are swordsmen! But the emperor in the sword is not the master of the nine robbers, but the sword of the nine robbers! So, the people of the world With the sword, as long as you work hard to cultivate, it is possible to reach this order, but the Nine Robbery Sword Master can't!"

Chu Yang eyes: "What is the truth!"

Jian Lingdao: "In the beginning, the adults once left a paragraph, warning the matter, and said: 'Nine robbery days are desperate, the sword is the emperor, commanding the world sword, one force to decide the wind. The sword master is not available, the main sword is inseparable For the sake of heaven, the blessings and self-confidences. 'The meaning of this is that if the nine robbers become the swordsmen, then they will become conflict with the emperor in the sword of the nine robbers, and they will rebel against the heavens. So... the nine-robbery sword masters of all ages, no one is the sword emperor."

Chu Yang haha ​​smiled: "I am a sword emperor, what is it? Since self-debut, what is not going against the sky? Just reverse the heavens, how?"

The sword spirit is in the right eye, and it is right to see the goods.

Chu Yangdao: "More... The last sentence is 'Blessing and self-confidence.' There is nothing but a curse and a blessing. Others can't, why can't I? This is ridiculous! It is a curse, I am squatting; Fu, I am suffering! Since it has become a sword emperor, can it still be self-destructive?"

Haha smiled, and even left this thing behind, striding back.

Sword Spirit was silent for a long time in the nine robbery space, and finally muttered: "This guy has been the same as other sword masters since he became the master of the Nine Robbery Swordsmanship? Or, I am looking for troubles?... ”

Finally, I didn’t say anything.

When Chu Yang returned to Amethyst Huichun Hall, it was already rising in Chaoyang. Wanguang Xiaguang, along with his figure, entered the gate of Amethyst Huichuntang.

What makes him strange is that Chu Leer, the buddy has always been sitting at the door waiting for himself, this time there is no.

Going in and looking at it, it turned out that it was filled with people. These people do not know oneself, but they can see that there are many masters.

These people are all wearing yellow robes, and there are nine people in full, one look at them, a yellow flower.


Brother just had a meal, this chapter is late. I will continue with the code word, but it is definitely less than a chapter, so today is four more. Well, if everyone gives a monthly pass, let 俺 have a face in front of his wife, and tomorrow will continue to erupt! do as promised!

Saying that I just had a meal, I yelled at Erlang’s leg and shouted: 啥? Amaranth? rub! I don't know if I don't like to eat? ……Done yet? What is swollen? You are so lazy! I want to swear... After eating, I wave my hand: I quickly tidy up! Don't obey you! Come over, don't brush the bowl first, first give me a pot of tea, come over! Faster!

Then I sat here with a happy code word...

Well, in fact, these things are here to talk about, everyone knows that the family is the one who has the final say, it becomes. Let’s leave a face to your wife and don’t say it. Some children's shoes that know how to call their wives should pay attention, um, be sure to pay attention. The woman’s face is important, don’t tell her about it.

Well, ask for a monthly pass! ! Give it up!


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