Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 88: Huang Gongzi Huang Xia Liu [first! 】

The seventh part of the eighty-eighth chapter Huang Gongzi Huang Xia Liu [first! 】

Chu Feiyan has been swimming outside the **** hall for a few days, waiting for news of several big elixir. In a group of yellow clothes, Chu Leer, who is wearing a green emperor, is replacing Chu Feiyan to entertain guests.

One person in the middle, but a yellow-shirt boy, in his chest, is embroidered with a golden dragon. But although the figure of the guy is sitting, he can see it, but it is thin and long, like a bamboo pole, and it is a bamboo pole with jaundice.

Chu Yang dare to bet, after the guy is completely dismembered, if he can kill five pounds of meat, he will admit defeat.

This young boy's hair is actually yellow, with some green in the middle, and I don't know what it is. I can make my hair into such a color, yellow-green hay shape. Chu Yang’s heart suddenly realized: autumn.

The guy's two eye sockets were deep, his eyes were dark and black, his cheekbones were soaring, his cheeks were deep, and it looked like a sinister ghost.

As for this kind of esteem, if it appears at night, it will definitely scare one piece: a detachment is a cockroach that has just climbed out of the grave.

At this moment, this ordinary guy is holding his face, thinking that he has a graceful side-to-head, like a dry bamboo finger, actually knocking on the table in a leisurely and elegant posture, a pair of 'I am very Handsome, I am very chic, I am very elegant, I am very graceful.

The eight people behind him were both hands holding their chests and looking up at the sky, and the movements were neat and consistent.

"Who are these people?" Chu Yang stepped in and sank his face: "What?"

Chu Leer rushed over and whispered: "Big brother, they are the Huang family."

"The people of the Huang family?" Chu Yang sighed: "It turned out to be the Huang family, the amount, the Huang family... Which one?"

Chu Leer is absolutely down.

This Huang family...but the whole piece of the southeast is second only to Xiao’s big family. Big Brother actually doesn’t know?

At this point, the yellow boy was still sitting on the chair, turned around, looked up and down Chu Yang, snorted in the nostrils, actually extended his fingers to buckle the nostrils, then a long nail , '嗒 ', a group of snot was bombed on the ground, actually piled up a sly smile: "This must be ... Chu **** doctor? In the lower name of the yellow!"

"I know your surname is Huang, I ask you what is coming. The latest chapter of the church" Chu Yang frowned, looked at the Huang Gongzi with his head, and looked at the nose on the ground, his face Gloomy.

The Huang Gongzi saw that Chu Yang was not polite enough to himself, and his face changed; then he seemed to think of something, and he endured it. He lifted the Erlang leg and said: "This son came to see the doctor of Chu, of course, to see the doctor. If it is to Pick up the girl, this son will not come here haha..."

Said, actually thought that he was very humorous, actually squinted and laughed twice.

"I can't see it." Chu Yang waved his hand: "I am in a bad mood, I will not see the disease, and Huang Gongzi please Gaoming."

"I don't feel good, why?" Huang Gongzi asked strangely.

"I saw this thing, I was in a bad mood! What medicine and medicine used to forget all." Chu Yang raised his head, and even looked at the toes and pointed the nose on the ground, disgusted: "I am A clean person!"

Huang Gongzi squinted and looked at Chu Yang for a long time, only carefully said: "You don't know who I am?"

Without waiting for Chu Yang to speak, Huang Gongzi laughed and couldn't help: "You don't even know who I am? Hahaha... It turned out that this southeast, there are people who don't know me."

Chu Yang frowned, and he sat down on the counter: there was no stool.

Looking at the self-satisfied Huang Gongzi, Chu Yang asked faintly: "Are you a law enforcement sect?"

Huang Gongzi sneaked and hurriedly shook his head: "No." This can't be recognized.

Chu Yang asked: "That, you are the owner of the Valley of Medicine?"

Another thing about Huang Gongzi, said: "No!" This is still not recognized. Church

Chu Yang asked again: "Then you are the world's first blood reward Wei Wuyan?"

Huang Gongzi angered: "Not even!" I rub, if I recognize, Wei Wuyan does not smash me? That is the goods that even the nine great families dare to provoke.

Chu Yang: "Then you are the owner of the family of the nine masters?"

Huang Gongzi said: "No."

Chu Yang shouted: "Then I want to know who you are? You are not the name of Huang? I have never heard of the nine-day Tianjiu master family, there is a surname of Huang?"

Huang Gongzi said indignantly: "Our Huang family is not a nine-family family, but it is no less than the nine. It is at least stronger than your Chu family."

Chu Yang is very strange: "Now what you are talking about is your Huang family. What do you do with our Chu family? If you want to compare, why don't you compare with the civilian population? Isn't that more fulfilling and proud?"

Huang Gongzi was furious: "What do you mean?!"

Chu Yang's listless hand: "I mean... send a guest! You, where is the cool place to stay. The **** doctor went up the mountain to focus on the tiger - not to stab the monkey (not waiting)."

Huang Gongzi stood up from the chair and rushed to the front of the counter where Chu Yang sat. Two thin hands clenched the counter tightly and shouted: "**! You dare to look down on me Huang Xia Liu! You actually Look down on me Huang Xia Liu!"

Chu Yang is full of black lines,

Huang Xia Liu... This is really... good name! I really don't know which one to give him a name...

On the one hand, Chu Leer was worried, but this moment he couldn’t help himself, and he burst into laughter.

The eight masters of the Huang family are all black-faced, looking up at the roof, hey, there is really no way, the name of the young master is really... too... that's it.

"I don't care if you are yellow or yellow!" Chu Shen said: "No matter what disease you are, anyway, I can't cure it, please leave quickly."

He paused and said: "Your body is burning, the kidneys are exhausted, and it has not been more than a year or two, or go home and prepare the coffin!"

This sentence came out, Huang Xia Liu behind the white whiskers suddenly suddenly looked at Chu Yang, a look of surprise: this young man, even at a glance to see the root cause? Not even diagnosed!

Huang Xia Liu suddenly stupid, squinting and said: "**! There is such a splash of goods in this world, it is more than my father and son hob meat..."

He hasn't finished yet. The old man who has to be white behind him has coughed and chopped him. He broke down and walked to Chuyang. He smiled and said: "Chu Shenji... This, my family is young and young, still Please don't care about it... But the young master's illness has been for several years. He traveled all over the world, even the drug valley... I can't help it, but also ask the **** of the gods... I will help my young master to look at it, our Huang family, absolutely Will not forget the virtue of the Chu doctor!"

As a big family of the Huang family, why have you been so whispered to people?

But the one in front of me is clearly a hob meat that is hard to eat. And it is a hob with a stunt.

Huang Jia is asking for people, plus the family is this unique seedling, and got so strange disease... This is related to the continuation of the incense, it is hard to see a glimmer of hope, find a doctor of the world, if it will be Offended... I am afraid that after returning, the owner will never blame the young master for offending the person, but he is definitely miserable...

Chu Yang looked up and looked at the old man who had to be white. Seeing that this person was at least a monarchy, but for this boy, he was so low-spirited to ask for help, and he said, "You are standing on one side, let Your son came to me."

The white-bearded old man was overjoyed: "Thank you for seeing the doctor of Chu." Turned around and licked a few words at Huang Xia's ear. Push him over, and the remaining seven people stand up at the same time and behave well.

Chu Yang let them stand, now at this moment, who dares to sit? If you sit and anger the doctor, you don't treat the young master... Who can afford this charge?

Huang Xia Liu stood in front of Chu Yang, did not dare to arrogate again, extended a hand to let Chu Yang take the pulse, but still with dissatisfaction, sly, chattering said: "This ... Chu God doctor ah ... you talk It should be noted that this young master is Huang Xia Liu, who has a nickname called 'Cloudy World Jiazi'! The name, Xia Liu, the glow of the evening glow, the willow of the willow tree, is a boundless splendid sunset, a slim willow tree, It’s not the inferiority of the despicable and down-to-earth, it’s not what’s so high... You’ve gotten wrong with my name...”

He was saying that Chu Yang had raised his head and was surprised to see him: "You are such a problem, you can't be a human being? Can't you be Dunlun? That is... don't you?"

Huang Xia Liu suddenly reddened and snarled: "Grass! Can you make a small noise! ​​These three kinds, you said one is enough to explain the problem, but you actually repeat three kinds! You and you..."

But the white-bearing old man behind Huang Xia Liu’s eyes is bright, and his white beard is twitching: “Yes, right...”

Huang Xia Liu Yan cried: "I don't want to say this... I am a man... I have to face."

Chu Yang brows his wrinkles and grabs his hand. He said: "You, the young master... It seems that the body is yin and yang, the fire is rising, the meridians are impassable, and the kidneys are overdrafted. If other doctors take a look, I am afraid. It is obvious that there is excessive indulgence..."

Huang Xia Liu was furious and shouted: "Nonsense! You quack doctors, this young master is still a virgin!"

Chu Yang turned over the eyelids and looked at him with white eyes: "What are you doing? Give me a good job! I said that you are not a virgin?"

Huang Xia Liu said: "You said that I am over-indulgence! Since the over-indulgence is excessive, is it still a virgin?"

Chu Yang blinked, and the blue sky screamed: "Sit well! ***! You shout again, I will not show you!"

Chu Yang's momentum is stunned, Huang Xia Liu suddenly slammed down: "Count you!"

"You are all coming! The **** doctor asked the illness!" Chu Yang God doctor blinked and shot the table.

Several of the guards of the Huang family looked at each other and walked over.


Ask for a monthly ticket and ask for a monthly ticket! Ask for a monthly ticket and ask for a monthly ticket!


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