Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 89: Broken grandchildren

"" "You guys have this problem, have ** years?" Chu Yang screamed a strange no window qi

"Yes, yes... It was only four years ago that I found out that something was wrong, and then I checked that I knew the root cause for a long time..."

"He is also in his 20s this year?" Chu Yang screamed: "That is, since that..." Here, suddenly turned his head: "Lear, you can't listen, you can't understand, you go. Take a break in your room."

Chu Leer was listening to the fun. He stood up and heard the words. He went out and muttered. "Isn't it just becoming an eunuch? Hey, I thought I couldn't understand..."

Huang Xia Liu’s tears of anger and anger almost flowed out: “Little girl, you, you... you are mad at me, the young master, but the young master is a turbid brother...”

"You are a good bird" Chu Yang unceremoniously took a slap on the head of this kid: "Never raise a good butt."

Huang Xia Liu sadly came from the heart: "I don't want to..."

Chu Yang sighed, no longer paying attention to the superficial sputum, but in fact some young masters of the big yellow singer, said to the white-beard old man: "You young master this disease ... although it seems to be excessive, hollowed out Body, but in fact it is not because of excessive desire

The white-bearded old man was shocked: "What?" This question is actually shocked.

How many doctors have been found, they are biting their indulgence and wanting to be weak; only the big offering of Medicine Valley has said: ‘This disease has nothing to do with **, but I can’t do anything’

Now, Chu Yang has indicated a pulse and said it.

This can not let him surprise

Huang Xia Liu’s tears are full of tears. In the past few years, I don’t know how many fathers have been jealous. I always blame myself for being addicted to women’s temperance. I’ve been stunned for many years. Now, I’ve finally said a fair word for myself. Up

"Where is it..." Huang Xia Liu whimpered

"He was hurt... or was concealed and it was very early. At that time, it was not yet... coughing, that is, it was not yet ok... when it was used, it was Into the yin hand, and this technique is famous in the nine-fold 夭 ” 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚

"What technique?" The white-bearded old man asked nervously.

Chu Yang said with a heavy face: "Changyang Yinyin hand"

The white-haired old man’s face changed greatly

It’s indeed a fierce name in the ninth century, and it’s been a fierce name. It’s been until now that although it’s not seen in the nine thousand years, it’s still a matter of letting it go.

Because this is a sinister sinister hand, and there is a name, plus a name, that is: the broken grandchildren

This kind of effort is to damage a reproductive system. Once it is recruited, it is impossible to cure a man for life.

This kind of sinister martial art has reached the extreme. It was created by a guy named Sa Wufei 8,000 years ago. This Saiwufei is known as 'cutting off the sages'. It is a shackle in itself. The long-term suppression has led to psychological perversion. After the martial arts were successful, they devote themselves to creating this scorpion venom, which specifically turned men into eunuchs and women into stone women.

Sa’s thought is: I can’t, no one can

Later, Sa Wufei caused public anger, countless masters were encircled and killed, and his broken grandson’s hand disappeared from the rivers and lakes. However, he did not expect to appear again after 8,000 years, but he appeared on the only remaining young master of his family.

The eight whites of the old men are all angry and angry.

"Chu Shenji means that when my young master was twelve or three years old, he was put into the hand?" The white-bearded old man’s face was like a frost, he asked in a low voice.

"This is unquestionable." Chu Yang's faint road turned and asked Huang Xia Liu: "Have you ever been... have you gotten up?"

Huang Xia Liu was dejected: "It’s o, I have grown up for twenty years. Besides peeing, there aren’t many other cockroaches... For many years, it’s like hanging a soft nose, from the year before. The family began to find me a wife to know that the mother’s cockroaches went up and the reaction was not...”

"Stop" Chuyang with a black line and waved his words

Then I meditated and asked, "You don't have a brother or something?"

Huang Xia Liu Yi: "How do you know?" Then said: "There were two brothers, but I died when I had not remembered."

"Hmm..." Chu Yanghehe smiled: "So, is your Huang family very powerful?"

For Huang Jia, Chu Yang is really not knowing not to understand

The white-bearded old man is sullen on his side, and his eyes are full of gloom. He understands that Chu Yang asks these words for a few words. I am afraid that it contains a big plot of horror.

The white-haired old man’s words are slowly changing: “We are Huang’s family, based on the top three, it has been two thousand years, gradually rising from a weak family, reaching its peak in 700 years ago, almost with the Xiao family at that time. The court has resisted many times and wants to destroy us, but it has never succeeded."

Xiao Jia is one of the nine masters and nine lords of the family. With the strength of the Xiao family, there is no way to win the Huang family.

However, when the white-solder said this sentence, there was no arrogance, but it was full of anxiety and deep thought.

"And then?" Chu Yang asked: "Now it is fading?"

"It is not a decline...but in the three or four hundred years, the family's children have been continually accident... Then, afterwards, even the side branches have been accidentally one after another. Slowly, although the foundation of the Huang family is large, But the core Huang family is the entrance that is dying..."

The white-beard old man said that his face was getting more and more ugly. He said: "Now, the young master is among the descendants of the Huangjiatun family. The only remaining fruit is the fact that he has been admitted to it...

Then, the white-bearer looked at Chu Yang, and he asked: "Chu Shen doctor, this disease... can you cure it?"

Chu Yang sinks up

Huang Xia Liu’s injury is different from Sha Xinliang’s. This disease is real. It’s not a fake at all. I want to cure it. It’s not very difficult for Chu Yang, because he has something on his hand. It’s hard to find rare rare medicines in the ground, but the problem is that Chu Shenyi still wants to get some other benefits.

He twisted his brow and meditated. Everyone thought that he was thinking about his condition. No one knows that this guy has turned 40 or 50 vicious tricks in his head in this short moment.

"Governance..." Chu Yang took a breath of cold air and slowly spit it out. He mentioned the heart of the crowd into the eyes of the blind man. This is the saying: " can cure...but..."

When I heard that he said that he could cure, the Huang family’s few entrances were overjoyed, and then he heard ‘but’, and a heart was raised again.

"But this kind of injury has been a long time, it has become a dysentery... plus this kung fu is vicious and fierce. I want to completely cure it. The difficulty... It’s not too small o..." Chu Yang sighed.

"As long as it can be cured, no matter how difficult it is, no matter what the price is, we can afford to pay for it." The white-bearded old man has tears in his eyes, like a drowning man who suddenly caught a life-saving straw.

In the Nine Kingdoms, all the people know the importance of a force. The Huang family is now on the verge of extinction. Once it is over, it is that the tree is falling apart, and everyone has no roots. It depends on other forces. It is halfway to the home, almost equal to the mail. Under the fence, the taste is too uncomfortable; if you don't trust, you will be eaten, killed, and exiled by all the broken... As long as there is blood in the Huangjiatun system, there is cohesiveness, no matter how uncomfortable he is, at least, this The banner is still standing upright, and there is a backbone.

A thousand together, is the power that no one can ignore, but a thousand separate, that is a thousand goals, even a wild dog, dare to bite you

This is one of the reasons why the family forces in the cold weapon era are loyal.

Because this is a root, the main root

The main root is broken, what is the branch? It is this truth

Therefore, for Huang Jia, the only remaining young Huang Xia Liu's disease, not only the Huang family's urgency, but also attached to the Huang family's family and masters, are also anxious enough.

Nowadays, I finally saw a glimmer of light in the infinite despair. Where is the yellow home to be missed? That is to die, but also to seize this opportunity.

"This time, it can be very long..." Chu Yang sighed and said: "And, every time I have to deal with treatment, always, let him be under my eyes, with the day. The sun rises and falls, the jade rabbit rises and falls, and each gas machine with different colors runs to dispense drugs..."

Chu Yang eyes gaze at the white-sold old man, saying: "You are all masters of martial arts. You should be more versatile than entering the body. You must know more about the sun and the moon, and fainting into the body. Different?"

"Chu Shenji said that this is indeed different."

"So I need to mix different drugs at every moment, and run with the blood to do the treatment..." Chu Yang said: "You can always imagine how cumbersome and troublesome this treatment will be."

The white-bearded old man sighed: "It is true..."

"And there is still a precondition. You must be fully cooperative and obedient when you are a young master. Just look at this, you are a young master...not a good thing..."

"The young master must be obedient", the white-bearer is eager to guarantee

"He is obedient, but I still don't want it." Chu Yang grinned and picked up: "Do you know what my income is? You know that he is doing this, most of my other things can't be done." How much is the loss? Do you know how many rare drugs do you need? Do you know the price of these elixir? Besides... if he is a beautiful woman, there is nothing wrong with it, but unfortunately it’s a guy with a rickets, sputum. Flying in the air, there is bad breath in the wind, and the nose is screaming... I am facing him, I have to check it out, and I am a cleansing... In exchange for you, are you disgusting?"


To be continued



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