Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 90: Careless provocation

The white-bearded old man frowned and said: "What do you say, what should you do?" This is really a bit difficult for this Chu **** doctor...

"If you want to cure it completely, you can, but we have to do the ten chapters of the law!" Chu Yangdao. Odd without pop-up window

"The ten chapters of the law?" Eight high-level masters at the same time have some dizziness, generally into the three chapters of the law, how did this become the ten chapter?

"First, Huang Xia Liu must obey! I let him go east, he can't go west, let him play a dog, he can't lick the chicken, let him take off his pants, he can't swear, completely obey my doctor's advice! There is a little bit of disobedience, and the treatment is stopped at any time." Chu Yang shouted.

"Then, you let me go east, I can't go west, go north?" Huang Xia Liu flat-mouthed.

"Get out! Fuck! Don't look! Don't look! You're going to die at the man!" Chu Yang's eyebrows stood up and shouted, pointing fingers at the door.

Huang Jiazhong was not even compensated. After the old half, he only calmed down the temperamental Chu Shen doctor, but still pointed to the nose of Huang Xia Liu: "You dare to give me half a word, and immediately get out!"

Huang Xia Liu Ruo Ruohan, when he first came in, the arrogance, has already ran to the clouds.

"The tenth chapter of the law, the second, during the treatment, Huang Jia is responsible for my loss, I do not want much, you can inquire about the income of each of my here. If you can not be responsible, stop treatment at any time." Chu Yang squinted Reluctantly.

"This is what it should be." The white-bearded old man nodded again and again.

"Third, if you are not assured, you can send a guard to come, but in addition to ensuring the safety of Huang Xia, everything should be listened to by me! If you are not obedient, you can stop treatment at any time." Chu Yangdao.

"This is even more appropriate." The white-bearded old man nodded again and again: "Since the doctor of Chu is here, don't listen to the doctor of Chu, who can listen to it?"

"Fourth, the required medicines, you need to provide Huangjia!" Chuyang faint road, a hint of twilight between the eyebrows: "This is not an additional condition, the medicine needed by Huang Gongzi, I am afraid that with the power of our Chu family, I really can't get, if you can't get it or don't agree, you can stop treatment at any time."

"This is even more appropriate." The white-bearded old man nodded affirmatively.

"Five, you can't make trouble. If you can, you can always..."

"Sixth, it is not allowed to be rude to my home. This is even more ready to terminate..."

"Seventh, this matter needs to be kept strictly confidential!" Chu Yang’s voice was serious. He said: "This is probably a battle for power between your big family. If the news goes out... I am here forever." No Ningri. Once it leaks out, stop at any time...the time is not that I am terminated, but don’t come in to terminate me."

His deep gaze looked at the white-beard old man and said: "You should think about it. I took Huang Xiliu, the disease, but it took a lot of risk!"

The white-bearded old man sighed and said: "The Chu God doctor said this is not bad. Among them, I don't know how many evils are there."

Chu Yangdao: "So, the eighth is that you are responsible for the safety of my family and me! You can't sacrifice for our family for you. If not, you can stop treatment at any time..."

The white-beard old man sinks his key points: "These will wait for me to go back to Ming Ming’s family, and I will definitely give a clear answer to Chu’s doctor!"

"Article 9, you must protect my safety. If not, I will be treated at any time to stop the treatment..." Chu Yang said that he would be able to stop the treatment at any time and make the white-bearded old man helpless.

"And, what I want is a positive answer, not a clear answer." Chu Yangdao.

"Sure, certain." Under the roof, how can you not bow?

"What is the tenth article?" When Chu Yang finished the ninth article, he lived in the mouth, Huang Xialiu asked curiously.

"Tenth article, I haven't figured it out yet. If you look at your performance in the future, if there is something wrong, add it at any time!" Chu Yang rolled his eyes.

Huang Xia Liu hurriedly bowed his head: "Is it right?"

Chu Yang’s interest in the road: “Would you like to change your mind?”

"No, no... you are the boss... boss... Chu boss..." Huang Xia Liu bowed his waist and curled his legs and raised his face. The aunt flattered: "Boss Yingming Shenwu Yushu Linfeng Yifu when the Wanfu Mo Kai It’s a good thing to do both things, and it’s a good thing to be a good thing.

This Huang Gongzi is really a handsome man, very knowledgeable. Seeing that I had been sent to the fence had become a foregone conclusion. I immediately changed my tone and sneaked up. The flattering of his words, the aunts of expressions, the look of a mean knee-shouldered, let the public into a big eye.

Especially the masters of the Huang family, even more stunned: I rely on, I watched the young master grow up, I really did not expect that he actually has this side......

It’s just a slick look...

"甭拍我屁屁!" Chu Yang did not move for it, said: "Now go now, will wash the body, the hair is combed, clean the teeth, change a dress, in this Amethyst Huichun Hall When the buddy."

"Ah?" Huang Xia Liu screamed: "Boss, don't be so miserable?"

"Then please come back." Chu Yang turned over the eyelids.

"I am going to... I can't do it yet..." Huang Xia Liu was very wrong.

"Well, by the way, help me brew tea, clean the medical hall, and wipe the outside ads." Chu Yang tilted the legs.

Huang Xia Liu's face turned into the color of bitter gourd.

"Chu Shenji... this, I don't know if you have a certain degree of certainty?" The white-bearded old man asked cautiously.

"If you find the medicine, I have a 10% grasp." Chu Yang smiled slightly: "I gradually adjust the body for him, consolidate the kidney water, do not make the loss... When your medicine is found, it can be cured immediately. ""

“Great!” The white-bearded old man cheered: “I don’t know what medicine is needed?”

Chu Yang indulged, said: "To cure this disease, you need to attack with poison! And it is apomictic, in order to attack the sinister power of this broken child, the amount must be large, in order to be consistent with it; naturally, it also needs some medicine , always want to hang your life..."

"That is, that is..." The white-bearded old man nodded again and again.

"So, this disease requires nine vines, nine dead without water, nine life pangolin... This is nineteen flavors, and finally, it is 'knife tip stinging iron cucumber'." Chu Yang Yin Yinxi: "This first three flavors It is a poison in the poison, it must be used, and the last taste of 'the tip of the stinger iron cucumber' is even more medicine! Once it is missing, it is the whole medicine has no effect!"

The white-bearded old man frowned: "The front nine vines, nine dead without water, nine life pangolin, it is poisonous poison... but this knife tip stinging iron cucumber... is too vicious? That is a kind The torture device... Although it is highly toxic, I have never heard of the medicine used for medicine."

Chu Yangzheng said: "You don't know this. This is a torture tool against adultery women since ancient times, but you don't know that iron cucumber contains a lot of 'traction water'; to cure this broken hand It is necessary to use this knife tip to sting the iron cucumber and pass it through!"

The old man who nosed the bag nodded and nodded, suddenly realized: "It turns out that it is, it is... the world is not amazing..."

"Remember! These medicines must be obtained within half a year! Otherwise, I will re-arrange the tonic for each sputum run. I need to know that this spring, summer, autumn and winter is the blood of the body. A big cycle."

The white-bearing old man nodded again and again, and he collected the medicine of Chuyang.

Immediately, he gave a speech to Chu Yang, leaving four guardian Huang Xia Liu, who led him to go home and sue the owner, ready to find the elixir...

When he left, Huang Xia Liu held a tear in his nose and hugged the white-legged old man's thigh. He cried: "Three uncles... You must find medicine earlier, tell me, don't feel bad about Amethyst, I, I, I... How can I go through this half a year..."


Looking at the four entrances of the Huang family, Chu Yang arranged for the other four to live in the backyard, and then kicked in Huang Xia Liu ass: "Stand up!"

Huang Xia Liu Yan stood up: "Millennium?"

Chu Yang squinted: "The kid, don't want to change the **** forever, just be honest, I am not interested in correcting the fault for you. Now, I ask you the question, you have to answer it truthfully."

Huang Xia Liu bowed his knees and said: "You ask the boss." The cat quickly moved over and took a stool and said: "You can sit on the boss, I will stand..."

Yang is not welcome to sit down: "Do you know who is holding your hand?"

"I don't know..." Huang Xia Liu shook his head and immediately gnashed his teeth: "If I knew it, wouldn't I have to smash the bastard?"

"It’s also true." Chu Yang asked again: "So, who is the biggest enemy of your Huang family?"

"It should be Xiaojia..." Huang Xialiu said with some uncertainty: "Xiao has been guarding us to replace the status of Xiaojia, but these years have not really played several times."

“Oh?” Chu Yang frowned. “What about other enemies?”

"Others? Wow, haha, in this whole piece of the southeast, who dares to do it right with our Huang family?" Huang Xia Liu Zhi was full of laughter, half laughed, see Chu Yang big white eyes turned to look at himself, suddenly remembered I shouldn’t be arrogant, and I’ll immediately hear the voice. “Of course, the boss is exceptional...”

"Well, this is not bad, Xiao Jia... Xiao Jia..." Chu Yang talked quickly with Jian Ling in the space, patted the thigh, and finally said: "Remember the legend, when the siege was broken, it was nothing more than nothing." Among the masters, the seemingly leading one is the surname of Xiao... or one of the main masters, one is the surname Xiao... I don’t remember the legend of this year...”

Huang Xia Liu was so angry that he gnashed his teeth: "I sent the horse back to check this!"

Chu Yang did not care, nodded, casually said: "I will say this, but you do not have to go to the heart."

It seems that he did not know that Huang’s family had been sick for Huang Xia in the past few years because the Huang family was about to break the grandchildren. The suppression of all the Huang’s family has already reached the point where it is about to erupt. What is the meaning of his fluttering words? a **** hurricane...

In fact, Chu Yang did not lie.

In the same year, he was besieged by Sa, and the two headed ones, one entered the night, one entered, and the last name was Xiao.

To be continued

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