Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 96: Give the king twenty years, accompany me with a glass of wine

This sentence came out, and Sha Xin’s face was desperate. Qin Baoshan is also a blank face.

They knew that the general law enforcement would not bend their temper, and they wanted to use the temper of the general law enforcement to dismantle the yin. However, I never thought that after the yin was to be dismantled, what I had to pay was actually the life of total law enforcement.

If you know this, the two would rather die than themselves.

Chu Yang heart shocked!

I have no worries in my life, I can’t help myself in the sky! On the heavenly court, I can be a grandeur, and I can go straight to the temple!

What a life of this life!

Such a big man, really want to see it dead? What a pity this is? !

But... the identity can't be violent.

Chu Yang’s heart is contradictory and entangled.

Qin Baoshan sighed deeply and said: "Total law enforcement adults, please think twice."

Chu Yang sighed and said: "The temper of the general law enforcement adult is really too rigid."

Cold smiles: "When you die, who is not in love with life? For so many years, the evil spirits who killed the Fa-rectification under my hand, when I was dying, all mourned for mercy, why? It is this red dust. ”

"I am no exception." He said quietly.

"But, living, how to live, how to live, and to steal life, and to live innocent, that is two different things."

"I have been living innocently for more than a thousand years. Is it necessary to be restrained at the last moment, to listen to people? It is a joke!"

"Even if you are willing to plot, you can't do it!"

The cold slammed the teacup and said: "Tomorrow, I will rush back to the southeast headquarters: and report to the law-abiding adults. The southeast will be completely cleaned up! Maybe someone has been doing something for him under his command."

"In the long run, the southeast of law enforcement, is it not the world of Shijia?"

His face sè cold, said: "Shi home last time Si sent people to go down for three days, inserting three days of the big family's death in the battle of the lake, after returning, this seat is recommended to be punished but was sheltered... Hey! Once, the stone family is in my hands, I can be so good!"

Sha Xinliang said: "The general law enforcement adult, this matter should not be too hasty, the job is that the Chu Shen doctor can not check if it can be checked out. If the general law enforcement adult is fully recovered, then we can completely hide in the dark, pretending not to know, With the heart and mind, the enemy will be completely removed at the least cost! The job is that this is the best policy."

He raised his head: "If you want to pay the total amount of law enforcement, go to this time. Then, in the future, if there is no law enforcement in the whole southeast, what would it be like, the job is really wanting to think about it. Heart chill."

Han Xiaoran smiled: "Chu Shen doctor can see it, but I did not ask if I can cure it. Are you very strange?"

Sha Xin nodded.

The cold sighs: "If the Chu **** doctor can cure, he will never make a mystery at this time. So I simply don't ask, so I don't want Chu to be a doctor. And both of you have to ask me to explain..."

Sha Xinliang suddenly despaired, pleadingly looking at Chu Yang, said: "Little brother, the total law enforcement injury ..............., really saved?"

Chu Yang sinks up.

Sha Xinliang saw his meditation, his eyes suddenly brightened, and the **** of hope.

"Total law enforcement is not an invisible poison, but it is a shadowless poison." Chu Yang said: "The shadowless poison is not as cruel as the invisible poison, but it is a kind of mixed poison: the early stage of the attack and the invisible The poison is exactly the same. So there is a suspicion of fish."

"This kind of poison should be implanted directly into the body during the treatment. Because of this, it is particularly difficult. And for a long time, the brain has begun to decay. Generally speaking, it is terminally ill! In this case, Even if the child’s annual treatment is not too long, it will not be delayed for five years, so if there is any yin, it will be within five years."

"Don't the general law enforcement giant have a little hope?" Sha Xinliang desperately.

Chu Yang indulged, said: "In fact, the law enforcement adults are injured, there are ways, but this method is equal to no."

"What is the way?" Sha Xinliang was shocked.

"The first method is... Jiu Dan, who is the master of the Nine Robbery." Chu Yang frowned and said: "If there are Jiuzhong Dan, the general law enforcement can not only heal, but the skill can go further."

Han Xiaoran laughed: "There is a excitement in the words of Chu Shenji, but it is equal to not saying."

Chu Yang smiled.

"The second method is to use the power of yin, the power of extreme yang, the power of extreme evil, the power of extreme poison, and the four heavenly treasures are gathered together to completely suppress this shadowless poison. There is a supreme use of pure and mysterious power to break through the bridge of heaven and earth, and force out the shadowless poison."

"Because the poison has entered the brain, it has already been contaminated with the heart. In addition to the supreme control ability, other people under the supreme power can do nothing. Not to mention the general law enforcement adult is already a holy class nine: under the supreme, no one can open the general law enforcement adult The meridians."

Chu Yang said.

"Supreme, there are a few of our law enforcement officers. It is not good. Fa Zun adults will not look at the total law enforcement, so they will die young... But the four heavenly treasures, the power of yin, the power of extreme yang, The power of extreme evil, the power of extreme poison... but what is it?"

Asked Sha Xinliang.

Han Hao suddenly sighed and said: "This method is equal to no."

“Why?” Sha Xinliang and Qin Baoshan asked at the same time.

"The power of yin is the mysterious ice jade cream among the nine heavens and nine great medicines. The power of the extreme yang is the mysterious jade of the nine great medicines: the power of extreme evil, it is the nine The sinister jade jade in the singular medicine: the power of extreme poison is the scorpion jade crystal among the nine great medicines."

Han 潇 呵 呵 : : : : : : : : : : 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九At the headquarters, there is a mysterious god, which is one kind. Besides, other people have never seen it for 90,000 years."

Sha Xinliang hangs his head like a mourning test.

To find these four kinds of elixir, the difficulty is even greater than finding the Nine Robbery Swordsman. The Nine Robbery Swordsmen have at least some people, but these four things have always existed and there are no legends. What?

Chu Yang took a deep breath and said: "In fact, the general law enforcement officials said that it is a bit heavy. If you need four kinds of rare medicines to treat the shadowless poison, it is too much to see the poison." The companion creatures of the nine great medicines can be. For example, the mysterious ice jade heart associated with Xuanbing jade cream, the Xuanyang jade heart associated with the Xuanyang chalcedony, the evil jade heart associated with the evil jade jade, Tiandu Yujing Accompanied by the poisonous heart."

Although the words are said, everyone is still depressed.

What is the difference between finding these four kinds and finding the four kinds of odd drugs? It is also difficult to go to heaven.

The coldness was silent for a moment, and said: "If you are ignorant, you will say that your life should be like this. If you can do this, you can burn it with jade!"

He said that the words "Jade and Stone Burning", his face is calm, but it is a word.

Chu Yang took a deep breath and said: "In fact, the general law enforcement adults do not need this, the law enforcement adults are sick, I have no ability to cure you for the time being, but I still can do it for a while."

At this moment, he finally decided to help this cold!

Without him, just for that sentence: life is worthy of the heart, when you die, you have to repent!

In the face of such a man, why bother with this?

Sha Xinliang Qin Baoshan was also happy at the same time.

Sha Xinliang rushed over and grabbed Chu Yang’s hand, tears filled with tears: "Little brother, little brother, you... little brother..."

Even talking about the little brother, I was so excited that I couldn’t speak.

Han Yan looked at Sha Xinliang's look, and sighed softly, but it was a flash of light. A trace of warmth slipped through his eyes.

The face is also softened.

Chu Yang smiled bitterly and said: "I can seal the post-corruption of the brain with the method of silver needle crossing xué, pierce the heart and blockade, and then supplement it with drugs to soothe it. Finally, use the pole yin pole. Cold town suppressed."

Chu Yang smiled bitterly: "This method can guarantee ten years of innocence! However, after ten years of surgery, it can only be guaranteed for five years. Three times in a row, twenty years later, if you can't find the nine robbers and the four Big odd medicine, it will be weak!"

A smile of satisfaction, said: "With two years, I can be satisfied, let alone twenty years? A man and a man, you only need to be happy in your life, do what you want to do, and one day is enough! ”

He stood up and gave a deep ceremony to Chu Yang. Su Rong said: "Méng gave the rest of his life for twenty years, and he was full of affection!"

Chu Yang nodded, reached into his arms, took out an ancient sè antique necklace, it seems that there is a long-term age, actually some of you. Below the necklace, adorned with two small jade cards, separated, suddenly rises and changes. One piece is where the fog rises and the chill hits people: the other is the heat wave.

It is Chu Yang who made the sword spirit temporarily, and it is a breeze to make such a necklace of ancient scent with the ability of the sword spirit. It looks like it was excavated from the ancient tombs thousands of years ago.

Sha Xinliang three eyes at the same time.

Cold and stunned face Lu surprised: "Xuan Bingyu! Xuanyang jade!"

Yang whispered, looked infinitely and cherished, said: "The two pieces of jade, when I accidentally fell into the cave, when I got the medical book heritage, a pair of plaques hanging in the cave, the jade hanging on the neck .

Xiao can always regard it as a treasure, and has never shown anyone..."

When he said, he handed the necklace over: "The chief law enforcement person wears this necklace and protects the heart. Although he can't drive the poison, he can suppress the poison without shadow, and then disperse the whole body and repair it. It can be guaranteed for ten years."

Han Haoran was moved in the eyes, said: "This is a priceless treasure, accept the gift, I am cold, I think it is reported!"

He did not have a deliberate resignation, a false falsification, but a generous acceptance.

Chu Yang smiles: "If the general law enforcement adult feels that he is not willing to go, it is just a small matter and there is something to do with law enforcement."

Han Yanran face sè a positive, said: "Chu Shen medicine but said no harm."

Chu Yang smiled and said: "It’s just that this evening, some people have a banquet to invite them. If you go there, you may have a worries about xing, but if you don’t go, you can’t. The general law enforcement adults temporarily visit the kid’s guest, it’s The cost of the visit was over, and everyone was even."

Han Xiaoran laughed and said: "Since the little brother wants to drink, the old brother will accompany you to have a drink tonight!" .

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