Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 98: Have you been close to the enemy?

The 98th chapter of the seventh chapter has been a close friend of the enemy?

Although the cold and swear words are said, I know that my owe to Chu Yang is really too big.

However, since Chu Yang did not take the merits, he was very grateful, but he seemed to be discreet. Friends meet, just look at the future, how to look at it, say it, it is better not to say.

So he just remembered it and said nothing.

Just renamed it, changed it to an old brother and a little brother, and made a fortune.

Sha Xinliang and others are even more aware of the weight of the phrase "old brother and little brother" in the cold sorrow, looking at Chu Yang's eyes, a joy.

Chu Yang felt a move in his heart and saw the eyes of the three people. Suddenly, he felt a warmth in his heart. This feeling has not risen since it was separated from Gu Zhixing and others.

"The chief law enforcement adult is a small brother, but it is the ultimate glory." Chu Yang laughed.

There was a silence in the cold, saying: "How many years ago, since the brothers of that year disappeared and turned into the midnight dreams of memories, I was cold and never called a brother."

"The law enforcement is very responsible, and it is not allowed to pull out the gang. But..." The cold smile bitterly smiled: "People, there must always be comfort. Even if it is the heart of the stone, it needs a soft moment. This is human Need, not a benefit."

The cold screamed a little low: "Just as the little brother didn't want to suppress it for me at first, because the little brothers also know clearly how much trouble you have to get into this matter. But then I decided to take it, not my cold. I am deeply impressed by your feelings, and it is not that I am eager to give you glory and wealth, just because I have been convinced that I have been convinced by law enforcement for a thousand years, and that’s all.”

"This kind of recognition is conscience!" Han Yuran said very heavy. Especially the last word of 'conscience'.

"I am chilling, the most important thing in my life is the conscience!"

"So, for these two words, I am willing to make friends with the little brothers!" Han smiled softly: "Little brother, you saw the place in my heart that most outsiders can't see. And I saw you too." Pure good."

"You saved me not because of my power, I made you, not for your medical skills!"

"So you don't mention the price, I won't mention it." Han said: "Friends meet, one is pleasing to the eye, the second is in the heart, more to say no benefit, cup of wine can also."

"Say good!" These words will be heard by Chu Yang: "Brother, tonight, you must be drunk with you!"

The cold smiled and smiled.

"I don't know who it is, actually dare to deal with the little brother?" Sha Xinliang asked for a quick fishing.

"Speaking of it." Chu Yang explained the whole thing again, including his own life, the plot of the year, the current situation, the intervention of the night house...

The coldness flashed in the cold, and said: "No waves at night? Thirteen nights?"

Chu Yang smiled and said: "I know this person?"

The cold silence was silent for a moment, saying: "Night no wave is the thirteenth brother of the night's homeowner. It is a gloomy and resourceful person. It has always been hiding in the dark, and I can't think of it. It is actually his behind-the-scenes ambassador."

He indulged and said: "It seems that the night house... is not small."

Chu Yang smiled faintly and said: "The night is too big, and how does it plot, but this matter involves me, but I will not care about them!"

Han said: "The little brother is good." He indulged, saying: "This is the old brother who resisted you. But... you have to be prepared, that is, the old brother is resistant to you and can resist The little wave of the night house; if it really involves the night game, there are even far-reaching plans... It’s the last time to get out of the Supreme... The old brother won’t move. So, we must act with all our plans.”

Han Yuran said frankly; Chu Yang also understands what he means: Any shot under the supreme, cold can be blocked for himself, but the supreme shot, cold and defensive, can only lose a life.

But he is only the worst plan; in fact, the words of the cold, it is absolutely foolproof: Although the nine heavens are big, how many people are there?

The night house is undoubtedly a person with supreme cultivation, and the night family will end up with more than one. However, it is not so easy to shoot at the night of the family.

"The boat is naturally straight to the bridge." Chu Yang haha ​​smiled: "Before the incident, I want to think about it, or to do a good job for myself. Older brother, and please enter the inner room, dissipate the body of Xuan Gong, the younger brother first You suppress the poison without a shadow."



At the beginning of the Hua Deng, the Lingyun Pavilion in the middle of the night is beautiful.

The two teenagers looked up in front of Lingyunge and seemed to be waiting for something.

The seven-storey Lingyun Pavilion, the top one, is a separate three Accord. Take the meaning of 'Samsung Party'. All who can come here for a banquet not only represent wealth, but also represent the nobleness of identity.

One of the left side is where Chu Feilong and the night wave have gathered together. Now, no waves at night and Chu Feilong are sitting opposite each other. In front of the two, it is the two guards who have no waves at night.

There are no four guards in the night, but the other two are missing.

Chu Feilong's face was full of tension, and he couldn't stop sweating. He kept groaning in his heart: "How come still? How come?"

In the main position, the night was waveless and cold, and faintly said: "How come still? Chu Feilong, the time limit from the moment I am giving you is already over."

Chu Feilong hurriedly said: "The thirteenth lord is angry, it is really the law enforcement hall to invite Chu Yang, presumably this will lead to Chu Yang coming late, but since he promised, it should not come."

There was no noise in the night, and my face was not hesitant. I said coldly: "How many years have passed, this seat has never waited so much. I didn’t expect that in this little Pingshaling, it is a terrible taste. Kind of taste."

Chu Feilong has more cold sweat on his face and dare not speak.

At this moment, the human voice suddenly started, and in the middle, someone had entered, and the sound of the table and chair was faintly heard.

The goatee old man pushed in and whispered: "Thirteen lords, law enforcement hall Sha Xinliang and others, entered the middle of the box. Among them are Sha Xinliang and Qin Baoshan of the law enforcement auction hall, and another old man. ”

"Well? You can have an impression on that person?" No waves asked.

"I haven't seen it before." The goatee said: "However, I think it should be the master of the local law enforcement hall."

There was no strange smile on the corner of the night, saying: "It seems that Chu Yang is coming."

He was silent and praised: "Chu Feilong, you are a scorpion, it is really not easy. Actually, I have already expected that there will be dangers. I will move the rescue troops in advance and prepare to support the venue."

Chu Feilong smiled and said: "I have always been with him. He has this scruples, and it should be. After all, he feels that only Sha Xinliang and others can keep him. It is not surprising that this move."

There was no smile in the night.

The goatee old man said: "Thirteen, do you want to say hello in the past?"

There was no noise in the night, saying: "No."

His eyebrows stood up, and the gloomy road said: "If I don't wave at night, I want to kill people. I don't dare to block the sand. Even if I kill him in front of him, how about it? If I am a past, let Sha Xinliang know that it is me. Here, it is not beautiful. After the incident, I will know him."

"Yes." The goatee's face did not appear to be unexpected.

With the momentum of the 13th House of the Night Family, can you be afraid of a Pingshaling Law Enforcement Hall in the district?

At this time, the sound of the clothes smashed into the air, a figure came in from the window: "Thirteen Lord, that Chu Yang is already on the way, from here, but hundreds of feet."

"Yeah." No wave said in the night: "Is he alone?"

"Yes. All the way to a white blouse, walking slowly, the manner is very easy and free."

"Huangquan Road is near, it is easy to walk, but it is also a beautiful thing." The nightless waves of the scorpion flashed slightly, and the corner of the mouth evoked a cruel smile.

Chuyang walked all the way, watching the Pingsha Ridge in the night, could not help but feel a different flavor.

When I came to see Chu Tenghu and Chu Teng, the two had already waited for them to wear. At this moment, I saw Chu Yang coming, and suddenly there was a feeling of falling a big ingot in the sky: "You can come!"

Even the big brother did not call.

"The two brothers invited, I naturally want to come." Chu Yang smiled.

"Go and go, go up." The two men left and right, sandwiched Chu Yang in the middle, and went up.

“So urgent?” Chu Yang said with a smile: “The two younger brothers are really passionate...”

Chu Tenghu’s smile smiled and said: “Brother? Hey... Chu Yang, you can call Laozi’s younger brother in this life, but it’s also a blessing for your eight generations. You can walk through Huangquan Road in the future. The glory of this time."

Chu Yang stunned: "Teng Tiger brother, what is your intention? We are brothers, blood is thicker than water."

"Roll your mother!" Chu Tenghu and Chu Tengyi said at the same time: "Which is your brother? You are an unclear hybrid, you will die without a whole body, and you are still doing your dream of the autumn." ""

Chu Yang’s eyes are cold, and there is a faint **** murder in the flow: “Well? What is this? The two younger brothers are confessing the wrong person?”

Chu Tenghu knows that Chu Yang will die today, and he will not endure it anymore. He has always thought that Chu Yangxiu is a loss, and he can’t get rid of two people. He is unscrupulous and swearing.

Every time they swear, Chu Yang’s face is cold.

Chu Tenghu and Chu Tengqi are both venting and want to give him more insults before Chu Yang’s death; but the reason why Chu Yang has been so far, but also is the reason for his own murder!

Although it is not good, although it does not, but after all, the blood is thicker than water.

The killing of tens of thousands of outsiders Chu Yang does not feel that there is anything, but to kill this kind of blood brothers, Chu Yang is not without scruples. But now, the scruples in his heart, with the sound of the two of Chu Tenghu, are eliminated little by little.

When I came to the front of the Accord, Chu Yang’s eyes flashed a **** eye, and he finally figured out one thing.

The enemy is indifferent.

Even if the same homologous blood is thicker than water, but as long as he wants to let himself die, then it is his own enemy! If you have scruples, you will find yourself dead.


It took me a long time to torture me. Since I wrote the book, I have never written such a plot of the protagonist's hand and foot. I always feel uneasy in my heart, especially when I meet with the white-knife. When I write, I am more worried. Until now, I still have concerns about this plot.

I continue to code the second, if the brothers and sisters are still online, you may wish to talk about your thoughts and opinions in the book review area. I will read the book review at any time, welcome to leave a message.

Today is the birthday of the "frame and brick" brothers, wish him a happy birthday!



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