Her voice sounded tired.

"We are all adults now. Since you don't like the director so much, either find a way to communicate with him, or refuse directly. Instead of venting negative emotions to me."

"Tell it yourself, if you vent your negative emotions to me, besides letting me spend my energy comforting you and affecting my mood, what's the use?"

The girlfriend's last tone already hinted at questioning.

The words fell.

Jiang Ye didn't speak for a long time.

He was confused and in disbelief, and there was still a faint anger boiling in his heart.

But he said nothing.

Just say "I understand" and hang up the phone.

Staring at the computer screen in a daze, he couldn't read a single word on the screen for a long time.

He and his girlfriend were in campus love.

It was his girlfriend who chased him.

But I don’t know when their chat mode changed from “his girlfriend sends him dozens of messages a day” to “he sends his girlfriend dozens of messages a day.”

During the date, the person who kept talking changed from his girlfriend to him.

In fact, he had already had a premonition.

I just don't want to think deeply about it, and would rather be a neighbor who hides my ears from others.

The girlfriend's questioning at this time was equivalent to not being too lazy to pretend and tearing off the last layer of fig leaf.



Just when Jiang didn't dare to think about it or want to think deeply, there was a "ding——" and he saw the reply from Qingxiazi displayed on the screen.

[I see, thank you so much for your kindness. 】

Jiang Ye was no longer in the mood to argue with him, and just as he was about to turn off his phone, Qingxiazi sent another question.

[By the way, what is the good believer looking for? 】

Jiang Ye was in a bad mood at the moment, so without thinking, he sent the screenshot of Qingxiazi under that post and asked.

【real? 】

Qingxiazi: [Of course]

But before Jiang Ye could reply, Qingxiazi asked again: [Are the believers here to scold someone? 】

Jiang Ye was surprised, [Someone scolded you in a private message? 】

Qingxiazi: [There are one or two, but the master said, "A frog in a well cannot talk to the sea, and a summer insect cannot talk to the ice." 】

Jiang Ye: [Who is your master? 】

Qingxiazi: [A certain master said that after leaving the mountain, don’t mention him, so as not to embarrass him. 】

This reminded Jiang Ye of his bald head teacher in high school, who often knocked on the blackboard with chalk and lamented the half-dead students below——

"From now on, when you leave the gate of our No. 1 Middle School, don't mention that I am your math teacher! I can't afford to lose my decades-old face!"

Jiang also became slightly more interested and replied to the question: "What is going out of the mountain?" Are you really a Taoist? Which mountain do you practice on? 】

Qingxiazi: [Secret. 】

Jiang Ye clicked his tongue and started typing, [Everything is a secret, so why should I trust you? 】

As soon as these words came out, there was no reply from Qingxiazi for about half a minute.

Jiang Ye sneered, thinking that he had questioned the liar, and was about to exit the chat interface.

Unexpectedly, Qingxiazi actually sent another fascinating message:

[Your homepage, a good believer in Guanyin, should be on Guanyin Street. When I passed by there yesterday, I noticed that the black air was soaring into the sky. At least tonight, uncontrollable changes will occur. Good believer, you need to be more careful. 】


[Your homepage, a good believer in Guanyin, should be on Guanyin Street. When I passed by there yesterday, I noticed that the black air was soaring into the sky. At least tonight, uncontrollable changes will occur. Good believer, you need to be more careful. 】

After considering these words, Li Wu turned off the newly purchased mobile phone and put it aside.

Originally, he created the account [Qingxiazi] and left a message under that post just to tease some people who were monitoring him behind the scenes.

Thinking of those people's reactions when they saw his message, I couldn't help but laugh out loud.

It never occurred to me that any modern person in their right mind would believe such nonsense.

But since someone really took the bait, and it happened to be near Guanyin Street...

The screen of the phone keeps turning on, showing new messages.

They were all sent by Jiang Ye.

But Li Wu ignored it.

He knew that the first reaction of the person opposite him after seeing what he said was to sneer at him, thinking that he couldn't deceive him, so he started to threaten.

So at this time, it is no longer suitable to continue chatting.

Just wait and see what happens in Guanyin Street tonight.

Yes, he didn't lie.

Something is really wrong with Guanyin Street.

In the past two days, he was browsing the same city and came across several videos of residents living on Guanyin Street.

Without exception, the residents in the video, whether they are male or female, old or young, all look haggard, with dark circles under their eyes reaching almost to their chins.

Their rhetoric is also very similar.

They all say that when they are sleeping at night, whenever they are about to fall asleep, a harsh noise similar to fingernails scraping against a blackboard will sound in their ears suddenly, causing them to wake up suddenly.

After being woken up, I looked around but found nothing.

But when I lay down in bed and was about to fall asleep again, I was awakened by the noise again.

Repeatedly, night after night.

It's been going on for almost a week.

Residents who have retired or are unemployed can still catch up on sleep during the day.

Because for some reason, that sound doesn't appear during the day.

But those students and social workers who need to go to school and work are in dire straits.

I was tortured almost to the point of going crazy!

Their methods of dealing with this noise torture are also varied.

There are statues of Sanqing in Guanyun Cave on the east side of the city.

Someone called the police.

Some went to the hospital for psychiatric examination.

There are even people who directly invite masters into the house to check out Feng Shui.

Or simply move away from Guanyin Street and sleep in a five-star hotel on the street next door...

As everyone knows, these methods are basically ineffective in dealing with noise.

Because just yesterday, Li Wu specially controlled the shell of [Qingxiazi] and went to Guanyin Street to see it.

It's obviously a commercial street with lots of people coming and going, but it's so dark!

All the tourists turned a blind eye to this substantial black energy.

Walking through it talking and laughing.

Drink milk tea, chat, hang out, catch the subway...

Only Qingxiazi, wearing a green Taoist robe and carrying a sword box on her back, stood among the bustling crowd, looking up at the billowing black gas.

Covered in cold sweat.

Originally, I thought that weird things would only appear in [Shengui Continent].

Why would something like this appear on Blue Star, which has always advocated science and followed the laws of physics?






When these four words popped out of Li Wu's mind, even though he had been much calmer than ordinary people since he was a child, he was inevitably shocked.

Naturally, in the past two days, he had been very energetic and prepared to deal with this unknown disaster.

At this moment, in this extremely ordinary afternoon.

After putting down his phone, Li Wu wiped a ring on his right middle finger.

It was an extremely transparent white stone ring inlaid with the size of a grain of rice.

The next second, his figure disappeared into this small bedroom with a yellowed poster of Jay Chou.

Sunlight streamed in through the glass windows.

It reflects Jay Chou with long slanted bangs and an unruly face on the poster.

The white gauze curtain swayed slightly.

The years are so quiet.

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