a few minutes ago.

Jiang also fled into the shopping mall.

I wiped the water stains on my face that I didn't know were from rain or tears.

Slumped against the wall.

Breathing heavily.

When he came to his senses, he raised his eyes.

Then he saw many eyes staring at him.

He was stunned for a moment.

Someone hesitated to speak.

"You...are the person saved by the sword fairy outside, right?"

Before Jiang Ye could react, someone asked again.

"What's your relationship with the Sword Immortal?"

"Why did he save you?"

"What are those monsters outside?"

“Is the earth coming to an end?”

"Are we all going to die here?"

Although they all tried their best to lower their voices, there was still a lot of chatter and noise.

Jiang was also upset by the noise.

I don’t even have the time or energy to explain to them.

He simply turned sideways, leaned against the wall, and pulled the hood of his coat over it.

Put on a posture of "refuse to communicate and don't disturb strangers".

Then, the noise finally grew quiet.

There was only the humming sound of the mall's air conditioner running.

In the darkness, everyone was listening to the movements outside, thinking about their own affairs, and waiting for the final judgment.

Most people had already called, sent messages, and explained everything they needed to say and explain to their parents and relatives.

There are only a few who are still crying and saying something while holding their phones under the fluorescent light of their phones.

There are still people who are "persevering" lying by the window, holding up their mobile phones to take photos and videos, and post on Moments and group chats on forums.

"They have been hiding it from us! They have been hiding it from us! We have an obligation to let all people know the truth!!!"

The people next to Jiang Ye were chattering while staring at the progress of the video upload.

There were also old people who argued with them and encouraged everyone to believe in the government and the officialdom.

"Think about the big earthquake, think about the big flood. The government will definitely send people to save us! We will definitely survive!"

Jiang Ye, who rested his head on the cold wall, took out his mobile phone and clicked on WeChat.

He originally wanted to send a message to his parents and girlfriend.

But unexpectedly, as soon as I entered WeChat, Du Jia's many unread messages were displayed at the first place!

Jiang Ye was stunned and hurriedly clicked in!

Du Jia: [Help, help, help! I'm in the trash can in the corridor! Come and save me! ! ! 】

Du Jia: [(crying) Please save me! ! ! 】

Du Jia: [Where are you? ? ? 】

There were more than a dozen messages in a row, all of which were Du Jia's various messages asking for help and his last words.

Quickly turning to the last item, Jiang was stunned.

Du Jia: [I know! ! ! Butterfly bone! ! ! This ghost's weakness is the butterfly bone! ! ! 】

The chat box shows that this message was sent twenty minutes ago.

Jiang also clicked on the typing box and tried to reply to him.

[How do you know her weaknesses? 】

【Are you ok? 】

[Hold on, I’ll bring someone over to rescue you right away! 】

After waiting for dozens of seconds, there was no reply in the chat box.

Jiang Ye's heart sank, and a bad premonition arose.

He raised his head and looked around blankly.

I heard a young couple whispering across the street.

Man: "Bao'er, tell me, if I become the apprentice of that sword fairy outside, won't I need to find a job?"

Woman: "Tch, I think if you become the Sword Immortal's apprentice, the first thing you will do is dump me!"

Man: "How could that happen?"

Woman: "Don't think I don't know. Is there a popular saying in your public examination circle, 'The first sword you strike ashore is to kill the person you like'? Even a small civil servant makes you fly with your tail in the sky. If you really want to become a sword fairy, Disciple, oh, that’s incredible~”

Man: "You wronged me! Okay, let me ask you, will you dump me now that you have become the apprentice of the Sword Immortal?"

Woman: “You’re asking even though you know it!”

Man: "Look, look, I knew you would dump me and go find ten or eight handsome men!"

Jiang also looked at the chat box on his phone, and then at the young couple opposite.

The confusion in his eyes gradually faded away.

His expression changed drastically.

Struggling and contradictory.

Then, he clicked on the chat box with his girlfriend and flipped through it.

He clicked on the chat box with Qingxiazi again and flipped through it again and again.

Especially the sentence "A certain master said, don't mention him after you leave the mountain..."

Suddenly, he stood up with a bang!

It shocked the young couple opposite!

I watched helplessly as he walked around on the first floor of the shopping mall like a headless fly.

Then run to the second floor!

Get a boning knife!

He rushed to the entrance of the mall and paused again.

Next, push open the shopping mall door!

Wind and rain rush in, lightning and thunder!

He ran headlong into the violent storm!


"World Honored One!"

The strange thing roared, and its long hair and long skirt danced wildly in the wind.

Xiaobai jumped up high!

"Bang" hit the monster hard!

But before he landed, he was grabbed by the equally frantic camphor tree next to him!


Xiaobai roared and spit out a ball of light from his mouth! Hit the camphor tree head-on!

The light ball exploded, and a cluster of blue fire appeared on the arm of the camphor tree.

But immediately, it was wiped out by the heavy rain!

Jiang Ye, who was following closely behind it, was still about three or four meters away from the strange thing.

He has been passionate about basketball since he was a child, and instinctively uses the three-step layup that has been engraved in his bones!


Bend your knees and step hard into the water with your right foot, causing water to splash.


The left foot also stepped hard on the ground!


Bend your right leg and raise it at the knee, lean your upper body back slightly, and your whole body will rise into the air!

The boning knife was raised high!

The brilliance of the knife tip flows!

Then, it was like dunking on the basket!

The boning knife was stabbed hard into the monster's butterfly bone!


The stagnant feeling coming from the tip of the knife proved that the knife had hit the bone!

Jiang Ye was like crazy, exerting all his strength!


The entire blade of the boning knife was submerged.

The monster was in pain and screamed!

All the weird creatures go crazy!

Countless hands were swaying wildly around Jiang Ye!

Countless mouths opened wide to swallow Xiang Jiangye!

The countless pairs of white hands reflected in Jiang Ye's pupils expanded rapidly!

It was still 0.1 centimeters away from his eyeballs!

His heart almost stopped beating!


The world seemed to fall into silence.

The heavy rain seemed to be hovering.

In Jiang Ye's pupils.

Those countless pairs of white hands stopped moving instantly!


Cun, Cun, Annihilation, Destruction.

Until all the strange creatures turned into smoke and dispersed, Jiang Ye still couldn't recover for a long time.

"Dang Cang——"

The boning knife fell to the ground crisply.

Jiang also staggered, and then he felt a sharp pain in his abdomen.

As soon as he touched it and saw the blood on his hand, he slowly laughed.

Lie down softly.

With his hands wide open, he lay on his back in the rainstorm, his chest rising and falling.

Let the heavy raindrops hit your face and it hurt.

The smile gradually widened.

Only his laughter echoed throughout Guanyin Street.


The capital of China.

A certain conference room.

on the big screen.

The man in Taoist robes stood in the air.

Hair flying.

He lowered his hands to knead the secrets, and his eyes were as deep and calm as a thousand-year-old ancient pool.

Then, it was like stepping on invisible stairs.

Walk slowly to the ground.

It's like a god descending into the world.

He bent down and picked something up from the ground——

Just when everyone in the conference room opened their eyes wide, trying to see clearly what he had picked up.

He disappeared instantly!


The secretary who controlled the big screen hurriedly rushed to the operating table and switched many shots.

But there was no trace of the man in Taoist robes!

Only Jiang Ye's laughter came from the surveillance camera.

The conference room fell into a long silence.

Everyone around the oval mahogany table found it difficult to describe their feelings in words.

The old man at the front had stood in front of the big screen at some point, looking up.

After a long silence, he turned around and spoke slowly to everyone with a solemn expression.

"We must re-evaluate the strength of this Sword Immortal."

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