After the old man said these words.

A woman in her early thirties wearing a black suit hurriedly carried a large stack of information documents forward and distributed them to everyone around the oval mahogany conference table.

The old man took the document, walked back to his seat, and sat down.

After the woman distributed the documents, she picked up the light blue folder she had prepared, stood at the front, and reported to everyone.

"According to the latest data report submitted by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Huaguo Big Data Monitoring Center, and the Power Research Center, the sword cultivator flew and hovered in the air for 36 minutes and 23 seconds under the recorded monitoring equipment."

"The principle is not yet clear, but based on the data collected by heat monitoring and radar, it can be concluded that the body consumes about 80 joules of heat per minute when flying and hovering, which is equivalent to the energy consumed by an ordinary person when drinking a glass of water, 36 The energy consumed in a minute and 23 seconds is approximately 2880 joules, which is equivalent to..."

Hearing this, the old man knocked on the table to remind the woman.

"Only tell the conclusion, and omit the rest. Time is tight. You will naturally look at these data yourself."

The woman lowered her head slightly and said, "Okay President."

Then she stood up straight and continued her report.

"In short, this thirty-six-page report analyzes all aspects of detailed data from hovering height, energy consumption, spell energy wavelength, etc., and draws conclusions..."

The woman paused for a moment.

People in the conference room listened intently.

Woman: "For this swordsman, hovering in the sky for one hour is as simple as eating a meal and drinking a glass of water for us ordinary people."

"And all the spells he used...please forgive me for using the word 'spell', it is also the word directly used in the report."

"Of all the spells he used, the least powerful ones were equivalent to bullets fired from an ordinary pistol."

"The most powerful one is equivalent to an exploding thermobaric bomb!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present could not help but look at each other.

Some people just don't know what the power of a thermobaric bomb explosion is.

Someone soon spoke up to explain.

He was an old man in his early sixties, with some age spots on his face and eyes like an eagle.

Even wearing casual clothes, people feel a strong sense of coercion.

He said slowly: "To talk about thermobaric bombs, we must talk about cloud burst bombs. Cloud burst bombs are loaded with high-energy fuel. When detonated for the first time, the fuel will be exploded into the air. After the fuel and air merge, There will be a second explosion."

"The second explosion can instantly release a large amount of heat energy, forming a high-temperature and high-pressure fireball with a temperature of nearly 3,000 degrees Celsius and expanding at a speed of more than 2,000 meters per second."

"Even if people around you escape the fireball, there will be a lack of oxygen at the explosion site and people will suffocate to death."

"It can be said that the power of cloud explosion bombs is dozens of times that of ordinary bombs."

"The United States used it on the battlefield in South Vietnam. At that time, all the houses at the explosion site were in ruins, and the people were either burned to death or suffocated to death."

"No one survived."

"Speaking of thermobaric bombs."

"The thermobaric bomb can be simply understood as a more advanced version of the cloud burst bomb."

"The fuel used by the thermobaric bomb is solid fuel, and a large amount of chemical powder is added."

"These powders spread into the air and are more lethal than cloud bombs."

"Furthermore, cloud burst bombs do little damage to solid defenses, but the explosion shock wave of thermobaric bombs can destroy the entire defensive offensive."

"Not long ago, a thermobaric bomb was thrown on the Donetsk battlefield. All soldiers and buildings within the explosion range melted instantly."

"It can be said that the power of a thermobaric bomb is like a small nuclear weapon."

The old man's voice fell.

Everyone in the conference room had a deeper understanding of the power of thermobaric bombs...or rather, the power of the sword cultivator man.

The woman continued to add: "Not only that, if we drop a thermobaric bomb, we just drop it and have no control over its explosion range, explosion power, etc."

"But this sword cultivator can."

"He can control the range of spell attacks or the power of spell attacks at will."

"As long as he wants, he can even compress a spell like a thermobaric bomb into a small room and explode it."

"This alone is far superior to thermobaric bombs."

"Moreover, this swordsman not only has such terrifying attack power, but also has extremely strong defensive power."

"It is very likely that he can further enhance his strength through practice in the future."

At this point, the conference room fell silent.

Woman: "Finally, the academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences also added a postscript to this conclusion."

The old man at the front heard the words and did not speak, but closed his eyes and listened.

The woman got the signal, cleared her throat, and read the postscript.

"After reasonable speculation, all the spells currently used by Mr. Sword Cultivator are not his limits. I hope all leaders will treat them with caution!"

"If you can, I hope you will think of our country's military technology and invite Mr. Jianxiu to come to our Chinese Academy of Sciences. Our Chinese Academy of Sciences will certainly entertain you warmly."

"By then, our country's military technology will surely be far ahead and stand tall in the world!"

The words fell.

Many people present couldn't help laughing.

Even the old man who was called "President" couldn't help laughing and opened his eyes.

He shook his head with a smile and said helplessly to the others.

"These old guys, they all call the things they use 'spells', and they want to study them and get them into military technology."

"Are science and technology, science and technology, magic and science and technology the same thing?"

"I'm afraid if I really invite someone to their place as a guest, the entire Chinese Academy of Sciences building will be razed to the ground!"

"When I get there, I won't even have time to cry!"

The other old people also laughed.

"They are also doing it for our country, China."

"Yes, President, you have to understand."

"But if we invite the Sword Immortal, our country, China, will be far ahead? Based on this logic, are they going to slice people up and grill them, or make them hot pot?"

Everyone in the conference room laughed so hard that their brows stretched.

But when the laughter subsided, the conference room fell into a solemn and silent atmosphere again.

After nearly a minute, the president spoke, slowly asking the woman.

"So, has the National Security Bureau investigated the origins of this sword cultivator?"

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