As for the second story card world.

Zheng Chengcheng created an extremely desperate "hell" based on the "unspeakable".

In this "hell", all the sources of extraordinary power come from the "unspeakable".

And the source of all disasters is also them.

The purpose of Zheng Chengcheng creating this "hell".

It is to allow the story card world to deduce ways to resist the "unspeakable" by itself...


As Zheng Chengcheng descended into the "hell world", she looked out at the dark sky.

There were only building wreckage and no one around.

Just as Zheng Chengcheng was looking at this new virtual world.

A group of soldiers wearing military green combat uniforms and covered in blood staggered towards Zheng Chengcheng.

And Zheng Chengcheng, like an ordinary little loli, showed a look of fear.

The petite person stood in place, and her slender short legs trembled with fear.

"Little sister... Don't be afraid..." A soldier spoke in a very hoarse voice.

He seemed to want to comfort Zheng Chengcheng by "smiling".

But the corners of his mouth that stretched to the edge of his cheeks looked very scary at first glance.

Soldier No. 2 looked at Soldier No. 1's hideous smile.

He immediately stretched out a black hairy palm the size of a watermelon to block the other party's "smile" to avoid scaring Zheng Chengcheng.

Although these soldiers behaved very strangely, they did not show any "chaos".

When Zheng Chengcheng's emotions calmed down, she also learned from these strange soldiers.

If people in this world want to survive for a long time, they must let a certain "unspeakable" anchor themselves.

When you become an "anchor", you must start the advanced practice of willpower.

Rely on the strong will trained before becoming an anchor.

Take the initiative to contact the "chaotic pollution" from the "unspeakable".

As long as you can suppress even the "chaotic evil thoughts" through willpower.

The contact can be ended immediately, and a willpower training is completed.

The more "chaotic evil thoughts" the anchor suppresses, the more progress he makes in sealing the "unspeakable".

Until the end, relying on willpower to completely seal an "unspeakable" in the depths of his soul.

But this method only exists in theory.

Because these warriors have been practicing the "Will Method" since the beginning.

They have never seen a "perfect anchor" who can completely seal the "unspeakable".

Even if this method succeeds in the end.

The body and mind of the anchor have long been infected by the "unspeakable", and their lifespan has been greatly reduced.

The longest sealing time is only one or two years.

When the "perfect anchor" dies, it is the time for the "unspeakable" to revive again.

The sealing method of the "Will Method" is not something that everyone can do.

"Although it is relatively simple, this will law should also be what they want."

"Ordinary people in this world can rely on willpower to seal the "Unspeakable" for one or two years."

"What about the extraordinary people in the main world?"

After temporarily withdrawing from the "Hell World", Zheng Chengcheng handed the "Will Law" to the dean of the Imperial Capital Academy.

After that, she found an uninhabited place to continue exploring the "Hell World".

Although Zheng Chengcheng has the authority of the God of Creation.

But the more she relies on authority, the lower the upper limit of the natural evolution of this Hell World.

The main body of the story card is an "Unspeakable".

Zheng Chengcheng can't know how to deal with them better than they themselves, right?

So far, she can't even look at the "Unspeakable" for a moment.

Not to mention dealing with them.

So, Zheng Chengcheng practiced the "Will Law" under the instruction of those weird warriors.

And after those weird warriors learned the "Will Law" from Zheng Chengcheng.

The originally tense heartstrings suddenly relaxed.

The subsequent inheritance had an heir, and they also held on to the maximum time limit.

After sending Zheng Chengcheng to a slightly safer area.

They forcibly suppressed the "chaotic pollution" in their bodies and walked towards the depths of the occupied area...

After that, Zheng Chengcheng followed some of his own preferences.

Successfully anchored by an "unspeakable" with special abilities.

As long as it is anchored by this "unspeakable".

The desire for heaven in the heart will continue to shrink.

Various weak parts of the body will also reduce the benefits of weaknesses.

Until all parts of the body cannot produce even a little heaven-ascending value, it will completely become the "food" of this "unspeakable".

In order to deal with this "unspeakable".

Zheng Chengcheng relied on the refining method of the immortal world to tailor-make instruments for himself to deal with Him.

WhenWhen all these instruments to deal with the ‘unspeakable’ were worn under the clothes.

Zheng Chengcheng also seemed to have entered the stage of fighting with the ‘unspeakable’.

She would frown frequently while walking aimlessly.

She would even squat in place every once in a while, covering her mouth with a complicated look.

It was as if if she made a sound, this ‘unspeakable’ would be deeply influenced.

But as the time Zheng Chengcheng was anchored by this ‘unspeakable’ continued to lengthen.

Every time she stopped, squatted and covered her mouth, the interval would also lengthen.

Gradually, the instruments she had made before to deal with the ‘unspeakable’ seemed to be less effective...

Zheng Chengcheng also knew that this was his treacherous ability at work.

So, Zheng Chengcheng relied on treacherous means to find a more solid house.

She spent some time transforming the interior of the house into a custom practice room.

After that, she spent a long time in this training room fighting against the ‘Unspeakable’.

When she came out of seclusion, her face was full of haggardness.

Not only was her figure thinner, but even her slender legs would tremble every time she walked.

Weak legs were an indirect side effect of dealing with this ‘Unspeakable’.

Zheng Chengcheng kept going through seclusion and adventures.

Finally, she spent several years in the ‘Hell World’ to break through to the Perfect Anchor.

She successfully sealed the ‘Unspeakable’ that anchored her temporarily.

“For a specific ‘Unspeakable’, the difficulty of sealing it will be greatly reduced for a specific person.”

This is Zheng Chengcheng’s experience of practicing the ‘Will Method’ in the ‘Hell World’ for several years.

In addition to the ‘Will Method’, this world also has the ‘Attachment Method’.

But compared to the Will Method, the Attachment Method is a bit dangerous.

The first step of this method is to find a sleeping ‘Unspeakable’ and ‘attach’ to it.

After that, let other revived ‘Unnameable’ anchor him.

In this way, the previously attached ‘Unnameable’ can help him offset the assimilation of ‘chaotic pollution’.

Although all performances are weaker than the ‘Will Law’.

But the lifespan of these anchors is much longer than that of the anchors who practice the ‘Will Law’.

“Although I can let people rely on cost cards to greatly reduce the burden from the ‘Unnameable’.”

“But this method will definitely accelerate His degeneration…”

After a brief summary, Zheng Chengcheng continued to experience various methods of dealing with ‘Unnameable’ in the hell world.

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