After a period of time, I have experienced most of the anchoring methods.

Zheng Chengcheng feels that the comprehensive effect of the ‘will method’ and the advanced and derived methods of the ‘will method’ is better.

The will method can not only maximize the power from the ‘indescribable’.

It can also ensure that your personality will not be affected by them as much as possible.

Other anchoring methods will more or less affect your personality.

In the end, Zheng Chengcheng used the cost card to positively blend these anchoring methods together.

The final version of the anchoring method obtained later is still based on willpower.

Compared with the original will method, the final version adds various essences of other anchoring methods.

The threshold for practicing the will method has been greatly reduced.

Due to the lack of additional extraordinary power, the development progress of the anchoring method is extremely slow.

Most anchors have a lifespan of less than 10 years.

The stronger the anchor, the longer his lifespan will not only not increase, but even decrease!

Under this circumstance, it is quite difficult for the anchoring method to develop to a deeper level.

"If you import the main world system, because of the world's attributes, the awakened talents are definitely evil."

"Of course, the compatibility will be higher with 'Unspeakable'."

"But the risk of being assimilated into 'Unspeakable' will also increase."

"If you import the immortal cultivation system..." Zheng Chengcheng frowned and personally experimented in the 'Hell Realm'.

The result is similar to that of importing the main world system.

Immortal cultivation requires the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to be absorbed into one's body.

But there is no so-called spiritual energy in the hell world, and the air is pure 'chaotic pollution'.

Excluding the two major mainstream systems, only the "Luanfeng Condensation Yuan" and the Guangyan system are left.

"There are not many candidates suitable for Luanfeng Condensation Yuan."

"Even spreading this method is not a good thing for the future of a race."

Excluding "Luanfeng Condensation Yuan", only the Guangyan system is left.

"The Light Flame system is a branch of the belief system, although its extraordinary core is all in me."

"But the more people practice Light Flame, not only will I become stronger, but the upper limit of Light Flame will also be raised..."

After thinking about it, Zheng Chengcheng used the physical fitness of an ordinary person to enter the story card world.

Then, she opened her little hand and released a white-hot flame that emitted a faint light.

This flame is extremely gentle, and it can automatically adjust the temperature according to the comfort range of the creature.

Of course, this is the effect of Light Flame on the friendly side.

As Zheng Chengcheng attracted a wisp of chaotic pollution, he drove the light flame to wrap it up.


The originally white-hot light flame instantly turned into a dark and strange black flame!

But as Zheng Chengcheng continued to activate the purification ability of the light flame.

This black flame actually showed a trace of the ability to purify chaotic pollution!

Although this performance is very weak, for Zheng Chengcheng, its value is far greater than the anchoring method of the hell world!

After quickly calming down, Zheng Chengcheng randomly found a native of the Hell Realm to experiment with.

She found that the Light Flame only had the ability to purify the "chaotic pollution" when it was in her hands.

After some thought, Zheng Chengcheng could also think of the problem.

"I have the "chaotic antibody", but others don't..."

The source of the Light Flame's purification of the "chaotic pollution" came from herself, not the Light Flame.

Even if there was no Light Flame system, Zheng Chengcheng could use other systems to replace the ability of "purification".

After all, she was the only one who had the Chaos Antibody.

"In that case, can I let others practice my Light Flame directly."

"Instead of practicing their own Light Flame?"

If the Light Flame is compared to the Great Dao, Zheng Chengcheng is the only person who teaches the Great Dao of Light Flame.

Then the Light Flame system that she taught to the four members of the team in the main world was based on the Great Dao of Light Flame.

While the other four members of the team were improving the strength of their own Light Flame.

The first to benefit was the Great Dao of Light Flame, and then Zheng Chengcheng, the person who taught the law.

The benefits of the former must be far greater than the latter.

And with Zheng Chengcheng as the main body.

Then the order of benefits will be reversed.

Thinking of this, Zheng Chengcheng found another native.

He directly separated a sub-flame from his own light flame and handed it to the other party.

As expected by Zheng Chengcheng!

The light flame from her does have the effect of purifying "chaotic pollution"!

However, the purification effect of the sub-flame is not even 1% of the mother flame in Zheng Chengcheng's hand!

"As the sub-flame becomes stronger through cultivation, its purification ability will also become stronger."

"Although the upper limit of purification depends on myself, if I want to be on par with evenEven surpassing me is not an easy thing...”

As Zheng Chengcheng continued to distribute the flames to the natives of the Hell Realm.

Those natives also regarded Zheng Chengcheng as a savior and respectfully called her the ‘Light Fairy’.

As Zheng Chengcheng distributed the flames to a certain extent, she found that her authority as the God of Creation was suddenly weakened!

“What’s going on?!” Zheng Chengcheng felt a sense of crisis.

Strong wisps of ‘chaotic pollution’ began to descend on the ‘Hell Realm’!

“Huh? ! "Zheng Chengcheng was stunned for a moment.

Then he quickly realized that a real 'unspeakable' had descended into this world.

The natives of the Hell Realm were able to seal the 'unspeakable'.

The fundamental reason is that this world is fictional.

When Zheng Chengcheng distributed and spread the real light flame system.

This fictional world also came with a bit of 'reality'.

And the 'unspeakable' is between reality and fiction.

When they sensed that there were a large number of fictional counterparts in this world.

They were naturally attracted to this new world.

So far, the originally fictional Hell Realm.

With the true arrival of the 'unspeakable', it became a real world in this instant!

The authority of the Creator God held by Zheng Chengcheng was also stolen by many 'unspeakable' , almost disappeared.

Given that Zheng Chengcheng has the breath of their "kind".

They still left Zheng Chengcheng with a faint trace of the power of the Creator God.

Because the hell world is fictionalized by the story card.

And the story card is a real "unspeakable".

When Zheng Chengcheng's power from him was stolen.

The story card also automatically triggered the protection mechanism and forcibly took back half of Zheng Chengcheng's power of the Creator God.

Zheng Chengcheng alone took 50%, and the other 50% was divided by many "unspeakable".

Compared with the original theft to only a faint trace, this result is already very good.

"Even the fictional world can be anchored by them as the real world..."

Zheng Chengcheng is almost unsolvable by these "unspeakable" performances. Cheng felt a little cold in her heart.

If she had introduced the existence of the ‘Unspeakable’ into the world of immortal cultivation at that time.

Would the world of immortal cultivation also be anchored by them as the real world?

With the full arrival of the real ‘Unspeakable’.

Most of the original anchoring methods have lost their effect.

Only the will method, and its advanced and derived methods are left, which are barely effective.

As for the sub-flames distributed by Zheng Chengcheng...

It can barely be used to purify the ownerless ‘chaotic pollution’.

But it has no effect on the pollution released by the ‘Unspeakable’.

After all, the gap between Zheng Chengcheng and the ‘Unspeakable’ is there.

Even if she has chaos antibodies, won’t she be able to withstand the glance of the ‘Unspeakable’?

In other words, the existence behind the price card has no ill will towards her.

Otherwise, the previous several descents would have assimilated Zheng Chengcheng into the ‘unspeakable’.

Although the purification effect of the sub-flame is greatly reduced.

But at the critical moment of becoming an anchor, if you use the sub-flame to protect yourself.

Then not only will the probability of becoming an anchor be greatly increased.

Even the side effects after becoming an anchor will be reduced a lot.

If the probability of becoming an illusory anchor was less than 10% before.

Then the probability of becoming a real anchor is less than 1% now!

And the probability of becoming an anchor with the protection of the sub-flame will increase to about 5%.

Because 50% of the authority was stolen.

In addition, there are already many ‘unspeakable’ in this world that have come across time and space.

Zheng Chengcheng, who was originally able to inspect the world openly.

In order not to alarm them, now can only observe the world carefully and stealthily.

Then, she found that the person who had become an anchor.

After the Hell Realm became real, 99% of the anchors instantly became part of a certain "unspeakable"!

Among the remaining 1% of anchors, all of them practiced the Will Method.

"Although some of them went too far."

"But Zi Yan, combined with the Will Method, is already the best way to deal with the "unspeakable."

As for the Hell Realm...

The number of plane worlds is as numerous as the stars.

One less Hell Realm is not much, and one more Hell Realm is not much.

It's just that Zheng Chengcheng had an accident while teaching Zi Yan, causing this world used for experiments to be out of her control.

"The goal has been basically achieved, and I won't come to the Hell Realm if I can avoid it in the future."

Zheng Chengcheng didn't want to stay in a place that was more dangerous than the main world.

If there was no story card to give Zheng Chengcheng protection, she would definitely be glared at by countless "unspeakable".

As the Hell Realm has become real.

The ‘Unspeakable’ that Zheng Chengcheng had sealed before also appeared out of thin air!

Fortunately, she in the main world is much stronger than her in the Hell Realm.

After realizing that the ‘Unspeakable’ in her body is about to revive.

She also used all her skills to make it sleep again.

Compared with the fictitious ‘Unspeakable’.

After this ‘Unspeakable’ became real, its ability suddenly became more bizarre.

Originally, He only had the ability to reduce the value of ascension until he could not ascend to the sky.

Now, He has added the ability to confuse all sensory feedback!

Of course, since the core of his bizarre ability is linked to ascension.

So His ability to confuse all senses is also linked to ascension.

If Zheng Chengcheng does not completely seal Him in time.

His bizarre ability will continue to upgrade and strengthen over time!

Zheng Chengcheng in the Hell Realm in order to completely seal Him.

She spent several years to let herself stay in the training room and teach herself to practice.

Now that He has become real, it is even more difficult for Zheng Chengcheng to completely seal Him without the help of the price card!

In order not to worry Ye Shuanghan and others, Zheng Chengcheng can only call Bai Xinjue to help her.

As a former divine fruit, Bai Xinjue naturally has many means to deal with the "unspeakable".

After noticing that Zheng Chengcheng's condition is not right, she also helped Zheng Chengcheng to temporarily seal it.

As Zheng Chengcheng temporarily escaped from danger, Bai Xinjue also asked seriously: "How did He come?"

Then, Zheng Chengcheng suddenly turned the fictional world he created into a real thing and told Bai Xinjue.

After listening to what Zheng Chengcheng said, Bai Xinjue once again manifested the memory tree in front of her.

"What do you did the countless planes come from?"

After hearing Bai Xinjue's question, Zheng Chengcheng was suddenly shocked.

"It can't be that all of them were created by 'indescribable', right?"

"Yes, and no." Bai Xinjue shook his head.

"The countless planes of the world were originally illusory."

"It's just that because of the appearance of the 'Unspeakable', those illusory worlds were anchored to reality by them."

"My former gods told me that the original world had no extraordinary power, and the whole world was made up of ordinary people, including Him."

"Then the 'Unspeakable' was born."

"As the savior of a certain illusory world, He also irresistibly ascended to become a 'god'."


"Although they are called 'gods', their essence is actually 'Unspeakable'."

"It's just that compared to those born 'Unspeakable', the advantage of 'gods' is that they have wisdom."

"It's just that in the endless years, they were infected by 'chaotic pollution'."

"As a result, the original 'gods' also completely degenerated into 'Unspeakable'."

After listening to Bai Xinjue's words, Zheng Chengcheng was shocked again.

The whole world is made up of ordinary people... Isn't that talking about her previous life!

Although Bai Xinjue guessed that she was not a native of this world.

But she did not guess where Zheng Chengcheng came from in her previous life!

"I and the 'God' are from the same hometown?!" Zheng Chengcheng couldn't help but think of this.

"So the price card sent me here to let me take the savior route and then ascend to become a 'God'?"

"Since the illusory world has become real, can I still ascend if I take the savior route?"

Zheng Chengcheng did not want to become a terrifying existence like the 'Unspeakable'.

Even if you ascend to become a 'God', you can't escape the influence of 'chaotic pollution'?

Born as a human, although a little weak.

But the time she spent with Ye Shuanghan and others was at least pleasant!

'Unspeakable'... has no seven emotions and six desires, they only have endless chaos.

"The flame can purify 'chaotic pollution', although the effect is still very weak..."

After thinking for a while, Zheng Chengcheng separated a wisp of flame and handed it to Bai Xinjue.

"Master, this wisp of flame has the ability to purify chaotic pollution, but the effect is very weak."

Bai Xinjue took the flame handed over by Zheng Chengcheng and looked at it carefully for a moment.

"...Its birth originated from the 'unspeakable' who attacked you last time?"

Although Zheng Chengcheng's related memories were blurred by the cost card, she still remembered roughly.

"That's right!"

"If I'm not mistaken, this magical flame was accidentally produced by the fall of an 'unspeakable'."

"Your ability to create a fictional world should be a special tool made by the 'god' behind you using His corpse."


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