“Finally it’s done, it’s quite tiring.

Shi Han gently lifted his bangs, wiped the sweat from his forehead and breathed a sigh of relief: "I believe some knowledgeable water friends have recognized that what I make is Wensi Tofu.

Why is Wensi Tofu not tofu?

Water friends don’t understand.

The food lovers who were watching were shocked by Shi Han's technique.

The water friends who don’t understand then call it awesome!

The water friends who are watching at this time, Brother Xie who is thousands of miles away, and Brother Suozi from the same city are also here - giving their gifts.

Shi Han also smiled and thanked him.

But the next barrage made her cover her mouth, a little surprised.

"Wan Zhongsha gave Shi Xiaohan five big rockets. Come and get the treasure box!"

It's not just her.

The water friends in the live broadcast room were also dumbfounded.

Could this name be Wan Lao?

But after taking a closer look, we found that the names were still different, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Miss, your name is really a coincidence. It sounds the same as Wan Lao!"

"That's right, I thought I saw it wrong! Haha!"

"When you think about it, you will know that it is not Wan Lao. After all, Wan Lao is also an old man. How can he watch the live broadcast!"

"If it is true, I have already thought of the title of UC...A 70-year-old man keeps up with the times and learns to surf the Internet, and the purpose is to watch beautiful anchors?"

"This is too stupid, you come to work at UC tomorrow!"

During the heated discussion among water friends.

The young lady who just gave me a gift had no reply at all.

Been waiting for a long time.

Only then did a barrage that looked full of anger float across the screen.

[Wan Chongsha]: "I am Wan Lao! I don't know who registered my name, and then randomly changed the words and changed it to this!"

After a brief moment of tranquility.

After learning that this person was really Wan Zhongsha, the live broadcast room was filled with a happy atmosphere.

"Really? I will worship you directly!"

"Wonderful! It turns out to be really Wan Lao, and it's quite fashionable, Wan Lao!"

"If you change the word, the gender will be different!"

"Wan Lao, let me ask you this, if you watch the live broadcast, will your wife beat you up? I'm just curious!"

Meet a celebrity foodie and watch live with them.

The water friends here are quite excited.

They all tried to interact with Wan Lao.

Wan Lao, on the other hand, had no airs and directed his grandson to type and send barrages.

[Wan Chongsha]: "No! I'm watching it with my grandson! But from what you say, I feel like you have a lot of stories, young man..."

[Wan Chongsha]: "Don't be stunned, Xiaohan! The customers around are waiting. I also want to enjoy this Wensi Tofu!"

Shi Jun, who was still dazed, reacted.

Smiling and nodding his head.

"Welcome Wan Lao, okay, I'll start doing it now.

Then Shi Han put away his expression and began to concentrate.

Add appropriate amount of water to the pot.

Put shredded shiitake mushrooms, shredded winter bamboo shoots and shredded fungus into the pot, blanch until shredded, remove and set aside.

Drain the water from the pot and replace with chicken broth.

Bring to a boil, then turn to low heat, and Shi Han adds the freshly blanched ingredients and shredded ham into the pot.

After it boils over low heat, add a small amount of salt.

Then add water starch to the pot, adding it multiple times and in small amounts each time.

Cook the soup until slightly thickened.

After thickening, Shi Han put the newly drained shredded tofu into the soup and placed the soup noodles with the back of an iron spoon.

Turn gently to spread out the shredded tofu in the soup.

After it is completely spread out, add shredded green cabbage and spread it out in the same way.

At this time, Wensi Tofu has been completed.

Through the lens of the live broadcast room.

Water friends can clearly see inside the pot.

Thousands of strands of tofu silk as thin as hair are floating in it, light, white and delicate.

It is also dotted with some red or green ingredients.

At a glance.

It looks like a blooming chrysanthemum, and what flows in the cup is like a vivid landscape painting.

No matter what the ingredients are, they are as thin as hair!


Wan Zhongsha, who was not in the East China Sea, was sitting on the sofa with Wan Biao and watching.

While exclaiming.

In Wisdom Wanbiao also called up the keyboard of his mobile phone and started sending barrages.

[Wan Zhongsha]: “It’s really amazing that the owner Xiaohan can make this dish, but I still have to say that my ancestors are amazing. There is an art in eating tofu!”

Originally, the water friends were just stunned.

Now Wan Lao's barrage made everyone react.

They all nodded subconsciously in agreement.

"Wan Lao, don't be restrained! Just say something awesome to me and that's it!"

"To be honest, this is simply art! I don't know how it tastes, but I just want to try it!"

"Simple ingredients, flowers are made!"

"Damn it, my wife cooked this dish really well, she is really damn perfect..."

"Pair the cephalosporin with wine, drink it and leave, everything you need is there!"

At this time, Shi Han had just finished making Wensi Tofu.

The customers in the store all looked over.

There were two groups of people sitting in the store, including those who ordered West Lake Vinegar Fish and Wensi Tofu.

The faces of both groups of people were full of expectations.

It's just that this batch is more exciting...


Tang Zixuan helped pick up the Wensi tofu, resisting the tangy aroma, and insisted on coming to the guests.

Confirmed guest reservation record.

Just put down Wensi Tofu.

As the first guest to taste this dish, Wang Liang is also a non-local student who came to Donghai University.

And he is a live broadcast fan of Shi Xiaohan.

When he came to Donghai, he didn't make a reservation for the delicious food in the coffee shop.

This made him a little disappointed.

But today.

When watching the live broadcast in the evening, Shi Han informed that new dishes would be available today and reservations would be opened at the same time!

Wang Liang, who was originally having dinner together for a late-night snack, was shocked.

While he was still having a dinner party, he quickly tried to make a reservation, and luckily he was hooked!

Learn that you have received the opportunity to make an appointment!

Wang Liang left his friends behind and rushed to Fan Dou Street!


This portion of Wensi Tofu is in front of his desk.

The tender tofu shreds, as thin as hair, swayed gently with the soup bowl.

The ingredients cut into thin strips are suspended in the fresh soup, just like a painting, and the color, flavor and shape reach an extremely high level!

That elegant shape makes people marvel at its beauty...

Wang Liang felt.

It is well worth leaving your friends for this dish!

~Thank you!”

"You're welcome! Please take your time and taste it!"

After thanking Tang Zixuan, the palace received a smile in response.

Then he couldn't help it anymore and scooped out some shredded tofu with a spoon.

Inhale the chicken broth into your mouth.

Instantly, his tightly pressed lips began to tremble slightly.

The fine shredded tofu melts in your mouth, and the texture is soft, tender, mellow, and extremely smooth.

It’s really refreshing, tender, and mouth-filling!


Wang Liang subconsciously closed his eyes to feel the fragrance spreading in his mouth.

When he opened his eyes again.

His pupils were full of shock.

Obviously this Wensi Tofu dish, judging from the appearance, the clear soup is watery, and it doesn't seem to have any special taste.

But the reality is exactly the opposite!

All the flavors of the ingredients have entered the soup of this dish!

The tofu is soft and tender, and the soup is clear and mellow.

The entrance is unforgettable.

After tasting it, Tian Liang’s taste has been subverted!

The soup (Mowang's) is obviously made of the simplest ingredients, but in Shi Han's hands, it makes a high-end dish!

this moment.

Wang Liang is really glad that he can come to Donghai University.


It’s really hard to taste such delicious food...

Immediately he said no more, just raised his hand and called.

"Miss! Can you give me a piece of rice?"

"no problem."

Tang Zixuan was still dizzy after being called. She had just eaten not long ago, but she felt hungry again after smelling the fragrance!

My hands seemed a little weak.

That's it for helping Shi Han work.

Even if I want to work hard, I can't concentrate when I smell this delicious food...

But Qi.

Thinking about it, I can taste the same delicious food after serving these guests.

Tang Zixuan was filled with power in an instant!

Come to the bar and hold a bowl of rice in a porcelain bowl.

Tang Zixuan brought it to Wang Liang's table.

Watching the other party take the rice, and then devour it with Wensi tofu.

She could only sigh.

Turn back to the bar and continue serving food...

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