Transformed Into a Female Schoolmaster

Chapter 110: Bury the hatchet

  Zhou Dongyang is indeed a person who loves music very much, and all kinds of music are not rejected. He thinks that the only criterion for judging the quality of music is whether it is good or not. What he pursues is good music.

His concept is actually very suitable for the public. For example, some musicians like to express their ideals in music very much, and think that he is a real artist. Unfortunately, his own ideal is not the ideal of the public. Music naturally becomes more and more niche...

   After listening to it once, Zhou Dongyang naturally still had some meaning. When he listened to it from the perspective of a professional musician the second time, he subconsciously assessed the value of this song.

Speaking of the artistic surname, it is indeed not very high. Whether it is lyrics or melody, it is relatively popular. This is a saliva song. But from his perspective of commercial value evaluation, popular music is naturally popular. This The song may really become popular, and it has the potential to become a "divine comedy".

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Dongyang listened to all of Marisa’s songs several times. Except for those two old songs, Gu Yajun’s own songs are still so distinctive and non-mainstream. As a musician, of course, Appreciating such lofty music, but the public will sound awkward and won't buy it.

  Among these songs, Zhou Dongyang can guarantee that the song "Invisible Wings" has the highest download volume, and maybe this will be the first song made by Gu Yajun that can reach star ratings!

  Excluding the song itself, from the singer Marisa’s voice alone, Zhou Dongyang is indeed envious, yes, he envied Gu Yajun for being able to find such a good seed!

  According to Gu Yajun’s evaluation of her disciple again, it is clear that Marisa absolutely met Gu Yajun’s requirements in terms of attitude, that is to say, Marisa may really be perfected by Gu Yajun!

Judging from the information revealed by these songs, it is clear that Marisa is indeed a newcomer. Although she has worked hard to train her singing skills, this cannot conceal the immaturity of her skills, except for the "Invisible Wings" "Apart from sing almost perfect, in the rest of the songs, it is obvious that the control is still slightly insufficient.

  However, with the passage of time, this Marisa will definitely become better and better under Gu Yajun's training. This child has the potential of a queen!

Zhou Dongyang originally disagreed with Gu Yajun's philosophy. It was naturally because he felt that Gu Yajun treated singers too harshly and would not allow others to make even minor mistakes. This was obviously too extreme and idealistic.

  For example, when Zhou Dongyang is working with a singer, it is enough as long as the final song can reach 80% of his psychological expectations. In his opinion, the public really can't hear the difference between these 80% songs and 100% songs.

Gu Yajun’s music is obviously produced for professional musicians. Professionals may be applauded because its lyrics are beautiful, changeable, innovative, and not tacky. This is why Gu Yajun is considered a cutting-edge music producer. It’s a pity. But it is always unpopular, so far there is not even a star song.

However, Zhou Dongyang has already cooperated with Xiao Yazi, one of the four little queens, on a two-star song, and the download volume has reached more than two million. This move has increased Zhou Dongyang’s reputation on commercial songs. Singers are quite willing to cooperate with this very gentle and cutting-edge musician.

  Zhou Dongyang sent a message to Gu Yajun at this time: "This Marisa is really a good seedling. Can she really endure your various provocations?"

When Gu Yajun saw this message, she immediately sank her face and replied: "In fact, I can't find any thorns in her body. On the contrary, the more I get along with her, the more I feel that I have many shortcomings. She can always One hundred and twenty percent devoted to learning, I admire it very much."

   Zhou Dongyang looked at the news, wiped his eyes, and found that this was indeed what Gu Yajun said. He thought it was incredible—there are people in this world who can convince Gu Yajun?

Gu Yajun is so arrogant. Now that he is not a senior musician, he dared to shake his face with the popular young queen Han Rubing, but now this woman tells him that there is a newcomer named Marisa in this world, so Gu Yajun can’t pick a thorn. On the contrary, self-reflection...

You know, average perfectionists are more or less narcissistic and self-centered. Even if they make mistakes, they will always bite the bullet, but what Zhou Dongyang never expected was that Gu Yajun was actually because of herself. The newly-acquired disciple, and began to change himself!

Zhou Dongyang’s mouth raised a faint smile, he just replied enviously: "Then I congratulate you, don’t blame me for speaking badly before, your surname was too bad, so I’m quick to say that you will achieve something in the future. Limited, but now you give me the feeling... well, in short, I am very envious of you being able to receive such a good disciple! I dare not make any conclusions about your achievements."

Seeing this reply, Gu Yajun pursed her mouth. She couldn't help but recall the time she used to study music with the other party. Her expression subconsciously turned from cloudy to sunny, but she was actually getting along with Wu Di. In the middle, she is already changing herself.

   "Well, I apologize for my old chicken belly, how about going out to have a meal when I have time?" Gu Yajun replied.

When Zhou Dongyang saw this sentence, the smile on his face became more intense, and he replied very calmly: "Naturally, you can call some of your old classmates. By the way, I am very interested in your disciples. , How about calling it out together?"

It’s a pity that Zhou Dongyang received this reply: "Don’t put your idea on her, she is my baby, and she is still a student, so she only has a little more summer vacation time, and she doesn’t have time to socialize... By the way, don't you quickly recommend my latest song?"

Zhou Dongyang sighed secretly. He was really interested in this Marisa. For some reason, he even felt that this Marisa could also control a man's song. Perhaps it was an illusion. After all, it was so nice and light. Voice...

  Zhou Dongyang made a note of Yinyue while thinking about it, and strongly recommended Gu Yajun’s latest song, which is almost the same as everyone’s status and talk about it, and it can be seen by nearly a million fans who follow him.

   Zhou Dongyang’s contacts in the circle are not comparable to Gu Yajun. His status immediately attracted the attention of many people, and they naturally went to listen to these new songs one after another.

  At this time, Wu Di finally started her high school career. This is a truly brand new beginning, because she used to have no foreign language high school in this city.


  Seeking collection recommendation~~~~


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