Wu Di Jin said that her dress is more conservative and low-key. She has a t-shirt, denim canvas shoes, a single ponytail, no decorations, and only a pink hairpin. She has a plain face, fresh and refreshing, and she is full of books. There is a kind of student's vigor, and it becomes more and more beautiful and moving.

Since most of the foreign language high school students are boarding students, and there is a class specially recruited for outstanding students from other cities, there are many vehicles parked in front of the school gate, including some luxury cars, which shows that this is the case in foreign language high schools. Among the top schools in the province, there are many powerful children.

  After all, this city is the capital city of this province, otherwise it would not be a sub-provincial level.

  Many parents helped their children with their luggage and headed to the dormitory area of ​​this foreign language high school. This made Wu Di feel a bit of a university.

  Unfortunately, this high school does not have a student union to organize the welcome. In this school, the high school student union is basically a decoration. Just be a mascot without any power at all.

It’s the Sacred Heart College, a noble school next door, where its students will have so little power and can organize a carnival every year. This is a carnival that allows students to relax. Some are similar to the school festivals of mud bombing schools, mainly for various classes or clubs. Show yourself, this carnival is held every year, usually on the National Day holiday, and all high school students in the city can participate.

And the students of Foreign Language High School will undoubtedly get a month when they are close to the water tower. Most of them will go to see the excitement, and even some clubs will have a sense of existence at Sacred Heart College. After all, although Foreign Language High School also has clubs, the school does not pay attention to it at all. In the third year of high school, students were not allowed to participate in clubs, but to prepare for the college entrance examination.

  Sacred Heart Public School is a private aristocratic middle school, and most of the students in it are the children of wealthy families. The college entrance examination is meaningless to them. They can apply directly to foreign universities.

The two most outstanding universities in China, one is Huaxia University in Beijing, and the other is Zhongdu University in Zhongdu. They are very famous in the world, and many foreign students yearn for these two prestigious universities. Endless.

Comparing Huaxia University with Zhongdu University, the former is the cradle of politicians. After all, it is located in the political center of Beijing, and all the politicians who aspire to enter the official career must enter it for further education, while the latter has a stronger academic atmosphere. The choice of many scholars who are interested in academic research.

Wu Di was alone, just carrying a very simple female student bag, which contained several literary masterpieces that he was reading recently, and then walked straight to his classroom, with green trees planted on both sides of the road. The scenery is very pleasant, and she is still very satisfied with the learning environment.

  She is in the first grade (1) class, and the student number is number 1. Among them, all the students are top students with good results in the high school entrance examination, and some are top students who were recruited in advance in the first semester of junior high school.

  Like this kind of top students who are called in in advance, they naturally look down on those students who have just entered the high school entrance examination, because the questions they have done in advance are much more difficult than the high school entrance examination questions.

Of course, Wu Di, who is really sharp in the senior high school entrance exam, they absolutely dare not look down on, because although the high school entrance exam is easy, it is really hard to achieve the top and perfect, so this is even more of a way The ability that people admire!

  I have to say that the hardware facilities of this foreign language high school are still good. When entering the school, the first thing you see is a tall administrative building. Before the administrative building, it is the place where the national flag is raised, and the Huaxia Dragon Flag is flying high.

Before entering the foreign language high school, Wu Di had read the brochure of this high school carefully. He knew that after the administration building, there are three teaching buildings, which are the learning places for the students of high school, high school and high school. It is a large basketball court, and behind the basketball court is the student apartment.

  On the left side of the magnificent administration building, there is a gymnasium, which can be regarded as the home court of the foreign language school basketball team. As the slogan of "quality education" has become louder and louder, the high school basketball league has been held for several sessions.

  Behind the gymnasium is the big cockpit. Due to the large number of foreign language high schools, they will do inter-class kicks in this big cockroach.

  Between the teaching building and the dormitory is the dining hall of the foreign language high school. Some people say that high school life is actually a three-point line. This is true. In the senior year of high school, this point was deeply reflected.

For example, the foreign language high school basically does not hold any evening parties. Principal Kong thinks this is meaningless. The foreign language high school students have to study a language other than English, which has made the students' study time more urgent, so as An old principal who is rather staid, he always minimizes the entertainment time of students as much as possible. It is best for students to devote all their time to learning.

  So President Kong is actually very unpopular among students in foreign language high school, but 90% of foreign language high school students can be admitted to their favorite university. The school's extremely excellent learning atmosphere is praised by many parents.

  As the graduating students get older and older, when they look back on the past, they all feel grateful for the stern old principal.

Principal Kong’s most uncomfortable thing is the Sacred Heart School next door, which is neither Chinese nor Western. If it can be as rigorous as Eaton’s College, it’s nothing more than the Sacred Heart College prides itself on being an aristocratic private school. It's very good, but the learning atmosphere inside is a mess. A group of rich children go in and have fun, and they are called "Enjoy Youth"...

  Anyway, Principal Kong is the most uncomfortable with the other party’s learning atmosphere. What he is most worried about is that those unscrupulous rich children will affect the outstanding students of foreign language high schools. This is not without the deeds of rich children coming to foreign language high schools to pursue school flowers every year.

  These rich kids are just looking for fun, so they won’t really like a girl from a foreign language high school. They even like to bet on which beauty in a few days, so this became their after-dinner talk.

  Principal Kong could not help but think of the very outstanding girl among the freshmen this time—Wu Di, the top student in the high school entrance examination.

  There was a trace of worry on his old face with white hair. He hoped to see this girl can always be excellent, but he was afraid that she would fall in high school...

  Because for girls, beautiful looks are a god-given treasure, and even a god-given curse. I don’t know how many beautiful girls in this world are ruined by their beauty.

  They always lose themselves in the pursuit of men, and then have the illusion that they have everything if they have beauty.

  Beauty can't beat time, but wisdom can.


  Seeking favorites to recommend~~~~~~~

  Ps: Thank you [Alchemy Apprentice] and [Love Spreading in the Breeze and Drizzle] for the birth of the two leaders! ! !


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