The weather today is pretty good. There is already a hint of coolness in the late summer and early autumn in September. There is a refreshing breath in the breeze. Wu Di looked up at the blue sky and felt peaceful in his heart.

  She really cherishes her years as a student now. When she goes to society and then looks back on the past, she will truly find that this is the most comfortable period of life in her life.

Walking on this campus, because there are so many students who come to report, she can feel a lot of eyes cast on her. She has been used to this for a long time. She is too familiar with men like creatures that think with their lower body. , As a beautiful girl, she should have the consciousness to be appreciated by men.

At this moment, there was a small accident in front of me. A new student with a very petite figure, alone with a lot of luggage, seemed to like to look around, but when she walked, she ran into a tree directly. superior……

Then all her luggage was scattered on the ground... Wait, it seems that this is not luggage at all, but various snacks such as potato chips, seaweed, plum, biscuits, chocolates, etc., and a large bag of apples and oranges, completely scattered. It's coming, rolling all over the floor.

  The petite girl sat on the ground like a duck, holding her forehead, her face seemed a little confused, she didn’t know why she hit the tree...

  When she found that all her snacks and fruits fell on the ground, she couldn't help but whispered and shouted in a crying voice: "My food...Don't grab my food, I will be killed!"

  What's the matter with this situation where snacks are used as red medicine to restore hp? No snacks means death? Didn't I have died long ago? Apologize to those who never eat snacks!

When Wu Di saw this, he didn't say much, just spit out in his heart, and quickly helped the girl pick up apples and oranges on the ground. A few enthusiastic classmates nearby also extended a helping hand. After a while, everyone Saved the girl’s dying life...

   "I'm saved...Thank you so much!" The girl was resurrected with blood, showing a silly cute smile.

Only then did Wu Di see the girl’s face clearly. She has maroon hair, natural curly hair, and a **** hairstyle, which is just right for her cute and cute look, but her face always seems to have a confused look, smiling. I was silly when I got up.

  I don’t know which class this petite and confused girl belongs to. She thought about it at random, but when she was about to leave, she found that her clothes were pulled by the corners of her clothes.

Wu Di turned her head back with some doubts, but saw the petite girl looking up at her with a dejected look. There were some traces of hitting a tree on her forehead. She widened her big eyes and said pitifully: " My plastic bag is broken, can you help me?"

  Wu Di saw that the plastic bag of Shengpingguo had been broken, she was naturally helpful, so she nodded, opened her bag, and said to the girl: "Put the apple in my bag."

  The girl nodded like a chicken pecking rice. She thanked you very sincerely: "Thank you so much, my name is Su Nuan, how about you?"

  Wu Di smiled softly, she said lightly: "It's okay, it's just a matter of effort, my name is Wu Di."

  Su Nuan doesn’t seem to feel Wu Di’s alienated attitude at all. In fact, this is Wu Di’s consistent attitude towards strangers, regardless of male or female.

After knowing Wu Di's name, Su Nuan couldn't help but said, "Is the world invincible?"

  Although Wu Di wanted to nod her head very much, she explained with a smile: "Koutian'Wu','Flute' is the'Flute' of'Dizi'."

  Wu Di not only helped Su Nuan take the apple, but also helped her share some of her luggage. Anyway, Wu Di is a day student and doesn’t live in school.

  So it is the first time Wu Di has come to a girls’ dormitory in these two lifetimes. There is no turmoil in her heart. After all, it’s a new school, and there is almost no difference between the boys’ dormitories and the girls’ dormitories.

  Wu Di saw the dormitory in the nine-person dormitory, and the conditions were very average. She couldn't help but rejoice. Fortunately, she didn't choose to live on campus. Not only was the free time at night gone, but the sleeping environment here was also terrible.

I also need to be on duty every day to clean up... Wu Di suddenly remembered Wang Jingshu’s goodness even more. She always kept that simple home clean and warm, making Wu Di live a very comfortable life, and Wu Di said every day. All you have to do is to cook and cook.

  Wang Jingshu almost took care of all the housework, whether it was cleaning the room or washing clothes, dishes and chopsticks.

   "Wu Di, thank you so much!" After successfully reaching the destination, Su Nuan put her hands together and made a gesture of worship, with a warm smile on her face.

   "No thanks, just a simple effort." Wu Di still smiled politely.

   "By the way, don't you have any luggage?" Su Nuan asked.

  "I'm a day student and don't live in school. My home is not far from this school. I will be there in 15 minutes by bike." Wu Di replied.

She happened to live in the school’s gathering place. It was the closest to the experimental junior high school. It was only a 20-minute walk away, while the foreign language high school was obviously a bit far away, so she bought a bicycle directly with the contribution fee, and she could exercise by the way. Although her body is really good now, she still looks so soft and weak on the outside.

Su Nuan nodded. Although her home is in this city, it is obviously far away from school, so she chose to live on campus. She also felt that since she was in high school, she should study hard, so she insisted on reporting by herself. .

  "I ask you to eat snacks!" Su Nuan took out a packet of potato chips and handed it generously.

  Wu Di waved his hand and said, "I don't like snacks. You like snacks so much, so you are not afraid of gaining weight?"

  "How is it possible? Isn't snacks a necessity of life?" Su Nuan's confused face was full of incredible expressions.

  So who actually told you that snacks are equal to life? Girl, how much do you like snacks? Do you like snacks so much? Does your family know?

Wu Di murmured silently in her heart. She remembered the painful experience of quitting snacks when she had just crossed into this world. She couldn't help but envy the petite girl's physique because she couldn't eat. She could only smile. Said: "Why don't you give me an apple to eat."

"Of course. By the way, which class are you in?" Su Nuan still has a smile on her face. She loves to laugh. When she smiles, she shows white teeth. The two front teeth are a bit like rabbit teeth, but there is definitely no real rabbit. Ya is so exaggerated, but really cute and loving.

   "I'm in Class One, how about you?"

   "Huh? I'm also in the first class. After a long time, we are still classmates, so happy!"


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