Transformed Into a Female Schoolmaster

Vol 3 Chapter 13: Detrimental to oneself

"In that case, why don't you join them in the discussion? Anyway, that Miss Wu Di is really beautiful enough, and that noble temperament will make the boys look forward to it." Zhang Jingzhi said this, but the tone But there is a little unwillingness in it.

This is actually for a reason. At the beginning, Zhang Jingzhi and Wu Di were in the same junior high school. Although she made mistakes in the high school entrance examination, her total score was higher than that of Wu Di. However, Wu Di entered the intensive class by virtue of her relationship. class.

Outstanding academic girls are generally more arrogant. Zhang Jingzhi thinks that she may look slightly inferior to others, but her overall quality is definitely not inferior to others. However, in this high school, Wu Di’s name "Miss" is almost No one knows that no one knows, Zhang Jingzhi keeps her grades in the top ten in the school time and time again, but no one pays attention.

  Wu Di heard Zhang Jingzhi’s question, and he thought that I was originally Wu Di’s male clone, so it’s weird to participate in various discussions among boys about female ontology, isn’t it? Do you boast?

"I am not familiar with that eldest lady, and I am not very interested, and because of my background, I am afraid that I will never have an intersection with the eldest lady in my life." Wu Di laughed at himself on the surface, but actually thought in his heart, if in the future Everyone found out that he and Wu Di finally got together, and they didn't know how they reacted? I feel a little excited when I think about it...

  Hearing Wu Di say this, Zhang Jingzhi felt that he was different from the others. After a closer look at his appearance, he found that if the other party had no pimples on his face, he would be a handsome, sunny boy.

  Thinking of such a handsome guy but not cold to Wu Di, Zhang Jing knows inexplicably that she has a good idea.

At this time, the second English class of the third class has already begun. After an inter-class adjustment, Wu Di’s tablemate Wang Qi has recovered from her previous despair. Think about it, isn’t it because of Wu Di’s Did the "sinister" girl cheat, what's the big deal? She will definitely find a chance for revenge!

  English teacher Obasan Huang Ying walked into the classroom with English textbooks and preparations with a serious face. She already knew that Liu Yufang did not take her complaint against Wu Di to heart. Even after returning to the office, he praised Wu Di for his outstanding performance in Chinese class. She described it like this--

"Wu Di, the little girl really spent time in the morning reading class. I obviously only asked the students to recite the two paragraphs of "The Moonlight in the Lotus Pond", but she obviously memorized the full text. This is 200% complete. There are really not many students who have tasks!"

  Huang Ying listened to Liu Yufang’s remarks, but she became even more dissatisfied with Wu Di. What does Wu Di mean?

   Sleeping in her morning English reading class and writing messy novels. But being so serious in the Chinese morning reading class, this is simply slap her face naked!

   "Class_begin!" Huang Ying said blankly.

   "Stand_up." squad leader Zhu Wenxi shouted reflexively.

   "good_morning, students."

   "good_morning, teacher."


  After a conversation at the beginning of the English class full of celestial wind, the English class finally officially began.

  Huang Ying has already said that at the beginning of the English class, people should be called to dictate. There is a big difference between blackboard dictation and lower dictation. Students who are dictated below usually dictate after the dictation. They all exchanged corrections at the same table. As long as the relationship at the same table is good, how many points you want is not something that you can control?

certainly. Because of this situation, the teacher also has a way to deal with it. That is to take it up and change the group to make corrections. If you want to change the score, it will be more difficult to operate.

  In fact, if you have a thicker skin, you can also peek at the classmates who are "unfortunately" called to the blackboard to dictate when you are dictating.

  This kind of thing may be done by students who do not memorize the words seriously. These students prefer to call the top students to dictate by the English teacher, so that after they have copied it. There is no need to worry about being silent.

  Wu Di remembered that when Huang Ying criticized her in class this morning, he seemed to say to her--

"Wu Di! It's not easy to recite words in the morning reading class. I fell asleep? Stand up sober for me! Later, after the English class, let you go up and dictate, and give me all the words today before being silent for 80 minutes. Copy it five times, and then take the initiative to come to my office to stay silent at night for self-study! Don't think that you can be lazy and self-willed if you are beautiful!"

  In fact, for men, if they are rich, they can naturally be willful; while for women, being beautiful and rich is even more capricious.

Wu Di is not at all worried about Huang Ying calling her to the blackboard to dictate, because although she herself did not memorize words, Wu Di’s clone has spent time on it. As long as Wu Di remembers things, she will naturally remember.

  But Huang Ying didn't know what happened, and she temporarily forgot about the morning reading class. She ordered the names of "Liu Moru" and "Li Fangyuan" and asked the two of them to come up and dictate.

Li Fangyuan is really too hard. Today he was not only called by the Chinese teacher, but also ordered by the English teacher. But who made him exhausted? This guy is an extremely biased boy who belongs to Liu Yufang and Huang Ying’s focus. Object.

  In fact, when Li Fangyuan heard that Liu Moru, a representative of English, was immediately happy, because in this case, he could copy it directly from his seat, and save him from being silent before saying hello to the classmate who corrected him...

  After hearing Huang Ying click on "Liu Moru", he clicked on him again. He felt that his eyes were dark, and he really wanted to sigh—unfortunate!

   Just as he complained about himself and walked to the blackboard slowly, the whole class suddenly heard a slightly low female voice: "Teacher Huang, didn't you say that Wu Di was asked to dictate in the morning class?"

It was Wu Di’s deskmate Wang Qi that was naturally interrupted. She made it clear that she wanted to regain her “shame” in the Chinese class. She didn’t believe it. Wu Di, who wasted the whole morning reading class, was able to achieve 80 points of silent writing. !

Wang Qi’s behavior is typical of harming others and detrimental to herself. Some are like in elementary school, when the teacher’s homework has not been assigned after school, and then she is about to leave. Everyone is chuckles, and there are always troublesome people who say-the teacher has not done your homework yet. Arrange!

Li Fangyuan had already walked halfway down the aisle, with an expression of infinite suffering on his face, as if he was going to the execution ground, but when he heard this, he stopped immediately and looked at Wu Di. That look is like looking at the savior!

  Wu Di smiled politely at him, making Li Fangyuan's heart jump involuntarily, the eldest lady is indeed the eldest lady, when she showed a smile, it seemed as if a tree blossomed.

  Wu Di paid no attention to Wang Qi's detrimental behavior, and even thanked the other party for giving her a chance to show herself again, which might be able to slightly reverse Huang Ying's prejudice against her.

  Sure enough, when the English teacher Huang Ying was reminded like this, she naturally remembered Wu Di who was sleeping in the morning reading class. She asked Li Fangyuan to go down and change Wu Di to dictate. (To be continued~^~)

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