Transformed Into a Female Schoolmaster

Vol 3 Chapter 14: Art on blackboard

  Wu Di walked up indifferently, confidently, and he felt confident.

Wang Qi sneered at each other’s back and dictated on the blackboard with Wu Di. However, the English representative Liu Moru, the other party has always been very solid in reciting English words, so after the silence, the two of them competed. Wu Di is going to be embarrassed. It is estimated that she will be regarded as a negative teaching material by Teacher Huang, because she is absolutely silent for less than 80 minutes!

  Wu Di walked to the blackboard, and Huang Ying looked at her perfect and delicate face. She must admit that this girl is indeed beautiful, but when she found Wu Di's self-confident and supernatural expression, she naturally felt a little upset, but she knew that Wu Di didn't recite words at all in the English morning class today. , But still pretending to be such a confident look, it really makes her feel very annoying!

  Yes, in the eyes of classmates, "there is confidence", in Huang Ying's view, it means being confident!

  Huang Ying hopes that Wu Di can be soft in front of her, and completely restrain the arrogance of the young lady. As an old-school teacher, she is most uncomfortable with Wu Di's sloppy attitude in learning because of her good background!

  Wait and see, this English dictation, she has to take the opportunity to criticize Wu Di, and she even wants to say goodbye——

"Look at Liu Moru's dictation, and then look at yours. The same words are memorized. Why is the gap so big? If you don't learn English well now, you will regret it in the future! Liu Moru doesn't look worse than you, so how can people do it? Sink your heart to memorize the words, you are going to write a mess of novels in the English morning reading class?"

The thought of reprimanding each other in front of the class like this made Huang Ying's heart full of pride. She would never admit that she was a little bit cautious when she came from a poor background. What about you, Wu Di, even if you are a daughter, don’t you want to Taught by me?

  Huang Ying’s English dictation usually selects ten words and phrases at once, of which seven to eight words are reported in English, and the words themselves and their meanings are written, while the remaining phrases are reported in Chinese. Then write the phrase.

  For Wu Di, it doesn't matter how Huang Ying chooses. Because her avatar, Wu Di, has already memorized all the words to be memorized, and she took ten thousand steps back. If she really can't remember it for a while, then she can also ask Wu Di to read the English textbook.

  So this dictation, there is no suspense at all!

  "Forecast." Huang Ying began to announce the words she wanted to silent for the first time.

Wu Di didn't even need time to react, so she muttered the words directly, and then wrote the Chinese "prediction. Forecast", and she still subconsciously used the extremely round English characters, which is much higher than the italics of Daluhuo. .

  Moreover, the speed of her dictation is faster than that of English representative Liu Moru!

Huang Ying kept staring at Wu Di, seeing the clean and neat performance of the other party, she couldn't help being stunned. Obviously she didn't expect Wu Di to perform so well, and the round characters in Wu Di's pen are even more beautiful and elegant. Anyway, she is Can't write this font...

  When she gave birth to a trace of admiration. But immediately snorted in his heart, grandstanding!

  Wu Di can dictate so fast, it is probably because of luck that he has encountered this word that has already been memorized.

  But next. As Wu Di silently wrote the words reported by Huang Ying in round characters without thinking, even the meanings of the words were exactly the same as those on the vocabulary list. When there were no errors, Huang Ying was a little disappointed in her heart. It seemed that she couldn't make use of the question this time... But her expression became more serious.

  "Watch out, pay close attention." Huang Ying reported the Chinese meaning of the last phrase.

When Wu Di wrote "watch_out_for" in Huang Ying's "Watch Out" report, she wrote "watch_out_for" accurately, then put the chalk down, and walked down calmly, she even heard other students When I saw her artistic font on the blackboard. The sound of admiration...

Liu Moru beside    was slightly affected by Wu Di's speed. There was a pause for at least five seconds before the phrase was written.

  When Liu Moru put down the chalk, she glanced at Wu Dimo’s words curiously, her eyes widened instantly, and her eyes were full of surprise!

To be honest, she also believed in her heart that this time she wrote silently on the blackboard that she was used by Huang Ying to compare with Wu Di, and it could even be said to be a blow to Wu Di. She did not reject this at all, but was happy to see it. English has always been her strong point. As for dictation, it is a piece of cake for her with a solid foundation. She has full confidence and outperforms Wu Di in this one!

In addition, Wu Di’s English morning reading class was basically dormant at the desk in the first half, and teacher Huang called out to stand in the second half. There was no time to recite words at all. In this way, how could Wu Di do? Good dictation? Liu Moru mourned for Wu Di in her heart...

   But in any case, if she can beat Wu Di, her vanity will naturally be greatly satisfied.

However, Wu Di’s performance surprised her. There is no doubt that the other party was able to dictate so quickly because of the proficiency in recitation. It is estimated that the accuracy rate will be 100%. What surprised Liu Moru most was Wu Di’s elegant English. The round-shaped characters and the cursiveness of Chinese characters are really great, they are all true art of calligraphy!

When Wu Di walked from the aisle in front of him to his seat, Zou Feng liked to raise his head to look at the other person’s eyes. If he could look at her, he would feel ecstatic. Unfortunately, this kind of thing hasn’t happened a few times. The eldest lady is the eldest lady, she doesn't look squint when she walks, she is a little domineering.

However, this time he just raised his head, but was suddenly attracted by the content written by Wu Dimo ​​on the blackboard. After a scent of fragrance drifted by his side, he came back to his senses, sniffed his nose subconsciously, and then turned back, shocked. He glanced at Wu Di and said nothing, because he didn't know what to say, so he turned his head back again.

In fact, Wu Di’s ability to write full marks silently will not surprise him. After all, Zou Feng’s performance in the language class has convinced Zou Feng. He thinks Wu Di’s memory must be very good. You can recite the whole text, then these are not too many words, and it is estimated that they will be remembered by just a few glances.

  But Wu Di’s characters, whether in English or Chinese, are so beautiful. People who don’t know, think it’s calligraphy, everyone is writing on the blackboard!

  Zou Feng never knew that Wu Di still has such a good handwriting, he is really like his own!

Wang Qi bit her lip so hard that she was about to bite her. She tasted the smell of blood. She stared at Wu Di’s artistic dictation on the blackboard. She knew that this time she had a small revenge. If it fails, it becomes Wu Di's opportunity to show himself!

  Why is this happening? ! (To be continued~^~)

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