"Hey, why are your eyes so weird?"

"The white one, could it be a monster?"

"Fight the monsters! Fight the monsters!"


A shrill laugh came from his ears, making Chu Tian dizzy and annoyed!

He suddenly raised his head and opened his eyes, only to see three naughty kids around 6 or 7 years old, with their hands on their hips, laughing at him.

Where did these unlucky kids come from?

How did they run into my house?

It's so annoying!

No, this is not at home.

Chu Tian was shocked, where is this?

Chu Tian shook his dizzy head and stood up staggeringly.


A snowball hit Chu Tian in the face

"Beat the monster, haha."

A little fat boy laughed triumphantly.

Well! This is outrageous!

Chu Tian's forehead veins popped out a cross, and he clenched his fists.

This naughty kid really deserves a beating. I'll beat the shit out of them.

""Hey! Stop it! You bastards!"

A loud voice came from behind the three naughty kids, and a thin blond boy rushed out and angrily rushed towards the three of them and wrestled with them.

"Hey, this little yellow-haired guy has a sense of justice."

Chu Tian stretched out his hand and wanted to pull the guys apart.

He was afraid that this yellow-haired guy was too skinny and could not be a match for the three little bastards.

Huh? Why did my hand become so small?

No, I turned into a child!!

Chu Tian had a lot of question marks on his head, and it was as if he was hit by thunder on his head. He was stunned on the spot.


Who am I? Where am I?

It took Chu Tian a long time to face the fact that he had traveled through time.

When he came to his senses, he saw the three naughty kids in front of him, beating up the brave little yellow-haired boy.

As expected, Chu Tian couldn't help but slap his forehead with his little hand, and said to the yellow-haired boy in silence,"

Look at you, you don't have the ability to pretend to be a hero, you really don't have any idea at all."

""Hey! Stop it!" Chu Tian opened his mouth and shouted.

His voice was sweet and soft, just like soft cotton candy, sweet to the heart.

Chu Tian couldn't help but shudder when he heard his own voice, and covered his mouth with his hands.

Oh my god, this little baby voice came from his mouth?

The three naughty kids stopped and turned to look at Chu Tian. One of the fat kids showed a vicious expression:

"White-eyed monster, are you looking for death? Once I've dealt with this fox demon, it will be your turn!"

Chu Tian raised his little finger and pointed at himself. His little face seemed to be covered with frost, and his voice was as cold as milk tea with half a cup of ice cubes.

""Little Fatty, if you don't let him go, I'll beat you to a pulp!"

Then he picked up a stone from the ground and held it in his hand, ready to give the little Fatty a good beating when the fight started.

""Crack!" A low crisp sound came from Chu Tian's hand.

The little fat man's expression froze, and his whole round face twisted. He looked at Chu Tian in horror.

The other two were also full of fear.

Chu Tian followed their gaze and found that the stone in his hand was crushed by himself.

I didn't use any force, he thought suspiciously, did I pick up a weathered stone? Or a piece of soil?

No, when I picked up the stone just now, it felt like a hard piece.

Chu Tian clenched his fist and felt the vigorous power in his body. Amount.

Great, born with supernatural powers!

Chu Tian was secretly delighted, the time travelers are really awesome! I wonder if they have other abilities?

Opposite Chu Tian, the little fat boy was panicking, is this little girl really a monster? She crushed the hard stone in one go.

Why am I so unlucky? I just ran into a monster casually, will she eat me?

I’m still so young, I don’t want to die.

My legs are a little weak, now I kneel down and beg for mercy, I wonder if it’s too late?

Just when I was about to speak, I heard the little Lolita opposite me say coldly in a nice baby voice:

"If you dare to do that again, I will crush you like a rock."


The little fat boy couldn't hold it anymore and burst into tears out of fear.

"Apologize!" the loli on the opposite side shouted

"Sorry!" The three naughty kids apologized while crying.

"From now on, that yellow-haired guy will be under my protection. I’m telling the people around you not to bully him anymore!"

"Yes!" The three little ones nodded quickly and agreed.

"Okay, you can go now!"

Chu Tian said with a domineering wave of his hand


The three of them stumbled and ran away. After being frightened by Chu Tian, they would probably avoid the little girl from now on. Chu Tian felt relieved. It was enough to scare the three children away. As an adult, he couldn't really hit a child. He couldn't control his strength well. If he punched someone to death, it would be a big deal.

Chu Tian walked over and helped the little yellow-haired boy with a bruised face and nose on the ground.

The little yellow-haired boy was still shouting at the three children who were running away:

"Don't let me see you bullying others again, or I'll beat you up every time I see you."

"Are you okay?" Chu Tian asked in a soft voice.

"Do you want to go back with me and apply some medicine?"

The little yellow-haired boy said proudly,"No, no. It's just a minor injury. I'll take a nap and it will be fine tomorrow.""

"My name is Uzumaki Naruto. I want to become Hokage and make them all recognize me."

"Little sister, you are so awesome! You can even crush rocks. Are you a ninja too? What's your name?"

"How did you get here?"

"You are so powerful, how dare they bully you just now?"

Chu Tiancai said this, and the little yellow-haired boy had already said a lot of things like a chatterbox.

Chu Tian couldn't hear what he was saying, but his mind was already exploding like a bucket of cold water poured into a boiling oil pan. He was so shocked by what the little yellow-haired boy said just now that he couldn't speak. His mind was full of the words"little sister","Uzumaki Naruto" and"Hokage"!

I actually traveled to the world of Naruto?

Is this a place where normal people can stay?

Uzumaki... Uzumaki... Naruto... People!

The little yellow-haired boy is Uzumaki Naruto, so who am I?

Recalling the words of the white-eyed monster said by the three naughty kids just now, Chu Tian shuddered all over.

White eyes!


Hyuga Hinata!!

A loud bang sounded in Chu Tian's mind, shaking Chu Tian so much that he almost couldn't stand.

He turned his head from time to time, and his stiff neck seemed to make a crackling sound.

Chu Tian said word by word

"Are you Uzumaki Naruto?"

Uzumaki Naruto nodded and said,"Yes.""

Fuck, fuck, fuck!"

Ten thousand horses were roaring and galloping in Chu Tian's heart.

He really turned into Hyuga Hinata, and turned into a cute girl!

The little yellow-haired boy in front of him was looking at him curiously.

A pair of big blue eyes, like clear lake water, handsome face, you can tell at a glance that he will be a handsome guy in the future, but there are a few long whiskers on his handsome little face, shaking like a kitten when he talks.

Chu Tian thought secretly in his heart, there are only three lines in the animation, I didn't expect it to be so weird on a real person's face, no wonder the villagers of Konoha said he was a demon fox, this fucking is not a normal human being.

Chu Tian, no, Hyuga Hinata stretched out her little hand and pressed it on the forehead of Naruto who was close to her, pushing him away for a certain distance,

"Don't get so close to me."

Hinata is obsessed with looks, and a boy with such a long beard at such a young age is not within her aesthetic range!

""Eh?" Naruto felt a little hurt, being inexplicably despised.

Hinata was disheartened and ignored Naruto in front of her. She could n't accept that a tall and strong man had traveled through time and space to become a girl. Her mind was in turmoil. Would she be like in the original book, having sex with a little yellow-haired boy like this in bed, and even have to bear children for him, two at a time!

When she thought of this, Hinata felt a chill in her heart and looked at the little yellow-haired boy in front of her with disgust.

Damn, I'd rather die! The more she thought about it, the more depressed she became. A surge of blood rushed into her head. Hinata only felt her whole body loosen up, her hands and feet were limp and she had no strength at all.

Her eyes went dark and she fell forward. Before she fainted, she heard a"ding" sound in her head.

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