[Congratulations to the host for binding the Ninjutsu Enhancement System】

【Challenging well-known characters in the current plane can gain enhancement points, and everything can be enhanced】

【Detect the skills that the current host has 1. The simplified version of the Big Eater requires 200 reinforcement points, which is insufficient! 2. The simplified version of the White Eyes (unopened) requires 10,000 reinforcement points, which is insufficient!]

It was unknown how long it took Hinata to wake up from her trance.

Feeling the soft bedding under her body, Hinata felt relieved. Was she really dreaming?

I was so scared that I dreamed of such an outrageous thing. I traveled through time and space to become a little girl and went to the Naruto world!

The dream just now was really realistic. It was a bit disgusting to travel through time and space to become Hinata Hyuga. I always felt a little perverted. It would be better if I traveled through time and space to become Uchiha Madara.

It seems that Xiao Ri’s anime can’t be watched anymore. I’m obsessed with it. What a broken dream.

In the quilt, the little hand groped under her body, but her hand was empty. The original place was empty! No more!

Hinata’s little eyes suddenly widened, and she sat up like a spring.

It was surrounded by a typical Japanese-style room, wooden buildings, and a few simple furniture.

Hinata's heart sank to the bottom. All this was not a dream!

There was a small dressing table next to where she slept. Hinata rolled over and got up, sitting in front of the mirror.

Looking at the pretty girl in the mirror, with short black hair, a rosy little face, round and cute, like a flower blooming in spring, a pair of eyes like white crystal, as clear as moonlight, irresistible, and a beauty at first glance.

After looking at herself for a while, Hinata rubbed her little face. Hinata looked at herself in the mirror.

A big-eyed cute girl was making all kinds of cute expressions.

"Wow, I'm so cute! What a pity!"

Hinata sighed, what else can she do? She's already here.

Fortunately, Hyuga Hinata is in good condition, her family is rich, as the eldest daughter of the clan, she has a high status, she is beautiful and has a good figure, not only did she get a blood limit for free, but also a plug-in, as long as she survives a little and develops steadily, the future will definitely be bright.

Chu Tian can choose to just lie down and play badly, at most, like Hinata in the original work, at the end of the anime, he will only be a Chunin, and his strength is also mediocre, although he was beaten by Neji in the early stage and Pein later, which was a miserable batch.

But at least he made it to the end, became the wife of the seventh Hokage, and lived a life of taking care of her husband and children, safety first.

But is Chu Tian willing? He finally traveled through time just to be the wife of that little yellow-haired boy? To give birth to children for him? Why?

A real man is born between heaven and earth, how can he be depressed and live under others for a long time?

Moreover, Chu Tian traveled through the Hyuga clan, this family has KPI assessment, if he is too bad and is divided into Family, this life is over!

The life and death of a bird in a cage is determined by others, and the ending of a woman from a branch family is either death in battle or becoming a reproductive machine for the family, which is even worse than becoming a crown princess!

Hinata calculated silently in her heart.

According to the analysis of netizens in her previous life, Hyuga Hinata herself had good talent, but the reason why she ended up at the bottom of the 12 little strong men was caused by Hinata's own character.

She was kind to the point of being cowardly, and she was also an out-and-out love-brained.

In this precarious ninja world, others were pursuing strength, only Hinata was pursuing love, and she could live to the end only by family background and luck!

But now it was Chu Tian who traveled through time and brought a plug-in that could change fate. Will he follow Hinata's old path in the future?

What's so great about the Crown Princess of Konoha? The Hokage is just a small village chief. I, Hinata, want to be the god of the ninja world! The determined little Hinata slammed her fist in her hand and said to the reflection in the mirror:"Come on, you can do it."

At this moment, there was a loud noise, and the door of the room was pushed open.

The sudden sound startled Hinata, and she turned around hurriedly, only to see a tall man with long hair walking in.

""Hinata, are you feeling better?"

The voice was pleasant and a little bit magnetic. The man who spoke was about twenty years old, with a handsome face and a serious expression. Although he was saying caring words, his tone was as cold and hard as a robot.

Hinata was silent. Who was the man who suddenly came in?

Looking at his eyes, there were also white pupils. He was a member of the Hyuga clan.

There was no caged bird mark on his forehead. He was a member of the main family.

He could enter her room at will, which proved that he had a good relationship with the original owner. He might be an elder or relative. It was just that if he spoke rashly and made a mistake, it would be bad if people found out that he was not the original Hinata.

Hinata's little brain turned quickly, and she tried hard to think of how to fool people. When the man saw Hinata didn't answer, he frowned, and his two beautiful eyebrows squeezed together.

He wondered what was wrong with this child? Why was he so dull? Did he get bullied this time when he went out?

So he softened his tone and continued to ask,"Hinata, tell Dad, did anyone bully you?"


Damn it!" Hinata almost said the word"uncle" but swallowed it back. She was almost exposed and was sweating. Looking at her"father", Hinata cursed in her heart,"Kishimoto, you idiot. You drew Hinata Hiashi so old in the original work. He looks like a middle-aged man. You almost misled me.

Come to think of it, people in the ninja world mature precociously and get married early. How could the three-year-old Hinata have a forty-year-old father?

Knowing this, Hinata secretly reminded herself not to believe in comics too much, otherwise she would suffer a great loss in the future.

Looking at the young Hiashi, she couldn't say the word"Dad" and could only pretend to be an autistic child and replied in a low voice:"No, I'm fine."

Hinata Hiashi frowned again, secretly regretting that he had rashly agreed to the Sandaime's request and let his daughter get close to the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki. He was a little worried about his daughter's mental state, and wanted to say something comforting, but he didn't know why his words turned into a cold and hard sentence as soon as they came out of his mouth.

"If you have nothing to do, get up quickly, your training time is up."

After saying that, he stood up and turned to leave.

Hinata was stunned when she heard what Hiashi said, is it so arrogant? I don't think I have eaten yet~!

But people have to bow their heads under the eaves. Even if Hinata was reluctant, she could only change into the uniform under the guidance of the maid and go to the dojo at home to practice.

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