By the time Hinata finished washing up

, it was already time for dinner. Nothing could stop Hinata from wanting to eat.

She changed into new clothes at the speed of light and rushed to the restaurant with her maid.

She knew the way today, so she would not follow the maid's lead.

When Hinata arrived at the restaurant, she was surprised to find that Hizashi and Neji were there too.

"Hey, why is Hizashi here for a free meal? And he brought Neji with him?"

He walked up to greet him obediently and sat quietly aside, looking at Neci in front of him with his two cute eyes, thinking secretly in his heart,

Ningci is also a genius, he can deduce the secret skills of the main family by himself, like Kaiten and Eight Diagrams Sixty-four Palms, which are all secret skills that can only be learned by the main family, but Ningci just relied on his own efforts to deduce them.

It's a pity that Ningci was sent to the branch family and engraved with the Caged Bird. Not only is his life restricted, but his Byakugan also has a flaw, and there is a blind spot in his vision. In the original book, he almost died in battle for this reason.

If only he could be saved, it would be great. Ningci is one year older than me, and the time for engraving the Caged Bird is probably not far away, I have to hurry up.

What else can I do?

Although my cheap father is... The clan leader, but there are a lot of elders who like to give orders behind him, so he can't have the final say. He needs to find a suitable excuse.

Hinata thought while mechanically taking the bowl handed over by the maid, picking at the rice in the bowl, opening her little mouth, and popping half a bowl of rice into her mouth, not caring whether there are vegetables in the bowl, just chewing it twice and swallowing it.

Skill: Taotie not only gave her an unparalleled appetite, but also an incredibly good digestive ability.

It is no exaggeration to say that even if Hinata swallowed a stone, she could digest it without changing her expression.

The Hizashi father and son who were watching her show off her food looked like they had never seen the world, their mouths opened so wide that their back teeth were exposed.

The father and son exclaimed in their hearts at the same time:"It really lives up to her reputation, she is worthy of being the girl of seventy bowls."

On the contrary, Hiashi, who was sitting at the main seat, had a calm face while eating the rice in his bowl. He even had time to greet the father and son of Hizashi, and said with contempt in his heart:"You are a country bumpkin who has never seen the world. If you could see the punch Hinata punched the ground today, you would be as calm as me."

After dinner, several people sat aside, one of them holding a teacup and sipping tea.

Hizashi lowered his head and drank tea silently. After a long time, he suddenly raised his head and looked at Hiashi.

"Big brother, please help Neji."

Seeing Hizashi's gloomy expression, Hiashi felt guilty. They used to have a very good relationship, but because of the decision made by Hiashi's father,

Hizashi was assigned to the branch family and was engraved with the image of a bird in a cage.

Hizashi has not been happy these years, especially after Neji was born, he became even more depressed.

""Hiashi said with a sigh. He understood what Hiashi meant. As a father, who could watch his child being carved into a cage?

Although he was the patriarch, the system of the main family branch was a rule of the Hyuga clan since ancient times.

"Big brother." Tears welled up in Hizashi's eyes, his face was full of pleading, and then, he watched the light in his eyes disappear little by little, and finally became empty.

He knew that his big brother was powerless, but he was unwilling to accept it. His son Neji was so outstanding. Since he started learning the soft fist, he had no bottlenecks and easily reached the level of proficiency. He could also draw inferences from one example and put forward some opinions that amazed Hizashi.

His son was a genius and should have spread his wings and soared high. How could he be humiliated by those mediocre people because of a caged bird with his wings broken?

He was not convinced. Hizashi had thought about letting Neci fly away and leave the Hyuga clan before the clan members took action against him, but he held back. He did not dare to take the risk. As long as he dared to let Neci leave, those elders would definitely mobilize the caged bird to kill him and his wife.

Neci was too young, he was only 40 years old now. He is only years old, and there is no way he can survive in the ninja world alone. There are too many people outside who covet the Byakugan, and they are a pair of pure Byakugan without a cage.

As long as Hizashi lets Neji go, the best result is that Neji will linger on in the hunt of Konoha and other ninja villages, and the worst result is that the family of three will report to the Pure Land in an orderly manner.

Such a price is too heavy, so heavy that Hizashi can't bear it.

He would not choose to do this unless it is absolutely necessary, so he brought Neji to his eldest brother's house again, still with hope, and asked his eldest brother, He hoped that Hiashi could help him once.

But his hope was dashed, and Hiashi was powerless to do anything about it.

He couldn't think of any way to help his nephew. Hiashi knew that Neji was very talented, and it was not an exaggeration to say that he was a once-in-a-century talent.

Hiashi didn't want such a genius like Neji to be ruined. It was such a pity.

He was willing to do anything for his brotherhood with Hiashi as long as there was a possibility.

But the clan rules of the Hyuga clan were too old-fashioned and stubborn, so stubborn that he, the clan leader, would not be able to do anything without a suitable reason. There is a way to do something.

Those old stubborn people in the clan will not let this matter go. The clan rules are the magic weapon to maintain their status, and the bird in the cage is the weapon that allows them to be superior.

If Hiashi insists on helping Neci without a legitimate reason, perhaps he will be abolished as the clan leader, and Hinata will also be separated from the family.

Therefore, in the face of Hizashi's plea, Hiashi could only respond with a sigh.

He couldn't help.

At this moment, Hyuga Hinata, who had been listening for a long time, suddenly interrupted and said,"Uncle Hizashi, do you mind adopting Neci to my father?"

She will try to save Neji, no matter whether she succeeds or not, she will try her best to save Neji. She likes this character in the original work. After traveling through time, she also discovered Neji's sister-con attribute from Hinata's original memory.

The fate of Neji in the original work is a tragedy. His father died instead of his brother, and he was engraved as a bird in a cage, and his life was no longer in his own hands.

I believe that Neji himself is willing to sacrifice himself for Hinata, but he will never be willing to pay the price for the recklessness of the Seventh Hokage as in the original work.

Having traveled through time and space to become Hinata, with the golden finger of the system in her hand, she will try her best to change Neji's original tragic fate.

Neci, she We need to save

Hizashi, she also wants to save him.

Hyuga Hizashi still had lifeless eyes, not understanding why Hinata said this.

But Hiashi at the side reacted, his eyes sparkled.

Yes, this is a good idea, as long as he adopts Neci under his name, he will have enough excuses to deal with the elders and argue with them.

Hiashi looked at his daughter curiously. Why could this timid and cowardly daughter think of such a good trick at such a young age? Hizashi at the side also reacted to what Hinata said, he could not hide his joy, his eyes lit up, and he said loudly:"Brother, I agree, Neji will be left to you from now on."

Hiashi looked at the excited Hizashi, thinking that his younger brother was still as impulsive as before.

But Hiashi did not express his opinion immediately, he just looked at his daughter quietly,

"Hinata, are you willing for your father to adopt Neji? Even if you have to be put in a cage?"

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