Hiashi was stunned. What did he see?

His daughter's strange strength could actually create shock waves similar to air walls around her? But she was only 3 years old?

When he was 3 years old, he should have been doing the introductory training of Hyuga Soft Fist with his father, right?

Looking at Hinata panting in the field, Hiashi was very proud.

He wanted to rush out of the house immediately, drag the old guy Sarutobi Hiruzen here, and yell at his ears, asking him to open his old and dim eyes to see if Hinata Hyuga was a real genius?

Bah, you have no eyes, what kind of Hokage is this? Thinking of Sarutobi Hiruzen's changing face just now,

Hiashi wanted to spit on that old face like Danzo did. Sarutobi Hiruzen, you will regret it one day.

Although his shadow clone is only 1/4 of his original body's strength, it is also 1/4 of a jonin, which is about the same as the strength of an ordinary chunin.

Hinata can blow them away with just the shock wave she hit? This power is almost the same as Kaiten.

What did I see? What kind of exaggerated strength is this?

In an instant, Hiashi was about to climax in his head.

I knew, I knew, Hinata is a true genius!

What does it matter if she can't refine chakra? That pure power is not much worse than chakra. Besides, the Hyuga clan is good at close combat. They don't know ninjutsu, illusion, shuriken, etc. But they can't open their Byakugan without chakra. This is a bit troublesome, but as long as I find a few resources from the clan, I will pile up the Byakugan. Even if Hinata can't open her eyes in the end, it doesn't matter. I must protect her, and no one can carve a caged bird on her head.

The old-fashioned elders in the clan will have something to say. At worst, I will go and talk to them. After a few old guys die, Hinata will definitely be able to inherit the main family smoothly.

The depressed mood was swept away in an instant. Hiashi made up his mind to protect his precious daughter.

"Hinata, I think today's training should end here, you go and have a rest."

Hiashi looked at Hinata with concern. His daughter was dirty and her training clothes were torn after many attacks. She looked pitiful, and the old father felt distressed. Hinata couldn't bear it anymore. She had been pestering Hiashi to use the shadow clone to strengthen herself, but she didn't expect that she became too arrogant after killing a clone in seconds. Her words irritated Hiashi, and she was beaten badly by Hiashi's shadow clone who wanted to save his father's face.

Fortunately, her potential burst out at the end, stimulating the natural energy in her body to use a shock wave and win the game. However, Hinata had no experience and consumed the natural energy absorbed from today's boxing practice all at once. Now her body seemed to be hollowed out, and she didn't want to train anymore.

So she nodded obediently and said goodbye to Hiashi. Hinata walked back to the room with her short legs to take a bath and change clothes.

Soaking in the warm water, Hinata put the towel under her, crossed her hands behind her head, and floated comfortably.

The posture was not very ladylike, but Hinata didn't care at all.

She was a little kid with nothing to lose, so what was the point of being a lady?

Besides, I am a man. Although I have temporarily lost the big dragon, I can't lose my manliness. What if I can go back and find that I have become a woman?

As the water ripples, Hinata began to think about the battle just now.

First of all, the harvest. Today, I defeated five shadow clones and got 200 reinforcement points, but it was too tiring. The cost-effectiveness is not high at all.

Yesterday, I punched Hiashi and got 400 points.

It seems that it is not cost-effective to find Hiashi to brush reinforcement points. What should I do?

It takes 10,000 points to strengthen the Byakugan. If I can't open my eyes, will I be trapped in a cage and become a separate family? That would be too miserable.

How about I try it tomorrow after accumulating natural energy? If I accidentally open the fairy technique - Byakugan, I will make a fortune!

Yeah, right. Let's do it.

And I have to think about how to get strengthening points. I can't chase people to compete every day, right? Then I will become Might Guy. Do I still want to have my own image? I can't have a funny personality, otherwise my image of a princess with white eyes will be ruined. It collapsed.

Strengthen it~ Strengthen it, it's so difficult.

Hinata twisted and turned in the water in distress, like a fish struggling on the water, splashing water everywhere.

Suddenly, a light bulb went off in her head, and she seemed to hear a ding sound.

Got it, she thought of the seventh generation~, how could she forget him.

The signature multiple shadow clones, with enough energy, can be divided into thousands at a time, poor strength, Konoha's famous tail, vortex physique, high endurance.

Add it all together, isn't it a perfect candidate for strengthening points?

NICE, Hinata praised her own IQ, it was really great!

As for the weird appearance of the seventh generation? Hinata said that it can be ignored for the sake of strengthening points.

What about the future with the seventh generation? Please, I am not the original Hinata, I have no feelings for that little yellow-haired girl at all. Besides, the seventh generation likes that green tea girl Haruno Sakura. At most, I can help by the side and promote the good things between the two. Isn't it safe?

But there is a problem. The seventh generation will have several years to learn multiple shadow clones. Now I can only build a good relationship with him and brush up my favorability, or find an opportunity to defeat him and accept him as a younger brother.

Well, as long as he becomes a younger brother, he will be the big sister in the future. Pah, won’t he follow the big brother when he needs a sparring partner?


Wait until tomorrow to find a chance to go out and see if I can meet the little yellow-haired girl. The younger brother must cultivate his obedience from a young age.

Hey, why do I feel that my approach is a bit similar to that of Sarutobi Hiruzen?

Thinking of Sarutobi Hiruzen, Hinata remembered another identity of Naruto, the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki.

As a nuclear weapon of the village, would Sarutobi Hiruzen notice me if I approached him?

It was so troublesome. I finally thought of a refresh point, but it turned out to be someone else's.

No matter, I am young, I will try to contact him first. If the Anbu stop me, I can get away with it. What if I succeed?

After thinking of a plan, Hinata felt relieved and took a comfortable bath.

What she didn't know was that while she was enjoying it, her shocking performance yesterday had been secretly spread by the maids in the family.

Two achievements were gloriously achieved:"The Girl with 70 Bowls" and"The Tyrannosaurus of the Hyuga Family".

Hinata's self-proclaimed image as the White-Eyed Princess is already in jeopardy and is about to collapse.

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