"Hinata, don't be disappointed. Dad believes in you. You can definitely refine chakra."

Hiashi touched Hinata's little head and comforted her.

Although Hiashi felt mixed emotions, his daughter turned from a genius into a mediocre person.

It was impossible for Hiashi not to feel lost.

And he also saw from the change in Sarutobi Hiruzen's attitude just now that Sarutobi Hiruzen had no intention of bringing Hinata into the core training of the Hokage system.

Thinking of Sarutobi Hiruzen's shameless lobbying for Hiashi, hoping that Hinata could help the Nine-tailed Jinchūriki to establish a bond, and also promised a lot of benefits.

As a result, Hinata was stimulated by something after the contact. Not only did she fall into a coma, but she also seemed to have changed after waking up.

Thinking of this, Hiashi regretted and wanted to slap himself a few days ago.

Hinata finally awakened her ability, and Sarutobi Hiruzen, the old man, rushed to pick peaches again.

When he knew that Hinata could not refine chakra, he immediately changed his face again.

Hum! It's simply too much!

Hinata was slightly stunned when she heard what Hiashi said. Her cheap dad always had a stern face and acted cool. In Hinata's memory, Hiashi had never said anything comforting.

""Dad, don't worry about me. I don't think I'm weak and don't need sympathy."

Hinata punched the door of the living room.

A strong wind pressure directly broke the door and flew out.

Hiashi was stunned. This power was comparable to the C-level ninjutsu Wind Style: Fierce Wind Palm.

It seems that he was worrying too much. Hinata didn't look disappointed at all. That smug expression was too obvious.

"You rebellious girl, who told you to punch in the living room? That door is worth 5,000 taels. I'll take it from your pocket money!"

Rizu pretended to be angry and turned to leave.


Hinata reached out and grabbed Hiashi's sleeve, launching a cute eye attack.

Hiashi was instantly beaten to the ground.

"Okay, okay, this won’t happen again, okay?"


Hinata laughed in her heart, scum, not good enough to fight.

Then she said to Hiashi,"Dad, did you forget to accompany me in actual combat?"

Hiashi patted his head, hey, he really forgot about this matter

"Well, let's go to the backyard."

Hearing what Hiashi said, Hinata ran to change clothes.

She had to be anxious, because now Hinata was counting on strengthening points to turn things around.

The two stood in the backyard, Hiashi made a seal, and with a"bang", a shadow clone appeared.

The shadow clone said to Hinata:"This clone has half the strength of his father, you should attack with all your strength."

After that, the shadow clone took a stance and waited for Hinata to attack.

Hinata kicked off, and under the huge force, her body turned into a residual shadow and pounced on it,

""So fast!"

The shadow clone was startled and stretched out his hand to block. As soon as the two sides came into contact, he found that Hinata's strength was many times greater than yesterday, and he couldn't stop it at all.


With just one punch, Hinata turned Hiashi's clone into a cloud of smoke.

【Ding, congratulations to the host for defeating the plot character Hyuga Hiashi (shadow clone) and obtaining 40 strengthening points.

Hinata was not satisfied with only 40 points.

Just when she wanted to complain in her heart, a message came to her mind. It turned out that the strengthening points for winning the competition were less than those for actual combat, only about 1/3, and the strengthening points for defeating the shadow clone were only 1/10 of the original body, so there were only 40 points this time.

Hinata understood, 40 is 40, at most she can do it a few more times.

So she said to Hiashi dissatisfiedly:"Dad, one clone is not enough, why don't you make a few more."

Hearing Hinata's words, Hiashi was about to spit out a mouthful of blood in his chest.

He regretted it so much. If he had known that his daughter was so strong, he would have practiced more before.

Now he is actually despised by his 3-year-old daughter. It's a bit embarrassing.

So he put on a stern face, made a seal again, and didn't say much.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang.

Four shadow clones appeared and attacked Hinata.

This time Hiashi concentrated his mind and the shadow clones did not hold back. All kinds of soft fist moves were used directly.

This time he was betting on the dignity of a father, how could he lose? No matter how bad he was, he couldn't be killed instantly by his daughter, right?

Hinata's disgusted look just now was like a knife stabbing into Hiashi's heart. It was too embarrassing.

This time, the seamless cooperation of the four shadow clones caused Hinata a lot of trouble.

Hiashi also knew that his daughter's terrifying strength could not be confronted head-on, so he used his speed to start attacking Hinata.

For a while, Hinata blocked left and right, and was in a panic, unable to resist.

He was a little complacent with his own strength, but Hiashi immediately used his rich combat experience to teach Hinata a lesson. Strength and strength are not At the same time, between Hiashi's figures moving back and forth, the sounds of"pop","pop","pop", and"pop" rang out like firecrackers.

Hinata was hit continuously by Hiashi's clones, her body swayed, and it seemed as if she could not hold on.

Hiashi, who was standing on the sidelines watching the fight, had a trace of regret in his eyes, but there was no fluctuation on his cold and hard face.

His shadow clone had held back, and hitting Hinata only caused a little pain, and would not cause any harm.

Although Hinata in the field looked badly beaten, she actually had no injuries at all. Hiashi watched coldly, without giving any instructions to Hinata, nor did he ask the shadow clone to stop attacking.

He knew that anyone who wanted to survive in the ninja world must go through a stage of fighting, and there was no room for falsehood.

Hinata had already surpassed many people at the starting line, with excellent inheritance and adequate nutrition. , exaggerated talent, and her father constantly guiding and training.

Some children of civilian ninjas do not have such conditions at all. They just learn some mediocre ninjutsu in the ninja school and are thrown into actual combat on the battlefield. Few can survive.

Hinata has a high expectation, but actual combat is still a hurdle that Hinata must experience and overcome personally. The shadow clone has already let down enough water. No weapons, no ninjutsu, no chakra, so she must overcome all difficulties and win this battle.

Hinata in the field is gritting her teeth and holding on. Whether it is the experience of her previous life or the memory of this life, she has no experience in fighting, so facing the attack of the shadow clone, Hinata has no way to deal with it. She can only passively parry and be hit repeatedly. Although the places where she was hit will not be injured, Hinata still grimaces in pain.

It hurts. The pain made her feel deeply frustrated. She felt that she had a lot of strength but couldn't use it.

But at the same time, she was also angry at herself and the ninja world.

I didn't provoke anyone, why did you throw me into the precarious world of Naruto!

It would be fine if I traveled through time, but why did I have to travel as a little loli!

And my dragon!

It hurts so much!

I am a man with a system, but I was beaten by a shadow clone. I couldn't even touch them. Is there any law? Is there any justice?

I am so angry!

As her anger increased, Hinata's white jade eyes gradually took on a faint blood color.

Keep hitting me, keep hitting me!

Get out of my way!

Hinata, who was pushed to the limit, exploded. She gritted her teeth, ignored the attacks of the shadow clones around her, and punched the ground fiercely.

"With a loud bang, a wave of air mixed with dirt and gravel burst out in all directions. The four shadow clones surrounding Hinata were blown away by the shock wave, lost their balance, and flew into the air.

Then Hinata's small figure suddenly jumped up and swept past with a handsome roundhouse kick.


The shadow clone couldn't withstand Hinata's powerful spinning kick at all, and turned into four puffs of green smoke and dissipated.


Seeing this scene, Rizu, who was standing on the sidelines, opened his mouth in surprise and couldn't say a word!

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