Sarutobi Hiruzen was calculating in his mind as he walked towards the living room.

Hinata went back to her room to wash up, changed into a white kimono, and came to the living room.

As soon as she entered, Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes lit up. Wow, the white clothes set off Hinata's rosy face, making her even cuter.

What a pity~ Why did he use such a cute child as the bond of the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki?

Sarutobi Hiruzen once again had the urge to regret, but he did not show any abnormality, and still waved to Hinata warmly and kindly.

"Come here quickly, let Takemoto check you out."

Hinata felt that Sarutobi Hiruzen seemed to be a little too enthusiastic about her as the Hokage, but she thought it was Sarutobi's intention to win her over and didn't care.

She didn't have a good impression of Sarutobi Hiruzen in the original work. As a Hokage, his own strength was average. He was just good at scheming and fighting. He was cowardly to the outside world and couldn't fight against the hostile ninja village. He couldn't coordinate the various forces in the village. He was only jealous of talented people and would find ways to get rid of anyone who threatened his position as Hokage.

Konoha White Fang was like this, as well as the Uchiha, and even the Fourth Hokage and Orochimaru. As for the original Hyuga clan, Sarutobi sold them out directly to appease the Cloud Village. If Uncle Hizashi hadn't died for her, her cheap dad would probably be dead. He is just a selfish old scum.

But after getting familiar with it for a few days, Hinata found that the ninja world she traveled through might be different from the plot in the Naruto anime, and she also put away some of her arrogance of predicting the plot, and began to approach this real ninja world carefully.

Facing Sarutobi Hiruzen, she kept awe in her heart. An old monster who had experienced the wars in the ninja world should have some means and strength.

Hinata walked obediently to the senior ninja named Takemoto and stood quietly with her head bowed.

Takemoto smiled gently and said,"Miss Hinata, you just sit here. It's okay, don't be nervous, it won't hurt at all."

After letting Hinata sit down, he put his hands on Hinata's head, closed his eyes, used chakra to check carefully, and saw a ball of green light appear on Takemoto's hands, slowly moving along Hinata's meridians.

After a while, Takemoto said to Hiashi and the Sandaime with a complicated expression,"Miss Hinata's physical fitness is rare in the world. I have never seen such a strong body. Her physical strength is at least comparable to some ninjas who specialize in physical skills. And after my investigation, Miss Hinata does not have any blood disease."

Hiashi heard this and breathed a sigh of relief. His heart was relieved. If there is no blood disease, it is the best news.

As for Hinata's sudden increase in strength and amazing appetite, it is not a big problem for Hiashi.

The third generation smiled happily when he heard Takemoto's words, and congratulated Hiashi:"Congratulations, Hiashi, it seems that your Hyuga family is going to produce an amazing genius."

Sarutobi Hiruzen still had something to say, and he hesitated for a long time in his heart, but did not say it. Finally, he sighed softly and gave up.

Hyuga Hiruzen's face was full of joy, and with a little fear, he said to Sarutobi Hiruzen:"Sir, you are too kind.

My little girl is just a little stronger, and she can't be a genius.

" Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded and said seriously:"You have a good awareness, and you should say this to the outside world in the future.

Don't reveal Hinata's true information.

You should know that although it is a peaceful time now, the major ninja villages are wary of each other and have spies in each other's villages.

If Hinata's information is leaked, I believe you know what will happen.


Hiashi was shocked, then nodded and said,"I know, Sandaime-sama"

"Hmm~" Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded in satisfaction and took a puff from the pipe in his hand.

"Uh, Sandaime-sama, Hiashi-sama. I still have some things to say." Takemoto next to him said timidly

"Hmm?" Sarutobi Hiruzen and Hiashi's eyes fell on Takemoto at the same time.

Takemoto pondered for a moment, then said carefully:"Although Miss Hinata has an amazing physique, it is also an obstacle for her.

As we all know, chakra is a kind of energy produced by the perfect fusion of spiritual energy and physical energy.

The problem with Miss Hinata is that her body is too strong, and her spiritual energy cannot match it."

"You mean?" Hinata Hiashi had a bad feeling.

""It is estimated that Miss Hinata will have a little difficulty in refining chakra." Takemoto said tactfully.

Although Takemoto did not say it explicitly, Sarutobi Hiruzen and Hyuga Hiashi both heard his implicit meaning.

Takemoto meant that Hinata would probably only be able to specialize in physical skills in the future, and would not be able to practice ninjutsu and genjutsu.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes flashed with a trace of regret. In the ninja world, if you can't release ninjutsu, you can't become a top combat force. There are too many ways to restrain pure physical skills ninjas. Whether it is ninjutsu, genjutsu, or sealing techniques, there are many ways to restrain them.

I thought I could get a top genius, but I didn't expect it to be... Thus, in Sarutobi Hiruzen's mind, Hinata's future could only be to become a jonin like Might Guy.

He looked at Hyuga Hinata with regret again. Of course, he would not break his promise to Hiruzen, and resources would be slightly tilted, but that was all. He was secretly glad that he did not speak too fast and say what was in his heart, otherwise it would be awkward now.

He could not use ninjutsu, and he would not be able to join the Sarutobi family. It would be good to be a controller of the Nine-Tails. Sarutobi Hiruzen would not give him more.

"Hiashi, don't think too much. This is just Takemoto's personal opinion. As long as Hinata practices hard in the future, she might be able to achieve something. I have some official business to attend to, so I'll take my leave now."

After saying that, he left without looking back.

Takemoto smiled apologetically at Hyuga Hiashi, and followed Sarutobi Hiruzen away.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's suddenly cold attitude did not affect Hinata at all. Not to mention that Sarutobi Hiruzen ranked low in her impression,

Hinata sneered at Takemoto's judgment just now.

Can't refine chakra? What a joke! Do I need to refine that kind of low-level thing? Learn about natural energy. If

I can't release ninjutsu, I will release fairy technique directly!

But if there is no chakra, it will be troublesome to open the Byakugan. I don't know if natural energy can replace it. If not, I can take the road of strengthening points.

In Hinata's heart, the rigid need to earn strengthening points has been strengthened again. She made up her mind that when she has perfectly adapted to her own strength, she will go out to earn strengthening points immediately.

First, set a small goal to earn 10,000 points to strengthen the Byakugan skills.

Immediately, immediately, it is urgent!!

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