Hinata practiced her soft fist with more energy.

Between each punch and palm, she could clearly sense that there were streams of cool energy coming from all directions in the air around her. It was attached to her body and slowly penetrated into her body through her skin.

As the cool energy entered her body, her tired body was like a dry land being moistened. The fatigue was swept away and she felt full of energy.

Natural energy is really a good thing.

This seat is one step closer to the peak of the ninja world. Hehehe~~~~

Hinata laughed wildly with her hands on her hips in her heart.

Hiashi watched his daughter practice from the side. She had an excited smile on her face and used all her strength in every move.

As his precious daughter moved, it was as if a typhoon blew up in the courtyard.

Every punch made a sonic boom in the air, followed by a burst of fist wind. The flowers and plants planted around were blown to pieces by the fist wind, which was extremely miserable. What a terrible force.

Hiashi was surprised in his heart,

"It seems that the Hyuga clan is going to produce an extraordinary person."

Hiashi's heart was full of pride. His own qualifications were mediocre, and the Hyuga clan was getting worse day by day. Originally, the talent of Neji's child had made him and Hiashi overjoyed, and they felt that the Hyuga clan had hope in the future.

Unexpectedly, his daughter was the most powerful!

Hiashi was worried that his daughter would quickly consume her body's strength if she exerted too much force, and was about to interrupt her.

However, when he saw Hinata practicing the soft fist with all her strength for 10 times and still looking energetic, she seemed to have not consumed any energy at all, and not even a drop of sweat fell.

Not only is her strength amazing, but her physical strength is also so strong?

Hiashi couldn't help but be a little envious of his daughter's talent.

After observing for a while, he found that his daughter had mastered the moves and force techniques of the soft fist, so he let Hinata practice on her own, and he left the Hyuga ancestral home and walked towards the direction of the Konoha Hospital.

He still had to ask a capable medical ninja to check Hinata to determine whether she had a blood disease.

So he told After Hinata let her practice on her own, she put on her haori and left in a hurry. After Hiashi left, Hinata started to practice the soft fist with all her strength.

Every time she practiced, she absorbed natural energy, which made Hinata addicted to training. With each punch and kick, Hinata felt the natural energy in her body growing continuously.

Her whole mind was immersed in it. Everything around her was gradually thrown aside by her.

Her eyes closed unconsciously, and she could not hear any sound in her ears. She fell into a kind of concentration similar to enlightenment, just letting her body's memory and instincts punch, step, kick... until the 20th soft fist, the natural energy no longer gathered, and Hinata recovered from that mysterious state.

Hinata opened her eyes suddenly, and a barely perceptible gleam of light flashed through her eyes.

She could clearly sense that the natural energy around her was extremely thin. The entire Hyuga family was nearly one kilometer away. The natural energy has been completely absorbed by her.

It will take at least 1-2 days to recover to the previous state.

Hinata sighed softly, stood up, and looked around. She found that Hiashi had returned, and there were two people standing next to him.

One was wearing a white coat and a Konoha forehead protector on his forehead.

The other was a skinny old man with a smile on his wrinkled face. He was bald and did not wear a forehead protector. He just held a pipe in his hand and looked at Hinata as if he saw a rare treasure.

The three of them had been standing here for a long time.

When Hiashi went to the hospital to ask for a medical ninja, he happened to meet the third generation Sarutobi Hiruzen.

When he heard Hiashi talking about Hinata's sudden increase in appetite and strength, he was worried that it might be a blood disease and wanted to ask a medical ninja to take a look.

Sarutobi Hiruzen, who was interested in doing good things for the Hyuga clan, also followed all the way to the Hyuga family.

The group came to the backyard. Hiashi was about to ask Hinata to stop when he found himself His daughter seemed to have fallen into a mysterious state, her mind was highly concentrated, and all five senses were blocked.

It was better to say that Hinata was practicing the soft fist than to say that the soft fist was driving Hinata's body to move.

Sarutobi Hiruzen also discovered Hinata's abnormality. As the third Hokage and a disciple of the second Hokage, the knowledgeable Sarutobi Hiruzen immediately judged that Hyuga Hinata, the future heir of the Hyuga clan, was an absolute genius.

Her current state was a state of practice that all ninjas were extremely eager to enter.

In this state, there was no bottleneck in the practice of ninjas. The ninjutsu and taijutsu they practiced would be learned and mastered at an extremely exaggerated speed.

All ninjas who could enter this state of practice would have their strengths improved by leaps and bounds.

The first Hokage and Uchiha Madara had both entered this state before, which was one of the reasons why the first Hokage and Uchiha Madara were able to stand out from the crowd at the time.

Sarutobi Hiruzen stretched out his hand to interrupt Hiashi's action, took out his pipe and took a deep breath.

"Don't disturb her, she is at a very critical moment now, we just need to wait quietly on the side."

Then he whispered to the two of them about Hinata's current condition.

Hearing Sarutobi Hiruzen's words, Hiashi was surprised and happy. He was shocked by his daughter's extraordinary talent, and was delighted by the upcoming rise of the Hyuga clan.

The three of them were sure of one thing at this time, Hyuga Hinata, was a genius whose talent was comparable to the first generation Hokage, Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's attention to the Hyuga clan increased a little more in his heart, and he secretly thought: Such a genius must not be lost, and must be firmly won over to become the Hokage. One, so that his position will be more stable, and perhaps he can allocate some resources to this little girl, so as to win over Hinata and improve the favorability of Hyuga.

In addition, Hinata's talent must be kept secret and cannot be leaked, otherwise the Kages of various ninja villages will do something cruel and ruthless. Even in Konoha, if his old friend's temper and ambition knew about Hinata's talent, he would jump out to make trouble.

Thinking of this, Sarutobi Hiruzen coughed lightly and said to Hiashi in a low voice:

"Send Hinata to the ninja school when she reaches the age. Although I know that a powerful family like your Hyuga clan will arrange a tutor, children still need to have more contact with their peers. This will be more beneficial to her growth. And I promise you that when Hinata graduates from the ninja school, I will definitely arrange an excellent team leader for her."

Hearing Sarutobi Hiruzen's words, Hiashi happily agreed.

Just kidding, the third generation is the head of the family now, and the Hokage can show his goodwill in person, why don't you take it quickly?

Being able to join the Hokage system will have great benefits for Hinata and the Hyuga clan.

Hiashi sees this clearly.

After they discussed and agreed, Hinata also finished her practice.

Hiashi greeted:"Hinata, come and meet the third generation Hokage, and this Takemoto Jonin. Takemoto Jonin is a powerful medical ninja. Your father specially invited him to check your body."

Hinata walked up generously and saluted:"Hello, Grandpa Third Generation, hello Uncle Takemoto."

Sarutobi Hiruzen showed a kind smile and said to Hinata:

"Hinata, what a good child, go change your clothes first, we'll be waiting for you in the living room."

Looking at Hinata's pretty face, Sarutobi Hiruzen remembered that in order to better control the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, he had negotiated with Hiashi for a long time, and finally got Hiashi to agree to let his daughter contact Naruto and arrange a meeting between her and Uzumaki Naruto. He wanted to use Hinata as a bond with Naruto, but Sarutobi Hiruzen suddenly felt reluctant to leave such a well-behaved and beautiful child to Uzumaki Naruto.

Such a good child should be left to our Sarutobi family.

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