After they finished talking, Hizashi suggested that Neji practice Hyuga Soft Fist with Hinata.

Hizashi didn't know that Hinata's Soft Fist had improved a lot after her enlightenment this morning. Neji also didn't know that his impression of Hinata was still stuck at the moment of the competition yesterday.

His sister's Soft Fist was very unfamiliar. As a brother, he had the responsibility to help his sister, not to mention that his sister had just made such a great sacrifice to help him.


Looking at the enthusiastic Hizashi father and son, Hiashi was a little hesitant to speak. He couldn't say, Neji, that your sister's soft fist has surpassed you in one day.

This is very unscientific and un-ninja, and it is even a little beyond Hiashi's cognition.

Since the existence of ninjutsu, no matter who it is, practicing a ninjutsu always requires a long period of continuous training and a lot of sweat to learn.

He has never heard of any ninja like his daughter who can easily enter the state of enlightenment, and his strength will improve by leaps and bounds, and he has terrifying power.

How can this be justified? It is totally incomprehensible.

Looking at the enthusiastic Hizashi father and son, Hiashi knew that they wanted to help Hinata improve her strength with the intention of repaying their gratitude, so he couldn't say anything to stop them, so he had to say to Hinata:"Hinata, don't use force, understand? Just practice with Neji."

"Got it, father."

When Hinata heard that Neci was going to help her train, the corners of her mouth curved up and never came down, haha, you bumped into my hands, I asked you to be decent but you are not decent, so let me help you be decent.

Both sides changed into training clothes and came to the dojo.

Like yesterday, Neci and Hinata stood in the middle of the field, Neci got ready, and said to Hinata:"Attack, sister. I'm ready."

Ningji has always believed that he was knocked unconscious by Hinata yesterday because he was confused by Hinata's performance at the beginning and was too careless.

When he woke up, Hizashi scolded him, also thinking that Ningci underestimated the enemy. If he was put on a mission in the future, he might be killed on the spot.

So now after Neji got ready, he stared at Hinata without blinking, and his body was well protected without leaving any flaws.

Hizashi saw his son's performance and nodded with satisfaction. The brat deserved a beating at any time, and today's performance was very good.

Hinata shouted softly, and her body moved instantly, and she slapped him with a palm.

""So fast!"

Ningci was surprised at how fast his sister was, and he quickly tried to block.

He learned from yesterday's lesson and did not use one hand to block it. Instead, he blocked Hinata's palm with both hands, then stepped back, turned around, and used the power of his body to guide Hinata's palm to the side.

The power from his hands was still huge, but it was not the feeling of being completely irresistible as yesterday. It was just the upper limit that Ningci could bear.

Is this sister Hinata holding back?

Ningci thought to himself. He also envied his sister's power, but if Hinata was still as powerful as yesterday, Ningci felt... He knew that he couldn't hold on for much longer, and now the strength was just right, he could hold on for a long time, and help his sister practice more soft fists.

When Ningci was about to fight back, suddenly another white and tender little hand suddenly pressed on his head and pushed him diagonally backwards.

Ningci's body suddenly lost balance and he involuntarily retreated to the right and rear.

Ningci tried hard to control his balance, but at the same time, a little foot stretched out from under his feet, just stuck in his retreat route.

This time, Ningci had no way to retreat, and his little body suddenly flew into the air and fell to the ground with a thud.

【Ding, congratulations to the host for defeating the plot character Hyuga Neji (child version) and obtaining 100 points of strengthening points. 】

Who am I? Where am I? What happened?

Neji was lying on the floor doubting his life.

How could it be so fast, or am I too weak?

Neji was in the game and didn't know what was going on, but the two brothers Hizashi and Hizashi next to him saw it clearly.

Hinata was still overpowering people with her strength. You should know that the muscle reaction of the human body also has a process. There is a short pause between completing one action and doing the next action.

Some people call this the stiffness time, and some people call it the recovery time, but the meaning is the same.

After exerting force, you have to wait for the muscles to retract before exerting force again. The greater the force used, the longer the recovery time required.

Just like someone can spin a pen very flexibly and change it at will, but if the weight of the pen is increased several times, it will not be as flexible as before when you want to spin it.

For Hinata, the palm just now was understated and did not use any force at all, so she can change her moves more flexibly.

For Neji, this is almost his limit. After fully defending, he must readjust his center of gravity before he can continue the next move. Compared with Hinata, he is like spinning a pen with shackles, and his speed is always one step slower than Hinata.

Hinata just uses her brute force to drag Neci into the quagmire, making it impossible for him to use any skills.

Looking at Neci who is still doubting his life, Hinata stretches out her little hand:

""Brother Ningci, are you okay?"

Hinata's voice brought Ningci back to his senses, and he stood up from the ground.

"I'm fine"

"Ningci" Hizashi called out from the side:"Continue practicing with Hinata, it will be very helpful for you. Find a way to get out of this predicament"

"Yes, father."

Neji is indeed a genius of Hyuga, he understood what his father meant in an instant.

Haha, he was originally here to serve as a sparring partner for his sister, but he didn't expect that he would be the one who would benefit more.

He swept away his previous dejection, full of fighting spirit, and posed again, saying to Hinata:"Sister, just attack me." Hinata happily agreed to Neji's request, you want experience, I want to be stronger, it's a win-win situation for us!

So she clapped her hands,"Watch this!"


【Ding, congratulations to the host for defeating the plot character Hyuga Neji (child version) and gaining 100 reinforcement points】


【Ding, congratulations to the host for defeating the plot character Hyuga Neji (child version) and gaining 100 reinforcement points】


【Ding, congratulations to the host for defeating the plot character Hyuga Neji (childhood version) and obtaining 100 points of enhancement.

Hinata is very happy. She can not only bully the weak but also gain enhancement, which is double happiness.

The power gap between the two sides is too big. No matter how Neji changes, as long as the two sides come into contact, the battle is over.

Hinata always uses the same routine. As long as they join hands, she will first use her huge force to push Neji to the limit. After Neji resists with all his strength, Hinata will easily go around him.

The ending after that is decided by Hinata.

It can be a push or a trip, and so on. In short, Hinata used all the tricks she saw in her previous life on Neji.

After Neji was knocked down by Hinata every time, he would think for a short time and then jump up to continue fighting.

I don’t know how many times he fell.

In the end, he became a mosquito-repellent eye and was carried back by Hizashi.

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