That night, Hinata was overjoyed when she saw the 5,000 reinforcement points she had just obtained.

She twisted and turned on the mat like a silkworm while holding the quilt.

The plan was successful! 5,000 reinforcement points were not the main point. Of course, Hinata also needed reinforcement points, but more importantly, Hinata found a way to get BUGs.

This training with Neji allowed Hinata to successfully find a way to gain reinforcement points. Knock down monsters repeatedly, and the points will come faster. Moreover, it is more cost-effective to defeat monsters of the appropriate level than to defeat monsters of higher levels.

Although the higher level gives more reinforcement points, it is more laborious.

For example, if you defeat Hiashi, you will get 400 points, but if you defeat Neji, you can only get 100 points.

However, Hiashi is so difficult to gain. Today, Hinata was almost exhausted when she defeated Hiashi's shadow clone, and only got 200 points. However, it was much easier to defeat Neji. She got 100 points with one move. Hinata didn't even sweat a bit, and easily gained 5,000 reinforcement points.

So it’s not that high-level monsters are unaffordable, but that low-level monsters are more cost-effective.

Hinata was also moved by Neci’s tenacity today. He was indomitable, fought again and again despite repeated failures, and never gave up in the face of adversity. Every time he was knocked down, he would reflect on his own shortcomings, and persisted until he fainted from exhaustion. What a strong little leek! In Hinata’s heart, Neci has been marked as a gold miner and a treasure boy.

Unfortunately, Hinata squeezed Neci too hard today, and Neci was exhausted both physically and mentally. He would not come to Hinata for training in the short term.

When Hizashi left, he said that the gap between the two sides was too big, and Neci needed to practice for a while before he could find Hinata for training again, otherwise the continuous setbacks would hurt Neci’s martial arts heart.

"Hey, I let you get naughty with your hands, and let you not know how to continue to operate."

Hinata sighed, and slapped the back of her hand a few times. How could this bad temper follow her through? Really.

Harvesting was only for the momentary pleasure, and even the roots of the chives were cut.

Early the next morning, Hinata opened her eyes and thought about going out for a walk. Anyway, she couldn't practice at home. Hinata

's idea was to walk around the Konoha village, familiarize herself with the environment, and look for opportunities.

When she just crossed over, she met the Seventh Hokage and was too stimulated. Hinata fainted and was sent directly home.

When she woke up, there were a series of events. She didn't go out for a whole day. In the world of Naruto, there were very few entertainment projects. Without a mobile phone and a computer, she couldn't practice. Even if Hinata was a otaku, she couldn't hold it back.

After dinner, Hinata walked out of the house wearing a sportswear.

Hiashi obeyed her every request. Shun not only agreed to her idea of going shopping alone, but also stuffed a bulging wallet into her hands, so that she could buy whatever she wanted.

According to Hiashi, Hinata was born with supernatural powers, and she had already mastered the soft fist. However, due to her physical strength, she had little hope of refining chakra, and there was nothing left for her to learn in the Hyuga clan.

The subsequent secret skills of the Hyuga clan, such as Baguazhang and Kaiten, etc., all require the opening of the Byakugan before they can be practiced.

Anyway, Hinata is still young now, and she should play when she should play.

For Hiashi, Hinata is already strong enough at this age. She can rival a senior ninja at the age of 3. What else can he be dissatisfied with with a girl like her? The overall environment of Konoha is still good. With Hinata's strength, ordinary thieves are no match for her.

Hinata went out and walked to the street. Looking left and right, Konoha is indeed the largest ninja village in the ninja world.

On the street It's very lively, with many people coming and going. There are vendors on both sides of the street, selling snacks and various small items.

If you ignore the Japanese on the signs and the ninjas running around on the roofs, it feels similar to the pedestrian street in the previous life, which is also good.

Hinata, who has just arrived, is interested in everything, especially snacks. Whenever she passes by a stall, she will buy some to taste. She ate all the way. Among the snacks she has eaten, Hinata's favorite is the three-color meatballs, just like Itachi.

The taste is just the right sweetness without being too greasy, and in addition to the fragrance of glutinous rice, Hinata also tasted different aromas in the meatballs of different colors. I think it was the taste of the ingredients mixed in the glutinous rice. The arrogant Hinata bought 20 skewers in one go and feasted on them.

While eating, he looked at the pair of Uchiha brothers in front of him with contempt. The two of them were willing to buy only one skewer, stingy. Being stingy really made the Uchiha lose face.

When passing by Qiu's barbecue restaurant, the tempting aroma almost attracted Hinata's soul.

She wanted to eat meat!!

Hinata really couldn't stand the light taste of Japanese cuisine.

The meals at Hiashi's house were rich and there was no shortage of meat, but the bland taste made her feel like she didn't eat anything at all.

Hinata missed the sizzling barbecue in her previous life, the fragrant stewed food, as well as braised pork, roast duck, fried chicken and French fries.

She needed calorie-rich food, a rich and greasy taste, and cold beer...

It is said that Chinese people will miss home when they go abroad. Not only did she go abroad, but she also traveled through the plane.

Thinking of the sadness, Hinata's tears flowed down the corners of her mouth unconsciously.


Hinata sucked her saliva and took out the small wallet that Hiashi gave her.

Hmm~? The prices in Konoha are so expensive!

Looking at the few bills left in the wallet, maybe it's enough for 4 or 5 ninjas to eat barbecue at the Akimichi family, but this little money is definitely not enough for Hinata. Hinata left with a look back every few steps. Damn it! Not happy!

Originally, the purpose of Hinata's coming out today was to see if she could meet the Seventh Generation on the street.

If she did, Hinata wanted to improve her favorability with him. When she first came to the ninja world, Hinata admitted that she was too careless and did not build a good relationship with the Seventh Generation.

There was once a glittering Seventh Generation in front of her, but she did not cherish it, and she regretted it until now.

After all, the big users of strengthening points in the future still have to rely on the Seventh Generation.

Unfortunately, it seems that luck is not good today. The Seventh Generation did not come out to play pranks on the street like in the original book.

After Hinata walked along the road for a while, she found that there were gradually fewer people.

There was also a sign on the side of the road that said Death Forest, and someone had painted a big cross on it with red paint. Does this road lead to the Death Forest? Hinata looked at the tall trees that blocked out the sun at the end of the road.

The Death Forest is surprisingly large. It is said that it was created by the first generation of Hokage using Wood Release. After decades of growth, many shrubs have grown under the towering trees.

Moreover, in these forests full of Wood Release Chakra, animals can more easily feel the existence of Chakra and become Ninja Beasts.

These animals will absorb Chakra and store it in their bodies according to their instincts. Some of them will have some special abilities, such as wearing clothes and speaking human language, performing Ninjutsu, etc.

However, they will not practice Chakra purposefully like humans, and generally speaking, Ninja Beasts are larger in size.

So the Ninja Beasts on the outskirts of the forest are fine. If you go deeper, some Ninja Beasts are as powerful as Jonin. They are large in size and rich in energy.

Thinking of this, Hinata's saliva is about to flow down. Doesn't this perfectly meet her needs?

Moreover, in the Death Forest, she can also practice soft fists and absorb natural energy.

So Hinata walked into the forest without hesitation...

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