Hinata walked in the forest and felt that all the pores on her body were relaxed.

Even if she didn't practice soft fist, she could still feel the vigorous natural energy around her, which was wrapped around her.

It was amazing! Hinata exclaimed in her heart.

As expected of the first generation of Hokage, he could mobilize such a huge amount of natural energy. Such a large amount of energy is certainly not something a human can possess.

Hinata guessed that the first generation's tree world should be just a trigger to attract and gather the surrounding natural energy.

The first generation's wood release chakra is like a bait, collecting the nourishment of the endless natural energy near Konoha.

This is the reason why this forest can exist for decades.

Hinata can feel that the natural energy has no side effects on her and is very gentle. It is not as dangerous as when the seventh generation and Jiraiya practiced.

Why is this?

Could it be?

Hinata's mind flashed with inspiration, and she thought of something. The difference between me and them is that when I come into contact with natural energy, my body is very pure and there is no chakra.

In this case, natural energy and chakra are actually incompatible.

The reason why the seventh generation and others practiced fairy arts is dangerous is that they had to merge natural energy and chakra together, which is called fairy arts chakra.

The two should have been in a hostile state. Natural energy is the original of this planet, and chakra is transformed by aliens.

The Otsutsuki clan is equivalent to the Japanese devils, natural energy is the Eighth Route Army, and chakra is the puppet army and traitors.

How can they coexist peacefully?

So that's it, so that's it.

Hinata understood in her heart that the creatures in this world are so plagued by disasters, and it is probably because they practiced chakra and abandoned natural energy.

Poor guy, the profession of ninja is fundamentally contrary to the ninja world. If the will of the world can speak, it is estimated that it will curse! The Otsutsuki stole the energy of the entire world. Whether it is Kaguya Otsutsuki or Hamura and Hagoromo, they are actually invaders to this world.

The only difference is that Kaguya's methods are more violent and direct. She planted the sacred tree to transform the ninja world and eliminate the indigenous people.

Yuyi is much more sinister, and the means he uses are gentler. He established the Ninja Clan and taught others how to use chakra to disintegrate the indigenous people from within.

On the surface, he taught ninjutsu to give everyone superpowers, but it was only superficial, and the powerful force would also inspire human ambitions, cause wars and weaken human power. The core means were in his hands, far exceeding the general ninjutsu's Sharingan and Sage Body, which were passed down from generation to generation by his descendants Indra and Ashura, forever controlling the Ninja World.

It seems that the person closest to the origin of the world in the entire Ninja World is Hinata, and she is the only one who only uses natural energy.

After Hinata figured it out, she couldn't help but sigh that the means of the Otsutsuki clan were really like an old sow wearing a bra, one set after another.

She would not be so arrogant as to want to be a savior. The pattern of the Ninja World has been formed, and she alone can't make any waves.

On the contrary, from then on, Hinata decided to be low-key and try to use less natural energy in front of people in the future.

She was worried that she would be targeted by the Otsutsuki clan. You know, the ghost of the Six Paths Sage has been quietly monitoring the ninja world.

After walking a short distance, Hinata found a slightly larger open space and began to practice soft fists today.

Natural energy began to flow into her body frantically with her movements. The effect of practicing in the Death Forest and the effect of practicing in the Hyuga old house were simply worlds apart.

Soon, small whirlwinds formed by the flow of natural energy began to appear around Hinata's body.

The whirlwinds drove the fallen leaves on the ground and surrounded Hinata together. With Hinata's movements, they rose and fell, flying up and down.

From a distance, it looked like a huge bright yellow tiger, jumping, clawing, and pouncing on the open space; gradually, a momentum was formed, and the giant tiger became more agile, as if it was really alive.

After a set of punches, Hinata closed her posture, and the natural energy she had attracted returned to calm. The fallen leaves fell to the ground, revealing the beautiful little Loli inside.

Hinata thought, as expected, there is a saying that there is a place for practicing. In the Hyuga old house, you have to practice the soft fist 10 times to absorb the natural energy to the limit of the body.

In the Death Forest, you only need to practice once to replenish the energy, and the upper limit of storage is raised a little.

Treasure land!

The feeling of natural energy infusion in the Hyuga old house is like getting an IV drip, only a little at a time. Coming to the forest is like turning on the tap, and it is filled up in a rush.

In this way, I am basically equivalent to unlimited endurance in the forest.

Hinata laughed wildly with her hands on her hips in her heart. From now on, I will be the child of nature, the forest princess, Hinata~ I feel that it is really worth it to come out today.

After packing up casually, Hinata continued to walk into the depths of the forest. She has not forgotten another mission here. Those chubby ninja beasts are still waiting for her. What

Hinata didn't know was that outside, the Hyuga clan was about to explode.

When she came out to go shopping, the highly executive Hiashi took his brother Hiashi to find the elders of the clan and started to argue.

When the elders heard what Hiashi said, their brains, which had not been used for many years, suddenly felt overloaded.

What? Adoption? ? It can be done this way?

There was nothing wrong with the procedure, but anyone with a discerning eye could tell what was going on. Didn't they just not want their nephew to be assigned to the branch family?

It was said that the kid named Neji was very talented, but so what?

Could high talent be higher than the clan rules? Didn't Hiashi's father want to keep Hizashi in the main family, but didn't he give in in the end?

If you can easily take advantage of this loophole, will you still lead the team in the future?

The two sides began a gentle and easy-going conversation. Since they all had the same ancestor, each of them was very restrained and just controlled the scope to the other party.

After a long struggle, the elders finally agreed, and Hiashi won a small victory with difficulty. As expected by Hiashi, the elders really grabbed Hinata and started to talk, saying that since Neji had been adopted as the heir to the main family, Hinata should be assigned to the branch family.

Hiashi used Sarutobi Hiruzen as a powerful weapon, indicating that Hinata was ready to join the Hokage family and would no longer be under the control of the Hyuga family.

The two sides started a new round of discussions.

When everyone was in a heated mood, an Anbu wearing a rabbit mask came to Hyuga Hiashi.


The news from the Anbu struck Hiashi like lightning.

"Hinata entered the Death Forest alone?"

That's the Death Forest. How dare Hinata, a 3-year-old child, enter alone?

There are many dangerous ninja beasts there, some of which are as powerful as jonin. But more dangerous than ninja beasts are the ninjas lurking in from other villages!

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