If you want to ask why the Anbu came to inform Hiashi?

Of course, it is inseparable from the Sandaime who likes to peek with a crystal ball.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's hobby in his spare time is to use the telescope technique to observe his beloved Konoha Village. He never gets tired of it. Since his wife Sarutobi Biwako passed away, this hobby has become like the Yellow River flooding and it is out of control.

However, Konoha Village is very large, and the Sandaime's energy is not as good as before. He can't observe the entire village comprehensively. He can only choose some places to observe carefully, such as mixed bathing hot springs, women's baths, etc.

It was the same today, but when turning around, I accidentally saw Hinata who was queuing to buy three-color balls, and the two Uchiha brothers in front of Hinata. The Sandaime's fragile nerves tightened up at once. Did the Hyuga and Uchiha start to communicate secretly?

The main reason is that the identities of the three people are really a bit special. One is the eldest daughter of Hyuga Hiashi, the head of the Hyuga clan, and the other is the two sons of Uchiha Fugaku, the head of the Uchiha clan. Sarutobi

Hiruzen had a bad idea in his mind. Are the two powerful families playing me?

On the surface, they disliked each other, but secretly let the second generation contact each other.

What were they trying to conspire?

Was this three-color meatball stall their contact point?

So Sarutobi Hiruzen had the idea of observing more.

He kept staring at the crystal ball until he saw that the two sides had not communicated at all, and the two Uchiha brothers left on their own without paying attention to Hinata. Only then did he put down his suspicion a little. It seemed that he had thought too much.

Seeing that Hinata was about to leave, Sarutobi Hiruzen paid attention to her again. Hinata was a tool he used to deepen the Nine-Tails' sense of belonging to the village.

He knew this child of the Hyuga family. She was timid and kind-hearted. She had always been a good girl. Choosing her would not worry about distorting the values of the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki.

So Hiruzen communicated with Hyuga Hiashi several times, suggesting that Hiashi let her daughter contact the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki and try to make friends.

I don't ask for anything else, just to let Hinata act as the negative emotional trash can of the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, to provide some emotional value for the village's nuclear weapons, so as not to be like those fools in Sunagakure who almost put the Jinchuriki on the opposite side.

Therefore, Hinata, who is equivalent to the controller of the Nine-Tails, must stand on the side of the Hokage.

If the Hyuga and Uchiha people have too much contact with those psychopaths, Hinata's controller will be a bit unqualified, and Hiruzen will have to consider changing people.

Watching Hinata strolling around the street alone, I don't know how she ended up in the Forest of Death?

These little ghosts are really troublesome! They don't know how high the sky is and how deep the earth is. They go to dangerous places all day long. How much trouble will this cause me. It's not okay to ignore it. After all, the Hyuga clan is also an object that needs to be won over. Sarutobi Hiruzen took a puff of cigarette, called an Anbu over, and asked him to go to the Hyuga clan to notify them.

As for whether Hinata would be in any danger, Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't care at all. He had done his best to inform Hiashi. She chose to enter the forest, so she should bear the consequences. How could he, a Hokage, have time to help others look after children? What

's more, Hinata couldn't use chakra, and the upper limit was not high. If she really died in danger, she would die. Anyway, there were many substitutes. There was a little girl named Haruno Sakura who was also pretty good.

After receiving the message, Hiashi was so anxious that he almost got angry. He quickly settled the matter of Neji, ignored the elders who were still nagging, and rushed out with Hiashi.

In the forest, Hinata encountered a wild boar that was exaggeratedly large.

This wild boar looked very abstract. First of all, its size was as big as a small truck.

It was full of muscles, just like a pig that had practiced bodybuilding, with tendons all over its body.

Hinata didn't know whether the one in front of her was a ninja beast, but it looked much stronger than an ordinary wild boar.

It's really troublesome without the Byakugan. Hinata can't tell whether it is a ninja beast or not because she can't see the chakra in the body. Hinata quietly approached the wild boar while thinking about how to use natural energy to stimulate the Byakugan to open.

At this time, Hinata was very glad that she didn't travel to the branch family and there was no caged bird on her head.

So he could experiment without restraint without worrying about triggering the caged bird mark.

After thinking about it, he found that he was thinking too much. Even in the branch family, if you want to be engraved with the caged bird, you must at least be able to refine chakra. Generally, you are qualified to be engraved with the caged bird after opening the Byakugan.

After walking ten steps, the wild boar also found Hinata Hyuga approaching, raised his head, and showed his two fangs, and let out a dangerous roar at Hinata. Hinata didn't care and continued to walk forward slowly.

Seeing this human cub dared to ignore his warning and come up to provoke.

The hot-tempered wild boar took the initiative to attack, and its huge body rushed towards Hinata like a raging car.

Facing the attack of the wild boar, Hinata calmly dodged to the side, letting the wild boar rush into the air.

Hinata raised her foot and kicked the wild boar's belly hard.

Hinata used only about 20% of her strength in this kick. The wild boar was kicked up and flew more than ten meters away.

With a loud"bang", it fell to the ground and couldn't get up. Its ribs were completely broken and its internal organs were seriously injured. It couldn't move at all and could only lie on the ground and wait for death. Hinata found that she had no weapon, so she broke a branch as thick as her arm from a tree. She tore the twig off in a few strokes, weighed it in her hand, and stabbed it into the wild boar's neck with a stick.

Under Hinata's terrifying strength, the wild boar's tough skin was as thin as a piece of paper and broke with a slight poke. The stick directly pierced the wild boar's heart, and the wild boar died without even a wail.

Hinata looked at the wild boar on the ground, and then she remembered one thing, she didn't bring any fire, nor did she have a knife or seasoning.

The barbecue couldn't be eaten, Hinata thought sadly, but she was reluctant to just abandon the wild boar here, so she walked forward, stretched out her little hand to grab the wild boar's tail, and dragged it away.

In her previous life, Hinata was not a person who could recognize the road.

When you go out to play by yourself, you must turn on the navigation, otherwise you can't find the way home.

After crossing over, she found that her attribute of being a road idiot has not changed much.

Simply put, Hinata couldn't find the way home. After walking for a long time, she found that she was back to the starting point.

What should I do if I get lost in the forest?

If it were modern society, you could turn on the navigation or ask for support, but in the world of Naruto, Hinata has another choice, which is to turn on the Byakugan!

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