Hinata left the wild boar aside and sat cross-legged with her back against a big tree.

She thought quietly in her heart, recalling the knowledge about the Byakugan that Hiashi had told him.

Without chakra, let's try to see if natural energy can work.

No matter what, let's give it a try. Carefully control the natural energy in the body and follow the meridians to the area around the eyes.

It seems that you need to make a seal to open the Byakugan. Hinata recalled the seal method that Hiashi had told her.

She imitated the hand seal in her memory, making the same gesture, and shouted"Byakugan, open."

As a result, nothing happened...

It's a bit embarrassing!

Hinata was very glad that she was experimenting in the Death Forest. If others saw her in such a shameful state, how could she face others?

Calm down, don't panic, take a deep breath, it's just the first experiment, it's normal that it didn't succeed.

Hinata comforted herself in her heart. Hinata adjusted her mood and repeated the experiment several times according to the previous method, but found that it didn't work at all.

On the contrary, her eyes were hit too many times by natural energy, and they felt a little sore and swollen.

Hinata took out a small mirror and looked at them. Well, her eyes were red, just like a rabbit.

She blinked her eyes, and the sore feeling almost made her cry.

Impossible, isn't it said that the Byakugan is the easiest eye technique to open? Why is it so difficult for me?

Is my talent really that low? Or did I remember the hand seal wrong?

Hinata sat cross-legged under the tree again, speechlessly looking at the little bit of sky exposed above the treetops.

She couldn't believe it. She finally traveled to the Hyuga clan, and the person she traveled to was Hinata, who had the highest Byakugan purity in the original work. Why can't I open it? Is it because I don't have chakra?

Hinata forced herself to calm down and think for a while. The hand seal in her memory was not wrong. It didn't make sense. Chakra was just an alienated variant of natural energy.

As a higher level of energy, it is impossible to say that chakra can open the Byakugan, but natural energy can't, right?

Compared with natural energy, chakra is just a little more violent and more harmful to the human body, but there is no difference.

The effects that chakra can achieve can also be achieved by natural energy, and the power is a little bit greater, so the fairy technique is a little stronger than the ninjutsu.

Wait, Hinata thought of the keyword"violent", yes, violent, she patted her head and thought of this.

Hinata is very good at using natural energy, just like an innate instinct. In the meridians of the body, natural energy is very gentle. Maybe when impacting the meridians, it should be more fierce, Hinata thought secretly in her heart.

But how to do it well and how much strength is needed to impact, Hinata has no experience.

Only slowly experimenting, she adjusted her mentality and took a deep breath.

Gathering a large group of natural energy and rushing towards the eyes along the meridians, this time she deliberately controlled the speed of the natural energy impact, and rushed over in one go.

The meridians around Hinata's eyes suddenly felt extremely painful, and the pain made Hinata cover her eyes and scream.

After a while, Hinata felt that her eyes were not so painful, so she let go and slowly opened them.

The world in her eyes is different. It has become different.

The world has turned grayish white. It seems that she has several pairs of eyes on her head. The surrounding environment is imprinted in her brain.

With naked eyes, 360 degrees, the surrounding movements all rushed into Hinata's brain.

Hinata, who had never experienced this before, could not bear the impact of a large amount of information. Her body was shaking as if she would fall down in the next moment.

Hinata found that she could control it as she wished. Her eyes could see far and near, and whether she could see through or not was just a thought. After a careful look, the trees around her turned grayish white and translucent. As long as she thought about looking far away, she found that she could effortlessly see through the layers of trees and see things within a range of nearly ten kilometers in the distance.

Hinata was surprised. What kind of vision is this? The naked eye can see ten kilometers, which is better than the strongest Maasai on earth, and it can also see through.

After a while, Hinata slowly adapted to this strange perspective and took out her small mirror to look at it.

The Hinata in the mirror turned into a black and white photo, with a pair of eyes shining and crystal clear like jade.

It's just that the hideous blood vessels around the eyes, like little earthworms, affect the beauty

【Ding, congratulations to the host for getting the skill: Byakugan, strengthening requires 10,000 points. 】

Finally opening her eyes, Hinata was overjoyed. As long as she got another 5,000 points of strengthening points, she could strengthen and upgrade. Maybe after strengthening, she wouldn't have to expose blood vessels. She still cared about her appearance. After all, being strong or not is only temporary, but being handsome or not is a lifelong thing.

Hinata looked around carefully, but didn't find any trace of Konoha. I wonder how far I have walked.

Using the Byakugan consumes a lot of natural energy. Hinata just looked around and closed the Byakugan.

She dragged her pig tail and chose a low-lying direction to continue walking forward.

After walking a distance, she opened the Byakugan again to check around, and repeated this several times.

When Hinata opened the Byakugan again, she found something different. On several large trees about 4-5 kilometers ahead, there were several groups of blue chakra humanoid objects jumping on the tree trunks. It looked like they were heading towards her.

Well, are they here to find me? Hinata's eyes were a little moist. It seemed that her cheap father finally found out that she was missing.

Hinata left the wild boar behind, closed her eyes and sat under the tree to rest. According to the speed of those people, they should be able to catch up with her in more than ten minutes.

The first element of outdoor rescue is to stay in a conspicuous position and wait for rescue, and don't run around.

Hinata swore in her heart that she would be a puppy if she entered the Death Forest alone in the future.

Getting lost in the Death Forest this time made Hinata realize her own road idiot nature. Next time she comes, she must bring someone who knows the way. Not long after, some imperceptible wind-breaking sounds came from the treetops, and three ninja-dressed figures appeared on the big tree next to Hinata.

They were wearing black combat uniforms, but the outer vests were not the common Konoha uniforms, but a diagonal shoulder strap. The three stood in the shadows, looking at Hinata sitting under the tree with naked, unconcealed malice in their eyes.

They looked sneaky, and they were not good people at first glance. What kind of shameful activities were they probably doing?

Hinata became alert and leaned against a tree in a defensive posture. It was not a friendly force coming, and she was having too much fun.

Hinata did not think that her little power could sweep away everything.

At this time, a cold and low voice came from the shadows,

""Little boy, your eyes are very special, are you from the Hyuga clan?"

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