Hearing the man's cold voice, Hinata thought to herself that it was not good. They were not Konoha's ninjas. They were not Konoha's ninjas, but they appeared in the Forest of Death. They were sneaking around and must be doing some espionage activities. Fortunately, she ran into them.

I don't know which village they are from. I hope they are not from Sand Village.

The individual strength of Sand Village ninjas is relatively high. Whether it is the weird sand ninjutsu or the puppeteer who is good at using poison, they are all headaches.

With Hinata's current strength, if she is not careful, it will become their merit, and she will give her Byakugan by the way.

After all, the Byakugan of the Konoha Hyuga clan is very popular on the black market.

The three did not hear Hinata's answer, and they jumped down and slowly surrounded Hinata.

When those people got closer, Hinata saw the forehead protectors on their heads.

It was Kumogakure, they were ninjas from Kumogakure.

Hinata breathed a sigh of relief. Compared with other villages, the ninja Hinata of Kumogakure is easier to deal with, because Kumogakure is mainly composed of body training maniacs, and their fighting style is also straightforward and aggressive.

Kumogakure worships strength, and when a battle begins, they will directly use ninjutsu to fight hard, and rarely carry out those insidious sneak attacks.

Hinata pretended to be pitiful and said to the three people:"Please don't hurt me. I am the eldest daughter of the main family of the Hyuga clan. As long as you send me back to the Hyuga clan, my father will definitely thank you solemnly."

Hearing Hinata's words, the eyes of the three people lit up at the same time. It turned out that it was a main family.

They suddenly felt that their mission seemed to be successful. It was originally just a simple infiltration mission. Their goal was to cooperate with the envoys to Konoha to see if they could get any benefits.

Unexpectedly, they would meet a girl from the main family of the Hyuga clan in the forest.

The Hyuga clan, who in the ninja world doesn't envy their white eyes?

Unfortunately, the ninjas of the Hyuga clan who can go out for missions are all branch families, and all of them have been engraved with the Caged Bird Mark. Even if they are killed, their eyes will be destroyed by the mark when they die.

As for the ninjas of the Hyuga clan, they basically never leave the village. Even if they occasionally go on missions, they are under heavy protection and just to gain merit.

If I can bring this Hyuga girl back to my own ninja village, won't the Raikage be very happy? He will definitely reward me heavily, and then I will get a promotion, a raise, marry a beautiful and rich woman, and reach the peak of my life. Maybe there will be another Hyuga clan member in the Hidden Cloud Village.

Thinking of the exciting things, the three of them showed perverted smiles on their faces.

One of them looked back and took a step forward. He was a man with a rough face and a scar on his face, which ran from his forehead to his chin.

The scarred man showed a creepy smile and said coldly:"Little ghost, be smart, don't resist, follow us obediently, as long as you are obedient, we can spare your life."

Hinata heard what they said and cursed in her heart, what kind of ghosts are you trying to fool? I'm going with you, looking at your perverted smile, you must have no good intentions, if I fall into your hands, I'm estimated that I will have to stay in the Hidden Cloud Village as a breeding machine in the future

"Where are you taking me?"

"Of course I will take you back to our Hidden Cloud Village." Scarface said as a matter of course.

Hinata deliberately showed a look of fear on her face, and turned and ran away like a frightened little animal.

The three men laughed behind her. Did this little brat think she could run away?


Scarface looked like the captain of the Hidden Cloud team. He made a gesture:"Catch her, don't let her run away."

The two people next to him nodded and rushed towards Hinata.

The two men stuck to both sides of Hinata and ran with her, like a cat teasing a mouse, and were not in a hurry to take action.

Scarface saw the evil expression of his companions and cursed:"Where do you think you are? We are near Konoha. If we meet Konoha's ninjas, we will be in big trouble. Knock him out and take him away quickly."

""Yes, Captain." The two answered in unison.

As they spoke, a man suddenly stretched out a hand knife and slashed at the back of Hinata's neck.

Bastard, why did he hit her so hard? Didn't he know that the person opposite him was a three-year-old girl?

How could he use such a heavy hand knife? What if he accidentally hurt his cervical vertebrae and left a chronic disease?

Hinata saw his movements and cursed in her heart. Her body, which was running away frantically, suddenly twisted to the side and avoided the hand knife.

Scarface cursed from behind:"Bastard, you failed in such a simple thing, are you drunk?"

The Kumogakure ninja who attacked blushed, and his dark skin turned purple.

It was embarrassing, really embarrassing for an adult.

As a jonin, his attack was dodged by a three-year-old child. It seemed that this dark history would be talked about by his companions for the rest of his life.

He was so angry that he didn't hold back and kicked Hinata's thigh, trying to kick Hinata to the ground to vent his anger.

Hinata suddenly stopped, then stretched out her little hand and punched the kicking leg.

The pink and slender fist collided with the thick calf.

Everyone thought that Hinata's arm would break like a straw, and she would be seriously injured on the spot.

""Who told you to be so heavy-handed?" Scarface yelled.

That was the precious treasure of the Hidden Cloud Village.

Then they heard a cracking sound, and in the eyes of the others who were horrified, they saw that the Hidden Cloud Village jonin flew out like a big windmill, with his calf twisted backwards to a strange degree, obviously broken.

"There's something wrong with this brat."

The two men stood away vigilantly, not caring about their companion who was knocked away. The ninja who was knocked away fell under a big tree, not knowing whether he was dead or alive.

Ding, congratulations to the host for defeating the Hidden Cloud Ninja and getting 100 reinforcement points.

Hinata looked at the remaining two Hidden Cloud Ninjas with a grim look, stretched out her index finger and hooked it contemptuously:"Aren't you going to catch me? Why don't you dare to come up?"

After unexpectedly crippling one of the ninjas, Hinata felt relieved and began to provoke.

The two men jumped up in excitement at Hinata's words, and said viciously:"Brat, too arrogant."

This is simply throwing the face of the Hidden Cloud Village on the ground and stepping on it hard. The two of them didn't consider anything else and attacked Hinata fiercely.

Such a foul-mouthed kid should be beaten half to death.

Most of the people in the Hidden Cloud Village practiced lightning ninjutsu, and each of them was a muscular man.

Compared to gorgeous ninjutsu, they prefer to destroy each other with fists.

Therefore, the two did not use any ninjutsu, and planned to teach Hinata a lesson with their fists.

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