Hinata stayed in the Death Forest for a whole year.

In fact, after half a year, Hiashi and Hizashi rarely came, leaving Hinata alone to practice in the Death Forest.

Hinata's practice is actually similar to a vacation. Unlike other ninjas, she mainly relies on the strength of her body to fight the enemy. She just needs to keep eating, and with the help of the system, she doesn't have to work hard to refine chakra or practice ninjutsu. Hinata

's daily task is to open her Byakugan to absorb natural energy. When the natural energy is fully absorbed, she will go all over the mountains and plains to find higher-level ninja beasts.

On the one hand, she can get her own practical experience by beating ninja beasts, and she can also practice the physical skills of the Hyuga family.

On the other hand, low-level ninja beasts are less and less helpful to Hinata, and eating the meat of low-level ninja beasts will increase her strength very little.

Hinata needs a higher-level ninja beast to continue to grow her strength. It is hard to say that Hinata's current strength can move mountains and fill the sea, but it is a piece of cake to say that she can split mountains and rocks.

Even without using natural energy, the damage caused by Hinata's power alone is extremely terrifying. Hinata's current combat power can also be ranked among the top few in the ninja world.

If things continue like this, Madara's words"I would like to call you the strongest" may be put on her.

Hinata is not going to expose her true strength. She is going to hide and live a secluded life. She will return to Konoha every three or five days, rest and play in Konoha for a few days, and then continue to practice in the Death Forest.

It is worth mentioning that during this year, his relationship with the seventh generation has made rapid progress and they have become friends. There is no bond between them. It is the relationship between the sponsor mother and the eldest son. The seventh generation is now very pitiful and belongs to the status of being shouted by everyone in Konoha. The simple little yellow-haired man did not know that all this was deliberately arranged by the village's top leaders and put pressure on him.

Instead, he thought it was his own fault. Naruto, who lacked love since childhood and wanted to be recognized by the villagers, came up with the idea of doing some pranks to attract people's attention.

On the contrary, as he played pranks every day, people hated him even more.

Every day, Naruto's daily routine is to play pranks - escape - get caught - be taught a lesson - Anbu interfere - let go and leave, and then repeat the next day.

Under the indulgence of the Konoha high-level leaders headed by Sarutobi Hiruzen, Naruto's situation becomes more and more difficult.

However, Hinata does not understand Sarutobi Hiruzen's train of thought.

If you want people to be loyal, you should give them benefits.

In exchange for sincerity, as long as the villagers of Konoha treat Naruto as a family member, Naruto will naturally treat everyone in Konoha as his own family.

He only knows how to PUA day after day.

In fact, Hinata also understands the selfishness of the old monkey.

He just wants to help Naruto when he is stuck in the quagmire, so that Naruto will be grateful to him and loyal.

What he wants is Naruto to be loyal to him as the Hokage, not to Konoha.

Alas~ Poor Seventh Generation.

Sometimes Naruto will give himself a day off, go to Ichiraku Ramen, eat a bowl of ramen or something, and have a good meal.

The living expenses given by the Sandaime, this old bastard, are really low, only 1,500 taels per month, not to mention nutrition, he can't even get enough to eat.

Naruto often went hungry, and the rich woman Hyuga Hinata saw this and often gave him money to improve his favorability. After a few times, the two became familiar with each other.

Hinata approached Naruto with the tacit consent of Sarutobi Hiruzen, and Hinata didn't give Naruto much subsidy, just slightly improved Naruto's life, so Sarutobi Hiruzen turned a blind eye.

Every time Hinata came back to Konoha from the Forest of Death to rest, she would go to play with Naruto. There were Anbu on duty around Naruto 24 hours a day. Hinata didn't dare to say anything too sensitive, but just hinted at it in small talk. Naruto's favorite thing was to play on Shadow Rock, and he especially liked to stand on the rock above the Sandaime's head and look out at Konoha.

"Why do you only come to play on these broken rocks all day? What's fun here?"Looking at Naruto's back, Hinata sat on the top of the first generation bored, her feet swinging unconsciously.

"Hinata, do you think Konoha will be better in the future?" Naruto asked without looking back, just looking at the village below.


Hinata didn't understand why Naruto suddenly said this, could it be that the Ashura soul in his body was burning?

"In fact, I can roughly tell what other people think of me."

Naruto turned around and smiled brightly.

"Just like you, you have no ill will towards me, you just dislike me a little. But why do you suppress your disgust and come to me?"


Naruto's words made Hinata's eyes widen. This was a bit beyond her expectation.

She didn't know how to respond for a moment. It was not written in the original book. How come this Naruto is not a silly and innocent person? Hinata felt that she was fooled by Kishimoto again.

Yes, childhood hardships always make people grow up quickly. With Naruto's experience, a silly and innocent character is abnormal. After hesitating for a while, Hinata decided to tell the truth.

"Well, I only dislike you a little bit. I am obsessed with looks. Your beard is really... As for getting close to you, I just want to improve your favorability so that I can ask for your help in the future."

"Oh, so that's how it is."

Naruto smiled, touched his head and said in distress:"I'm really sorry about the beard, it has been like this since I was born, even if I trim it, it will grow out quickly."

"I can feel that you have no ill will towards me. You have helped me so much, so we should be friends now. Don't worry, I will definitely help in any way I can in the future."

Looking at the sunny appearance of the Seventh Hokage, Hinata thought that the task of improving the favorability was finally completed, and the refresh point of the Seventh Hokage would be stable in the future.

Naruto asked curiously,"It seems that you are very confident in my future, and you are sure that I can help you? Why?"

Hinata was a little distressed, not knowing whether she should give Naruto a spoiler.

She looked around with her eyes open. There was no one around, so she said,"You are not an ordinary person. There is a powerful power in your body, but you can't control it now."

Naruto was surprised and said,"Powerful power? I didn't feel it?"

"It's just temporary."

Naruto said thoughtfully,"I see, no wonder……"

Then he turned his head and looked at Hinata,"I know you must have taken a big risk by telling me these things. Don't worry, I won't say anything nonsense, nor will I show it to others."

Seeing Naruto's mature appearance, Hinata felt that Naruto was even more amazing.

Compared with the ignorant Naruto in the original work, the current Naruto clearly guessed it, but still pretended not to know and was willing to cooperate with the Sandaime's performance, which made Hinata feel even more uncomfortable.

"You will become a great ninja." Hinata said sincerely

"Hahahaha," Naruto laughed and pointed a thumb at his chest.

"My goal is to become a Hokage."

After the conversation that day, Hinata once again warned herself not to look down on anyone, and continued to maintain a low-key and peaceful life, practicing, and improving Naruto's favorability, until one day she accidentally saw a round-nosed Uchiha, and then she remembered something. Next year, that is, in the 54th year of Konoha, a big event will happen, a big event that can change the fate of the clan.

Uchiha Shisui, the top master of the Uchiha clan, will have his eyes gouged out by Danzo.

In disappointment, Uchiha Shisui will jump off the cliff at the Minamiga River and commit suicide...

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