She didn't care whether the Uchiha clan was exterminated or not, but it was a pity that Uchiha Shisui, a high-end fighter, died in vain, and her Mangekyō fell into Danzo's hands.

In the future, she would most likely face Danzo, and if she could remind Shisui to beware of Danzo and weaken Danzo's strength in advance, Hinata would be happy to see it happen.

Anyway, it wouldn't be a big deal, just remind him when you meet him; if you don't meet him, or he doesn't listen, even if he has a bad fate, she can still learn from Shisui's experience.

The opportunity came on this day, when Hinata was leaving the forest, she happened to meet Shisui and Itachi in the forest.

Uchiha Shisui was very alert, and Hinata was discovered when he approached about 500 meters.

Shisui drew out his short sword and shouted,"Who is it? Who is there?"

Hinata secretly admired in her heart, worthy of being Shisui, his strength is really beyond words, but it's a pity that his emotional intelligence is too low, and his own clan leader is not strong enough.

The first master of Uchiha, there are only a few days left.

""Sorry, it's me. I'm just passing by." Hinata slowly walked out of the woods.

Shisui sheathed the dagger and asked,"Are you from the Hyuga clan? How did you come out from this direction? The Death Forest is very dangerous, what are you doing in there?"

The place chosen by herself and Itachi was already close to the depths of the Death Forest, and most people would not come here.

Hinata whispered,"Actually, I'm practicing in the forest. I've been practicing for a year, and today I accidentally took the wrong road."

Shisui and Itachi both showed suspicious eyes. Are you kidding me? A five-year-old kid, talking about practicing in the Death Forest?

Itachi sneered and said,"You are really an ambitious child. I wonder what you are practicing?"

Hinata replied,"Mainly practicing the Hyuga family's physical skills." Itachi asked,"Would you like to spar with me? Our Uchiha clan's physical skills are also unique in some aspects, and you can learn from them."

Although it was a question, Itachi's tone carried a tone that could not be refused.

Hinata was puzzled when she heard it. Why did they want to spar after just saying a word? How old are you? How old am I?

She also understood that she was suspected by the two of them, and that her sudden appearance today was a bit hasty, but time waits for no one.

She also couldn't take the initiative to go to the Uchiha clan's territory to find Shisui, or she would be targeted by the Third Hokage. Since she didn't know why Itachi wanted to spar with her inexplicably, but in the ninja world, no matter who it is, fists are powerful and right. It seems that she has to provoke the young chief of the Uchiha clan, so that he might listen to what she said.

Hinata said hesitantly,"Okay then."

Uchiha Itachi and Hinata took their positions, each side made an opposing seal, and began the competition.

Hinata knew that Itachi's strength was probably at three magatama by now, but facing a child like her, he would probably look down on her, so there was still a chance to trick him.

So Hinata maintained her appearance of a weak little white flower, greeted Itachi, and whispered:"Senior Itachi, please give me your guidance."

Itachi waved his hand:"You attack first."

Hinata struck out lightly with a palm, looking weak and powerless.

Seeing such a weak attack, Itachi looked disdainful and raised his hand casually to block.

Suddenly, he heard Shisui next to him shouting:"Be careful when you're fighting seven alone."

When his palms collided with Hinata's, Itachi realized something was wrong. How could he have such great strength? He immediately used both hands to resist the pressure with all his strength.

Itachi's face turned red, and veins popped out on his head, looking like he was trying his best.

Hinata laughed inwardly, she was fooled. She didn't even use 20% of her strength in this palm. Seeing Itachi taking the bait, she used her experience in dealing with Neji and gently pulled it to the side, causing Itachi's body to deviate. Just as Itachi was trying to regain his center of gravity, a sweeping kick suddenly appeared. It seemed that Itachi could not escape and would be easily knocked down by her like Neji.

"With a"bang", white smoke rose, and Itachi's figure had gone 20 meters away.

A wooden stake that appeared on the spot was kicked away by Hinata.

Looking at Itachi standing in the distance, Hinata praised with a smile,"Beautiful substitution technique, worthy of Itachi senior." But in her heart she cursed, little trash, you can't afford to play, you use substitution technique even more than physical technique.

Hinata's compliments sounded extremely harsh in Itachi's ears, like a mockery.

Are you mocking yourself for denying it? The original physical technique competition used substitution technique.

Itachi knew that he had actually lost, but now Itachi couldn't admit defeat easily in order to test Hinata's strength, so he had to pretend not to know.

"Go on."

Hinata sent another light palm strike. This time Itachi didn't dare to be careless, nor did he dare to take Hinata's fist. He only used his own speed and began to move around Hinata, waiting for an opportunity to attack.

Shisui saw that Itachi was fighting with a little kid who hadn't even entered school yet, and he wondered if it was because he had heard too many words praising Uchiha. He even believed it himself. Uchiha's strength was not that strong.

After a few minutes of entanglement, Hinata seized the opportunity to make Itachi pant and threw him to the ground. He looked at the sky with lifeless eyes, feeling that his outlook on life had been refreshed today.

【Ding, congratulations to the host for defeating the plot character Uchiha Itachi and gaining 800 reinforcement points.

Hinata smiled, Itachi is really valuable. Shisui pulled Itachi up and whispered a few words of comfort. Itachi shook his head, indicating that he didn't take it to heart. After the two communicated with the Sharingan illusion, they confirmed that Hinata had no chakra and was not a ninja, but just broke in unintentionally.

Shisui praised Hinata,"Your strength is really amazing. You are one of the best in the Hyuga clan at your age, right?"

Hinata laughed and said,"No, I am just strong. In fact, my ability in ninjutsu is very poor. I haven't learned any ninjutsu yet. I have only learned the physical skills of the Hyuga family."

Shisui said gently,"That's also amazing. After all, you are still young. When you go to school, your teacher will teach you ninjutsu. If you don't understand anything in the future, you can come to the Uchiha clan to find me. I will tell you everything I know."

Hinata nodded gratefully, thinking that with Shisui's words, as long as he can survive this disaster, he can find him to practice his resistance to illusions in the future.

After thinking about it, he said what he had hidden in his heart:"Senior Shisui, then I'll take my leave. You have to be careful of Danzo."

Hmm? After hearing Hinata's words, Shisui felt a little puzzled. Why did he suddenly mention Danzo?

He wanted to ask again, but saw Hinata had already run away.

Itachi also heard Hinata's words, with a strange look in his eyes, and said:"Brother Shisui, her words……"

Shisui interrupted Itachi and said,"It should be just a kind reminder from a child. This matter ends here. Don't tell anyone else."

Shisui, who has been in the ninja world for many years, is a little saintly, but he is still quite smart. He probably guessed that this child from the Hyuga clan was reminding him.

But with her age and status, how did she know Danzo? And why did she remind him to be careful of Danzo?

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