Shisui listened to Hinata's warning, kept it in mind, and began to pay attention to Danzo's actions. He found that Danzo was indeed planning to take Uchiha Sharingan.

However, his saintly character was beyond everyone's expectations. Uchiha Shisui actually went directly to find the Sandaime.

After hearing Shisui's report, Sarutobi Hiruzen showed a look of shock on his face.

"What? Danzo dared to do this? Who gave him the courage?"

After saying that, he slammed the table and stood up.

Sarutobi Hiruzen angrily said to the Anbu on duty:"Go, find Shimura Danzo immediately and ask him to come to the Hokage Building to find me."

Then he turned to Shisui and said:"This Danzo is simply lawless. He did such a thing behind my back. I will give you an explanation."

Not long after, Danzo came to the Hokage's office in a hurry.

As soon as he entered the door, he heard Sarutobi Hiruzen's roar,"Shimura Danzo, do you still take me, the Hokage, seriously? Who gave you the power to deal with your friends in your own village?"

Sarutobi was so angry. This Danzo had big ambitions but mediocre abilities. He wanted to deal with the Uchiha clan so he should have done it well.

However, he was not careful and was discovered by others. He even reported it to me. How could he do anything?

Moreover, he was thinking about embezzling Shisui's Sharingan. His ambition was so big that there was no limit. Did Danzo think that he could get his hands on the Mangekyō Sharingan? Who did he want to use Shisui's pupil technique against?

Sarutobi Hiruzen was so angry that his face turned pale. He stared at his old friend with his sharp eyes like two swords.

Danzo was stunned at first, then he saw Uchiha Shisui who was still standing beside him, and he understood what was going on.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was angry about his old friend knowing that he wanted to embezzle the Sharingan.

In fact, when Shisui revealed his Mangekyō Sharingan in front of him and Hiruzen, he was already a dead man. No high-level person can tolerate the existence of such unstable factors under his/her command. Being able to change a person's mind, what a terrible ability!

To Danzo and Sarutobi Hiruzen, Uchiha Shisui's actions did not seem like surrender, but a naked threat. He could change Uchiha Fugaku's will, and he could also change Sarutobi Hiruzen's.

Danzo saw clearly that although his old friend was smiling, his hands hidden under the table were shaking violently.

He understood what his old friend meant. Sure enough, when he proposed to deal with Shisui, although Sarutobi Hiruzen put on that disgusting gesture, he agreed without hesitation.

His mistake was that he wanted to secretly swallow Shisui's eyes without Sarutobi Hiruzen's knowledge. Damn it, how did Uchiha Shisui know about it?

Danzo and Hiruzen have cooperated for many years, and he already knew the nature of his old friend. He was so angry. He cursed inwardly, this old bastard Sarutobi Hiruzen is going to make me take the blame again.

So, Danzo readily admitted that it was his own private action and took everything on himself.

Sarutobi Hiruzen ordered Danzo to apologize to Uchiha Shisui on the spot, and then suspended Danzo from his position in the Root and asked him to go back and reflect on his mistakes. Shisui happily told Itachi the good news. He felt that the Third Hokage was fair and just, and there was hope that the relationship between the Uchiha clan and Konoha would be resolved peacefully. However

, Itachi was not at peace. He was hit hard by his defeat to Hinata in physical skills that day.

He had been hailed as a genius in the clan since he was a child, and was the pride of his parents. He was also very arrogant in his heart. He felt that no one in the new generation of Konoha ninjas was his opponent, but he was slapped in the face by Hinata. The

Uchiha clan's admiration for the strong character made Itachi warn Hinata. Itachi had kept it in his heart and had been thinking about it carefully these days.

He was a suspicious person and liked to think deeply about everything.

When he knew that Danzo was indeed coveting Shisui's eyes, and confirmed Hinata's words, he immediately became suspicious of Konoha's high-level officials.

Was it really Danzo's idea to target Shisui and the Uchiha clan? Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't know about it? With his position as the leader of the Root, could he bypass Konoha's high-level officials and take actions against Konoha's largest clan?

So after Shisui told him the news that Sarutobi Hiruzen had dealt with Danzo, Itachi was not as happy as Shisui, and still looked worried.

He reminded Shisui that things might not be so simple, and he should be careful, and suggested that Shisui go to Hinata to ask her opinion. Itachi felt that although Hinata was young, her thinking was very mature, and he should listen to her opinion. Shisui didn't want to go, because he could see that Hinata didn't seem to want to be associated with the Uchiha clan. After saying that inexplicable sentence that day, he left in a hurry.

But Itachi insisted, so Shisui carefully explored the surroundings and found that no one was following him, so he took Itachi into the Death Forest.

Shisui was an excellent ninja, and he was very good at tracking whereabouts. Soon he and Itachi arrived at Hinata's camp. Hinata set up a huge barbecue grill in front of the camp, and a huge python was being grilled on the grill. Hinata's small figure jumped up and down, busy brushing oil and seasoning the python.

Since practicing in the forest, Hinata has eaten a lot of ninja beasts, and her strength has also grown by leaps and bounds.

Now her strength growth has begun to reach a bottleneck, and her strength is increasing more and more slowly.

Hinata knows in her heart that if she wants to continue to improve, she may only eat those creatures that absorb natural energy in the holy land.

The toads in Myoboku Mountain should be edible. It seems to be a kind of bullfrog. Remove the head and skin, and make a dry pot, which is spicy.

The slugs in the Wet Bone Forest are inedible, and the slimy Hinata is hard to swallow.

The snakes in the Ryuchi Cave are probably the most delicious. Such a big one is perfect for making snake soup.���

But these are all Hinata's own random thoughts. At present, her strength is low, and she can only live by bullying ninja beasts.

Seeing Shisui and Itachi in front of her, Hinata was stunned. Why did they come here? Da Meiya, can you please stay away?

Maybe Hinata's expression of resistance was too obvious, Shisui felt a little embarrassed. He glared at Itachi fiercely, it was all your bad idea. But

Itachi ignored Shisui and said to himself:"We have something we want to hear your opinion."

Then, he told the story of Shisui looking for the Sandaime. Hinata was overwhelmed after hearing this and refused:"I'm just a 5-year-old child. I don't understand these things. You found the wrong person."

In her heart, she cursed herself for being so nosy. Why did she remind Shisui, and now she is in trouble.

After hearing this, Shisui felt embarrassed and thought that he was really crazy. Why did he listen to Itachi and come to Hinata.

But Itachi seemed not to hear it. His dark eyes stared at Hinata with a cold look.

"I want to hear your opinion, and if you have any conditions, please let me know."

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