Hinata felt even more headache when she saw Itachi's attitude of"you must do it, just ask for the conditions, Uchiha has no shortage of money".

She was just a child now, what were they thinking?

Uchiha's mental state was really worrying.

Seeing that she couldn't refuse, Hinata thought about it and decided to maximize her own interests.

"OK, after I tell you, you have to help me practice against illusions, okay?"

Shisui and Itachi looked at each other, nodded and said,"No problem, you can come to us anytime."

Against the Sharingan's illusions, is this a provocation?

There are still people who want to fight against the Sharingan illusions through practice, do they look down on the Sharingan or something?

Itachi's mouth corners raised an evil arc, he has already sketched out the scene of how to use illusions to torture Hinata in his mind.

"Brother Shisui often practices with me at that place on that day. If you want, you can come, that's also where I usually practice."

Hinata's eyes lit up, it couldn't be better that the two masters of Uchiha were willing to practice with her.

So, Hinata told her everything about Shisui in the original story and her own guesses.

"What? Are you saying that Danzo and the Sandaime are in the same group? Are they playing me?"

Shisui was struck by lightning. He believed in the Sandaime so much and always believed that he could peacefully resolve the conflict between the Uchiha and the village.

"It's understandable that you can't believe it for a moment,"

Hinata said, spreading her hands.

"What I said may not be correct, it is just my guess. But you can collect information by yourself and judge for yourself"

"Danzo and the Sandaime are brothers from the same school. They have worked together for so many years. If you say that the Sandaime knows nothing about Danzo, I don't believe it."

Seeing that Shisui still looked devastated, Hinata kindly reminded him again.

Itachi advised from the side:"Brother Shisui, she is right, you stay calm and judge right from wrong."

Shisui gritted his teeth and said:"I know, I will see with my own eyes."

After that, he said to Itachi and Hinata:"I'm sorry, I can't practice illusion with you today, let Itachi practice with you first."

Then he disappeared from the spot with a flash.

Itachi still looked at Hinata expressionlessly and asked:"I'm curious, why do you want to practice against illusions?"

"Of course it's for self-protection, why else would it be?" Hinata said as if it was a matter of course.

"Although the illusion is difficult, as long as your teammates help you disrupt the chakra, you can get out of it. There is no need to practice this, and the Uchiha family's Sharingan illusion can only be countered by the Sharingan, or do you want to target the Uchiha?"Itachi said lightly.

Hinata really wanted to slap Itachi in the face, why did he talk so much,

"How can you have weaknesses if you want to be strong? Your teammates won't always follow you, so you have to rely on yourself."

"Oh, since you have already decided, you can start at any time. Come on when you are ready."

After saying that, Uchiha Itachi's eyes turned blood red, and three small magatama appeared in his eyes.

It was indeed three magatama. Hinata understood in her heart that it seemed that her previous guess was right.

Hinata shouted and attacked.

The three magatama in Itachi's eyes spun rapidly,


Hinata rushed towards Uchiha Itachi with the Magical Shackle Technique , and felt that she could not move, and there were waves of stabbing pain in her limbs.

Looking down, she found that her body was pierced by several sharp wooden stakes and fixed to the ground.

"How do you feel?"Uchiha Itachi, who was standing in the distance, looked at her indifferently.

But for some reason, Hinata always felt that Itachi's words revealed a sense of gloating.

She tried to struggle again, but her body was still unable to move.

Calming down, Hinata began to think about the description of illusion in the original work.

Illusion is to attack the enemy's five senses to disrupt the chakra in the enemy's brain, so as to control the enemy.

So for illusion to be effective, it must first pass through the five senses, and then control the chakra in one's own brain.

No, Hinata reacted, there was no chakra in her body, it came from natural energy, so Itachi could not control his chakra at all. Well, the method he adopted was to deceive, to deceive one's own brain into being bewitched. As long as one believed it, then one would really be caught in his illusion. Therefore, on some level, in the ninja world, one can be immune to any illusion.

The main thing is to strengthen one's own beliefs, and also to find the flaws in the illusion to break it.

Hinata smiled. Originally thought to be the most difficult illusion to pass, Hinata had found a way to pass it.

Now she just had to try to break it.

She lowered her head to look at the place where she was stabbed.

The wound was just stinging. Such a large wound should be more painful.

Hinata's face turned pale when she thought of this, and the pain in those wounds really increased.


Hinata raised her head and laughed, she found the flaw.

Uchiha Itachi in the distance looked at Hinata who seemed to be happy, wondering what she was laughing at. She had been controlled by the magic shackles, and ordinary people could not break free, and could only suffer in his hands, unless some ninjas with much more chakra than him had a chance to break free.

He had heard about Hinata and fought with her, and knew that Hinata did not have chakra to break free.

But he didn't know that Hinata did not rely on chakra, but natural energy.

"It should hurt more, the wound will bleed."

Thinking of this, the wound really hurt again.

"Interesting and fun"

"There should be a flower on the stake."

A flower appeared on the stake stuck in his arm, and in a blink of an eye, the stake was covered with flowers.

"Make the stake smaller, and smaller."

Hinata was like a monkey who saw the golden hoop, having a lot of fun in the illusion.

"Is this girl crazy?"

Itachi's face was full of question marks. Didn't you say you were here to fight against the illusion? Why are you just standing there and grinning foolishly without trying to get rid of it? What's the point of fighting against such a Buddhist? Isn't this just a waste of my time?

"Tsk, do you still want to practice?"

Itachi said unhappily.

The pleasure of easily controlling Hinata also faded away with time, and instead a feeling of discomfort came over him.

"What's the hurry?"

Hinata smiled slightly,"Isn't it solved now?" Hinata silently said in her heart that these stakes no longer existed, and the stakes that were originally inserted into his body disappeared one by one.

Hinata shook her arms, moved her wrists, and walked towards Uchiha Itachi step by step.

"This is impossible! What did you do? How did you unlock it?"

Itachi Uchiha felt that all the knowledge he had learned seemed to be overturned at this moment. He could clearly feel that his chakra was still in Hinata's brain, so why could Hinata move freely?

This was not a ninja at all!

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