Hinata's eyes were shining with excitement. She had been worried about the Sharingan illusion, but she didn't expect it to be so easy to break. In this way, she wouldn't have to worry about illusions below three magatama in the future.

However, the Mangekyo eye technique is not applicable to this set.

When Uchiha's eyes break through to the Mangekyo level, the eye techniques produced seem to have touched the laws of the ninja world, such as Shisui's Kotoamatsukami and Itachi's Amaterasu Tsukuyomi.

Those eye techniques are unreasonable. Try to avoid them if you can.

Uchiha Itachi still couldn't believe that his illusion was easily broken by Hinata.

He looked at Hinata in surprise, pointed at Hinata with his fingers, and couldn't speak for a long time. Hinata put her hands on her hips and said,"If you have any tricks, just use them." Itachi gritted his teeth and his expression on his cold face almost lost control. He wanted to take the opportunity of sparring to abuse Hinata and wipe out the shame of losing the previous physical competition.

Unexpectedly, this Sharingan illusion that was always successful was ineffective on Hinata.

What kind of freak is this girl?

The Uchiha clan's Sharingan is invincible in the ninja world and has made a great reputation.

Unexpectedly, it was defeated by this 5-year-old girl in front of him.

The Magical Shackle Technique is the most powerful illusion he can use at present.

In his experience in fighting, as long as he uses this move, it means that he can win the battle. Now that it suddenly fails, he is a little at a loss.

"Humph, Magic Hell-Seeing Technique."

This is an ordinary illusion that can draw out the most feared side of the opponent and cause mental damage. It can be performed by ordinary ninjas, but with the blessing of Itachi's three magatama, the power of this illusion has been greatly enhanced.

Hinata was slightly startled and had fallen into the illusion.

This illusion does not control the actions of the person who is hit, cause pain, etc., but just like a dream, it drags Hinata into an illusion world.

Hinata looked around curiously, watching this technique as if it were a movie, a movie in which she is the protagonist.

The forest around her was full of people. The forest twisted, and a handsome blond man in a suit, holding a bouquet of flowers, walked towards her affectionately.

As the man approached, his face gradually became clear, his blue eyes were full of love, and the long beard on his face...

Wait, a long beard, this is the grown-up Seventh Generation.

Ugh~ Seeing the affectionate eyes of the Seventh Generation, Hinata got goose bumps all over her body, what a terrible illusion!

Then, she saw the Seventh Generation opened his arms, hugged her, and pouted his lips!!

I can't stand it, I can't stand it at all

"Get out of my way~"

Hinata used all her strength for the first time and punched the blond man in front of her.

This punch was so powerful and mighty that it seemed to smash the whole world.

Wherever the fist passed, the space was distorted and time seemed to stop, making people feel an irresistible pressure.

When the punch was thrown, the surrounding air was instantly emptied, forming a huge vacuum area.

Then, a powerful shock wave turned into an air column, destroying everything that blocked its way like a rotten wood.

Whether it was a low bush or a tree that several people could hug, it made no difference in front of this punch. Wherever the pillars passed, they were smashed to pieces.

Hinata woke up from the illusion after throwing this punch.

She looked at the forest in front of her, which seemed to have been plowed by a giant beast. The trees disappeared, the ground turned up, and a deep gully was about 1 kilometer long.

Is this the power of her full-strength punch?

Hinata smacked her lips. The power was so great that she was a little surprised. This power was probably close to the power after Kai opened the seven gates.

Since she trained in the Forest of Death, she has never used her full strength.

She didn't expect that she would be stimulated by Itachi's illusion and punched with all her strength.

Thinking of the illusion just now, she vomited.~~~

Hinata couldn't help but dry heave again. Itachi was such a jerk. The illusion he used was too bad. She had already become friends with the Seventh Hokage, but now that she was stimulated by this illusion, Hinata felt that her heart was not clean. She was afraid that she would not be able to look directly at the Seventh Hokage's face for some time in the future.

Damn it. It was too vicious. If it caused PTSD, how could she find the Seventh Hokage to brush the strengthening points in the future.

It must be Itachi's revenge on her, it must be!

Huh? Where's Itachi?

Thinking of Itachi, Hinata realized that the direction of her punch just now was exactly where Itachi had just stood! Oh my god, God Itachi would not be knocked offline by my punch, right?



"Senior Itachi, where are you? Don't die."

Hinata's voice was a little panicked. Although Itachi was a scum who was insidious, immoral, and stabbed his own people, he hadn't done anything yet. He was still the young leader of the Uchiha clan.

If he was killed by her punch, she would have to pay with her life.

This was too much of a loss. Hinata didn't want to sacrifice her life for Itachi.

If Itachi died, would she defect directly or rob Konoha first and then run away?

Hinata was thinking wildly while looking around. Even if Itachi was dead, she couldn't see Itachi's body.

Could it be that he was really beaten into a scum by her?



""Ahem, I'm here."

A weak voice came from a bush.

Hinata was overjoyed and followed the voice to find the bush. She pulled aside the bush and saw Itachi lying there with a pale face. There was a trace of blood at the corner of his mouth and some wounds on his face caused by branches. He looked weak and seemed to be seriously injured.

"Senior Itachi, you are okay, that's great."

Hinata was happy, fortunately she didn't die, she almost ran away.

Itachi coughed and spit out blood again.

"Senior Itachi, you are injured!"

Hinata was shocked when she saw Itachi vomiting blood. She did not dare to move Itachi for fear of further hurting him, so she grabbed the bushes next to her and pulled them out like weeds.

Itachi's mouth twitched when she saw Hinata's monster-like strength.

If he had not reacted quickly and used the teleportation to leave directly, he would have died under that punch.

Even though he ran faster, he was still hit by the edge of the air column. As a result, he was like a rag doll thrown into a washing machine, flying into the bushes.

Even though the branches of the bushes scratched his face, which he usually cherished, leaving scars, Itachi did not care at all.

In Itachi's heart, now there is only one sentence, finally survived.

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