Hinata looked at the dying Itachi and remembered that she seemed to have brought medicine with her.

She quickly turned back to her tent and after searching for a while, she found a bottle of secret medicine made by the Hyuga clan.

This was a special product specially prepared by Hyuga Hiashi for his precious daughter.

The effect was much stronger than the general secret medicine.

Unfortunately, Hinata could not use it at all. In the Forest of Death, she was the girl standing at the top of the food chain.

She handed the medicine to Itachi and asked Itachi to take it orally and apply it externally.

After a while, Itachi recovered and struggled to stand up.

She said to Hinata sincerely,"Thank you, Hinata."

The effect of the medicine was amazing. Not long after he took it, his injuries gradually improved. Itachi knew that this level of medicine was not ordinary, and it was probably rare even in the Hyuga clan.

Hearing Itachi's thanks, Hinata touched her head. She got thanked for injuring someone?

She felt a little embarrassed and said to Itachi,"Senior Itachi, I'm glad you're okay. The training just now is...……"

Hinata wanted to apologize to Itachi, after all, she was the one who hurt someone, and asked Itachi if he needed to go to the hospital.

However, when Itachi heard the word"training" from Hinata's mouth, before Hinata finished speaking, his rosy face suddenly turned pale, as if he had PTSD. He covered his chest and said,"Sorry, Hinata, I think today's training is over. We'll talk about it another day. Goodbye." After that, without waiting for Hinata to answer, he nodded slightly and used the teleportation to run away.

Itachi was walking through the forest, feeling panic in his heart. The feeling of just brushing against death was really terrible.

He never wanted to see the little girl from the Hyuga clan again. He swore in his heart that whoever wanted to train with her could go, and he would be a dog if he went again.

Judging from her age, she was about the same age as his younger brother Sasuke, but her strange strength was too foul. What did she eat to grow up? She was so strong that she could almost break the void.

Thinking of Sasuke, Itachi thought of something in his heart.

It was a big deal. Next year, she would go to school with her brother.

My cute and stupid Oudoudou, I have to go back and warn him, never, ever, ever conflict with Hinata.

With that strange strength, if you touch her, you will die, and if you rub against her, you will be injured.

How could his brother be so stupid to avoid her?

With this in mind, Itachi could not help but speed up a bit.

After returning home, Itachi told his parents and Sasuke about Hinata, and then seriously warned Sasuke that if he didn't want to die, he must not provoke Hinata.

Fugaku and Mikoto were stunned after hearing this. They knew their son's personality very well. He was very serious and old-fashioned. He was not the kind of person who would brag.

In that case, the strength of the little girl named Hinata was really terrible.

Is this a new bloodstain?

Thinking of this, Fugaku's mind started to work. Itachi was not much older than Hinata.

Although the Uchiha and Hyuga had a grudge, that was many years ago. Now they were all companions in the same village. Moreover, the status of the girl was also quite similar.

What if they could marry into the Hyuga clan? Could this bloodstain be brought to the Uchiha clan?

Fugaku's idea was quite beautiful. Unexpectedly, as soon as he told Itachi about it, he only heard the word"Hinata". Itachi's face turned pale and he waved his hands to refuse.

Seeing his son like this, Fugaku had to give up.


Since that day, Hinata's life became dull again. The few times she met Itachi, he was always in a hurry, and left quickly after saying a few words.

It seems that Itachi's life is very busy after becoming a ninja.

Shisui is also elusive. He withdrew from the position of Anbu.

It is said that he had some conflicts with Fugaku and some radical Uchiha.

However, the incident of being gouged out in the original book did not happen. He seemed to be hiding in the Uchiha clan and generally did not come out unless there was something.

After Hinata heard about it, she sighed in her heart that she had done another good thing. Shisui did not die, and it seemed that Itachi would not turn evil, and the genocide incident would not happen.

This is good.

It's a pity that I am bound to the strengthening system. If it is the merit system in other novels, wouldn't I take off immediately?

It is said that saving a life is better than building a seven-story pagoda, so the pagoda I built this time can fill the entire Konoha.


Finally, the ninja beasts in the Death Forest had no effect, and Hinata's power stopped growing.

There was nothing she could do about it. Ordinary ninja beasts were useless, and Hinata's power was not yet qualified to attack the holy land.

However, there was good news. She found that as long as she absorbed enough natural energy, she would basically not feel hungry, and her appetite returned to normal.

So she simply stopped practicing in the Death Forest and returned to the village.

Hiashi and Riko were very happy to see Hinata come back. Hinata was also very happy to see her parents. She also discovered a secret that there was already a little life in her mother's belly.

If nothing unexpected happens, it should be Hanabi. It's nice to have a cute sister!

Hiashi was originally a daughter-loving maniac. His pink and tender daughter went to the forest to suffer. Although Hiashi understood, he still felt distressed.

After returning, Hiashi doted on Hinata to the sky. At any time, as long as Hinata said what she wanted to eat, Hiashi would immediately arrange it. He wished he could feed the food into her mouth. Hinata was like a street kid. After eating, she rushed out of the house to play everywhere.

In addition to the seventh generation, Sakura, Ino and the other 12 strong men, they were all familiar to her.

Hinata used her money ability to increase her favorability.

To increase favorability, you have to start from children. It is cost-effective. A lollipop and a bag of potato chips can easily make them become friends.

Hinata became the leader of the 12 with overwhelming power.

She put aside everything and devoted herself to playing with her friends.

Hinata was surprised to find that when she put aside her practice and played to her heart's content, her natural energy actually grew faster.

Could it be that the absorption of this natural energy is also related to the state of mind?

Hinata's guess was almost right. Natural energy is a force that appears in every world since the birth of the world.

Different worlds have different names for it, some are called internal force, some are called mana, and some are called aura, but they are all the same thing, and they are all the material manifestations of the origin of the world. The closer you are to nature, the closer you can get to the origin of the world.

In the happy play, time passed quickly, and soon it was time for Konoha's annual ninja school enrollment.

Hinata became a ninja school student again and began her ninja school life.

Cute strengthening points, bah, cute classmates, here I come!

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