In Batman's cognition, such strange things can only be made by the young lady. She will be the most complicated, the magic light of science quit all sorts of messy energy, and only she can integrate together.

Batman, who asked for everything, quickly checked the armor and confirmed that there were no oversights, so the first test began.

The pain seemed to be deep in the bone marrow. Although he was determined to be inhuman, and made a lot of thought preparations, he still couldn't bear the pain.

Where he couldn't see, a deep energy was replenished into his body from a distant void, helping him share the damage. Batman thought he was gradually getting used to the pain, and did not find the anomaly.

Taking a deep breath, I finally realized the power of this piece of armor.

It is not a coincidence that more than a dozen test devices in the bat cave have reached their full value, but because the armor value has exceeded the test limit.

Strength can smash the peaks, as fast as if they can run to the moon, and the remaining endurance reaction speed has reached a level of horror.

"It's a fascinating force." The pain in the heart made Batman finish the test quickly. Looking at this dangerous and lethal armor, the power that seemed to control everything and destroy everything was very fascinating, but he relied on Strong willpower.

Damien did not know the happiness of his relatives. He left Bat Cave and found his good friend Jonathan Kent.

"I don't think he likes it very much ..." Damian said with uncertainty when asked about his birthday present.

"How come, I gave my dad a pen last year, and he jumped with joy. No, it flew up."

Little Jonathan looked at me with experience, and then suddenly realized "What are you sending?"

Damian stared with big eyes, his face was broken, pen? Can that thing be a gift? My gift materials are worth one billion US dollars, let alone the cost. They belong to the kind that can't be bought with money.

Your dad jumped with joy, my dad almost jumped up, but he hurt!

Two and a half-old children studied for a long time, scratching their heads inexplicably, only to show that the adult's world does not quite understand it.

As they were preparing to return to their homes, they saw a large truck passing by and quickly disappeared into their field of vision.

"Catch up!" Damian ran forward with Jonathan Jr.

"Robin's traffic accident is also under the control of Robin?"

"Fool, there is a magic reaction in that car!"

Damian turned into a cloud of black smoke and quickly chased after him.

Young Jonathan's ability is sometimes absent, but he was stimulated by the blood brother in Sahara, and now seems to be a lot smoother, and he can maintain a relatively elegant flying posture.

As the famous second-generation bears, they have a lot of rules to follow, and they will not lose track of suspects or be found too close.

The large truck quickly left the city and drove into the country roads, causing them a lot of obstacles in tracking. By the time they caught up lightly, the large truck had stayed at the door of an auto repair shop for a long time.

"Don't go any further." Damian pulled Jonathan the younger. "There is a very powerful magician there. I have never seen such a powerful mage except Sister Sia."

The two bear children stopped, Jonathan Jr. wanted to detect with super vision, and Damian stopped him.

"Neither this nor that, is there any way you can do it!" Jonathan Jr. was a little dissatisfied.

"Calm down, we need more intelligence."

"Why should I listen to you?"

"I'm older than you! So you listen to me."

"I'm tall! You should listen to me!"

The two lowered their voices, exposing a small tooth, as if they were about to eat each other, and they quarreled quickly.

Damian finally decided not to use extraordinary powers to investigate with science and technology.

With atomization technology, Thea ’s method has been surpassed by Atomic Man, but Damian has received a lot of nano-robots from Thea, and it is OK to do some investigations.

The image was quickly passed back. A majestic man like a lion was half-sat and half-lying on one side. He seemed to be injured. Now he just barely sat to prevent himself from falling down, while the man stood opposite him with a charming woman.

Seventy-eight men who look powerful in Kong Wu, some wearing suits, some with tattoos, are obviously ordinary people, but at this time they are all lying in a pool of blood in different places, and the weapon is in the hands of a male lion. A serrated sword.

"They dare to kill!" Little Jonathan's voice was very angry. After returning to his parents, he already knows a lot about this world. Unlike the wasteland world, all people who kill anyone in this world are bad guys. This is Superman and Louis. Silk instilled his ideas.

"Don't be excited, those people are dead, let's see what they are going to do." Damian is relatively sound relative to the worldview ~ ~ was born in the Assassin Alliance, and afterwards, neither Thea or the Raven were in touch with the saints. Even though he respected his father, he did not think that killing was a sinful thing.

"How long will it take for your injury to recover?" The woman asked impatiently.

"If it's just an ordinary person of this level, then it takes more than 10 million lives to fill my divine power." The male lion seemed tired and spoke a little slowly, which was totally incompatible with his big body.

The woman laughed mockingly. "Kaliback, don't you think the two goddesses will let you kill ten million people in their house without being indifferent?"

She didn't mention her name, but the male lion still felt a bit of palpitations. "You don't have to test me. One of them is a new creation star, and the other has just returned to the city. I have my source of information."

"Don't play with your little charm in front of me, Sesie! If you still want to join the new god, you must continue to find me a sacrifice, my injuries can only be recovered by mass killing."

Sesie shook her head with a playful expression. "I didn't know I thought you were the **** of killing, haha, in fact, you are the **** of torture. It's so powerful ..."

"If you don't want to go back to the city to shake your tail and beg for mercy, either find a lot of life for me to kill, or send me an old god, this is your task, go, I need to sleep."

After Calibuck cut off the call directly, the figure of the auto repair shop broke into pieces and disappeared into the air.

"What awesome! But there is a dad!" Sesie was pale with anger, waved a few flames, and the corpses on the ground were burned into coke. She stepped forward and left the scene.

It wasn't until the surroundings fell into silence that it took a while before the two young men came out.

They didn't know any Calibucks or Thursi, but they double-checked the scene.

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