Transformed into the DC World

Chapter 914: Damian is missing

The body burned to ashes, but as the son of a detective, Damian always found some clues. The previous truck driver was also a member of the deceased, except that they were all killed and there were no signs of resistance on the ground. Several people were tortured to death without resistance.

"This is just a temporary meeting point, everything is normal, except for these corpses." Jonathan Little looked around with super vision.

"The charm spell, a very powerful charm spell, the target selection is all strong men, their occupations are different, there are drivers, lawyers, gang members ... it seems that man was seriously injured, so Is this kind of ritual recovery? "Damian was also talking about his inferences.

Damian analyzed with a small face. He was too far from the level of the new **** and the old god. Naturally, Thea would not be too busy to tell him these things. From the analysis of the existing conditions, there was not much difference with the facts.

He didn't know how long it would take Calebuck and Thursi to meet once.

Thea had just come into contact with the death force that day, with a little less force and his vitality was stronger, hitting the frequency of death directly. As the son of Dakside, he is still the eldest son. Although his father looked at him very badly, Kaliback was rescued, but his father and son's affection reached this level.

How much he can recover after that, and whether he can recover again depends entirely on himself.

As for the 10 million lives that are purely arrogant with Thursi, it is useless to have enough quality.

Karabak was not stupid. After regaining his consciousness, he immediately dispatched his men, spreading the net to fish more, and searching for the old **** in the multiverse.

As the eldest son of Dakside, despite the fact that the 120 fathers looked down on him, there were still many who were willing to run errands for him. They were also the birds of surprise. .

Knowing that Thea had entered the prefecture, whether it was her own patron Heka, or Hades' cuckold mother-in-law, she couldn't cover her. Ceci was quite decisive and ran back to earth without a word.

The old god's path was completely inaccessible. She could only seek the new god's path. At this time, Calibak's men found her, and the two sides hit it off.

Selcy asked him to find the old **** to restore the power, and Kaliback, as himself or the self-proclaimed Daxside heir, promised to accept Selcy into the new **** camp.

The two men's covenant is fragile and there is no guarantee, but under the strong oppression of the young lady, the two are still united.

Obviously afraid of himself, Kaliback thought from his heart that he would never want to set foot in this universe, how good it is to kill in other parallel time and space, both safe and easy, but he is the eldest son of Dakside. Can't say I'm afraid! You can only choose to bite the bullet.

He needs to show a kind, don't look at you for a second and stop me, in fact I am not afraid of your momentum at all! As to whether others believe it or not, it is only necessary that Daxide believe it.

Fortunately, Dakside also knew that he weighed a few pounds or two, and asked him not to fall on the name of the apocalypse. He didn't mention anything to mention, and he wouldn't spin.

Calibucks had good luck. He picked up a time when Thea Diana was not there and came to the earth, and then found the help of the party leader, Sesi, who was destroying the earth in fear, just to prove her "brave", Sersi Charm is not effective for him, but after all, he is a beautiful woman, which can ease some moods, otherwise he is afraid that he can't say two sentences and just faints because of too much psychological pressure.

And the other trading object, Ceci herself, was careful, and she felt that everyone was careful. She didn't know that Diana didn't take her seriously. The young lady was too busy to beat her head and didn't care about her.

Sesie frightened herself, and the wind and the wind were horrifying. Calibuck occasionally showed his face on the earth to prove to his dad that he was not stingy. Ceci can't, she has nowhere to run! Nervousness is about to weaken.

In order to find an old **** to be famous, she desperately tried to think.

She did n’t know much about the old gods, so she would go back and forth, but she would not be able to fight in the underworld, let alone Hades Zeus. Fortunately, there were enough Greek deities. I thought about it over and over like a sieve. Find a good goal.

Hercules, Hercules, is full of power and lonely. The most important thing is that this guy is a man. He is very confident in her charm spell.

But Hercules is not an eggplant in the ground either. You need to make a plan.

The adults were all busy with each other. Damian and his little friends also began to investigate the beginning and end of the incident. The two bear children agreed not to be called parents, and they were eliminated by Zhenglian as soon as possible.

As for the young Titan, Jonathan Jr. wanted to call everyone to do the task, but Damian rejected the proposal and thought that their extraordinary twins were fully capable of this task.

A month passed in a hurry.

With the help of his partner, Flash, the Flash was cleared of charge ~ ~ successfully released from prison.

Green Arrow accompanied his wife to live a primitive life on Purgatory Island.

Thea is busy every day, and the affairs of the local government are full of changes. Even if everything is on the right track, she still needs the attention of her big brother. She cannot relax at all.

Gotham has been in a blank period since the Penguin was arrested to dig for coal, and the two-sided man died unexpectedly. The clown fell into the mountain stream.

Evil may be late, but it will never be absent.

The rise of the black mask in Gotham, his power is extremely huge, he is rich and powerful, marksmanship is not inferior to the death shooter, the most important point is that his mask has the ability to control the mind.

Batman fought against him several times with strong will, and did not take any advantage.

A boxer knocked down a criminal, and there was a rush of shouting from the headset. It was the old steward Afu.

The old butler quickly recounted that Batman was holding on to listening, and never wanted to control any black mask anymore, hurried back and forth.

Entering the bat cave, the old housekeeper rushed out as soon as the mask was removed.

"Master Damian, he ..." The old housekeeper said a few words and choked a little.

Superman and Jonathan Jr. also walked out of the back room. Jonathan Jr. was still annoyed by the disappearance of his little friend.

"Damian doesn't seem to be on Earth. Jonathan has been with his mother for the past two days." Superman somehow comforted the old man, explained a few words, and spoke dryly.

"I'll find him." Batman said extremely firmly, both to the old housekeeper and Superman, and to himself.

Recalling all Damian records, more than a dozen screens are shown at the same time, and Batman begins to analyze a little bit.

Initially, the two children took risks together, but three days ago, Jonathan Jr. was called away by Louise. Damian did not give up, but continued to track down.

Batman hasn't seen Calibuck or Thursi, pointing to the screen and asking Jonathan Jr. "Who are they?"

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