Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 961 Hey, Illumination!

This is the first shot of the positive monitor after hundreds of millions of years!

As soon as he started, he showed a shocking and terrifying combat power!

Compared with his younger brother Mobius who relied on the anti-life equation to confront Darkseid's body head-on, the power that Mandrak erupted simply surprised and puzzled that person.

"How can a mere monitor be so strong?"

As Kuntasha's body retreated, a series of powerful life magic was thrown out, directly acting on Mandrak's body, trying to deprive Mandrak's life signs with powerful magic power.

But those powerful magics that can deprive countless universes of life in an instant, were immediately smashed by Mandrak's punch the moment they hit Mandrak's body.

"A bunch of trash, back off, I'll deal with him!"

The female Goddess of Death sneered, and the Goddess of Death was roaring. Two scythes appeared in her hands in an instant, and in an instant, they slashed down on Mandralac.

Not only did some powerful individuals not retreat, but they looked more solemn, completely lost the care of walking in their hearts, and concentrated all their strength against this powerful Mandrake.

A variety of high-end forces erupted at the same time, rushing towards the positive monitor together.

This time, the monitor finally stepped back, and first quickly avoided the female death's sickle. Even he couldn't resist the female death's harvest without injury. Coupled with the convergence of chaos, phoenix, and spectral forces, Manzhuo Lark avoided it while his expression changed.

"Be careful, even in the realm of gods, this guy is still an eighth-level god."

While confronting Quantum Superman, Downey once again issued a warning.

No one is more aware of the power of the ultimate evil Mandrake than Downey. This is a fierce man who can confront the thinking machine superman head-on, and even beat the thinking machine superman into disfigurement.

In order to suppress Mandrake, half of Sichao's face was destroyed by Mandrake, and there were many damages all over his body, so he defeated Mandrake.

Downey has always suspected that hastily using the fusion of Sovereign and Superman as the energy source to activate the thinking super, also cannot maximize the strength of the thinking super.

He is eyeing on Si Chao, and he will never be willing to accept only a level eight robot. It is meaningless to him at level eight.

Unless there is a higher quality energy source...

Sovereign, barely enough, I injected this guy with Doomsday Serum, and I don't know if I can move forward, but this is a last resort. Donnie clearly has a better and also crazier idea...


Donnie and Quantum Superman intertwined again. No matter what method Downey used to attack Quantum Superman, Quantum Superman was always passively defending, and his rare attacks were mainly to contain Downey.

"It's pointless for you to do this. It is impossible for Mandrak to break through the defense line of Cybertron and take away the Sovereign." Downey punched Quantum Superman in the head, and the powerful information set and energy burst out like an avalanche. .

I saw light blue rays of light emerging from Quantum Superman's body, and the Quantum Body instantly analyzed and erased all of Downey's power.

"He doesn't need to break through the line of defense, because it's my avatar who took away Sovereign."

Quantum Superman said that he was not in a hurry to fight back when he was beaten, but just clinging to Downey, ensuring that Downey would not get rid of him.

Downey was startled, and speechlessly glanced at Mandrake, who was fighting in full swing, and then turned his head to look at Quantum Superman, not knowing what to say for a moment.

Although I know that you and Mandrake are not dealing with each other, but if you are so straightforward, are you really afraid that Mandrake will deal with you afterwards?

"As long as I can bring back Sovereign, everything will be fine." Quantum Superman said indifferently, "Give up, even if your entire Cybertron skyrocketed ten times, you are still not my opponent-although I don't know why you know There are a lot of secrets, about me, I think you know it too."

Donnie didn't speak, and immediately moved forward to fight this quantum life again. A new battle started, which was more intense than before. Donnie clearly tried his best.

With Downey's complete eruption, Downey armed a large number of artifacts. Even the fire source of Cybertron was used by Downey, specifically to try to interfere with Quantum Superman's life form.

This time, Quantum Superman no longer had the ease he had just now, but gradually fell into a disadvantage.

The powerful fire source releases terrifying fire particles, which continuously erode the body of Quantum Superman. Every moment, countless quanta are wrapped by fire particles, but what is surprising is that the fire particles cannot be unfolded and analyzed. Quantum suddenly disappeared.

It's amazing that Downey hasn't encountered this situation yet.

"Will the quantum that separates your body be annihilated by me..." Donnie thought.

"The source of fire is a very magical thing, but it is impossible to deal with me with this." Quantum Superman's strength is constantly being weakened, but he is not in a hurry at all, and he does not have the emotion of impatience at all. He is as cold as a robot. Thinking is the essence of Quantum Superman.

The two figures intersected hundreds of millions of times again, and fierce battles broke out frequently.

Downey has been entangled with Quantum Superman again, and has no plans to return to Cybertron to protect Domineering.

There is one aspect of not being able to shelter.

Quantum Superman has an extremely powerful special ability, which is to create clones that are exactly the same as his own strength. According to the performance in the comics, dividing out a hundred clones in one go will still not lead to a decline in combat power.

So, as long as Quantum Superman thinks, he can create hundreds or thousands of himself in one breath, and any one of them can maintain the peak combat power. Was pressed to the ground and rubbed.

Downey has no brains, let alone challenge a large group of quantum supermen at the same time.

Quantum Superman and Dr. Manhattan are the most unreasonable creatures. They can be called the eighth-level legion in human form. No one knows the upper limit of the number of clones they can create.

Similarly, for now, Dr. Manhattan is keeping a low profile. The quantum superman has just been born, and no one can really realize how terrifying these two unique quantum beings are.

Compared with Dr. Manhattan, Quantum Superman has an even more amazing ability.

Communicating with the Master Watcher.

Even the Watchers themselves find it difficult to communicate with the Main Watcher, but Quantum Superman can do it, and he can even get a response from the Main Watcher!

Marvel's magic stick Richard and DC's Quantum Superman are all aliens who can communicate with tenth-level existences. This is something that even ninth-level almighty gods cannot do.

Therefore, dominance cannot be kept.

Donnie didn't even want to protect his dominance at all. This is another aspect.

"After being my son for so long, it's time to take care of me as a father..."



Duzun is as awesome as ever, and his behavior is flamboyant, especially after he has finally learned magic after hard work!

Yes, as a Kryptonian, as a man with negative magic resistance, he finally took a crucial step on the road of magic!

"I learned magic! Facts have proved that my lord has the super potential to become a magician!"

Duzun waved his arms domineeringly, showing off to his little brother.

Chaoba's face jumped wildly, suppressing his nausea, and squeezed out a trace of flattery: "So, the spell you learned is...?"

"Look, I will let you open your eyes!"

Duzun smiled arrogantly, with a solemn and majestic expression, he slowly stretched out his palm, his strong muscles tightened immediately, and the mere muscle strength caused a small-scale storm.

He roared loudly, and the momentum was shocking, only to see magic particles being born in his body!

It's true, he can really control magic particles!

"Look, this is the magic I learned—"

Hey! Duzun gave a loud shout!


A gleam of light, similar to that of a small spark, suddenly appeared, and then went out immediately.


Chaoba stared blankly, his face was stiff, and he almost vomited blood.

Just this thing, is it worthy of being called magic? !

Duzun was sweating profusely, and his spirits were high: "See, I am the first Kryptonian to master magic. Sooner or later, I will become a powerful magician!"

Chaoba was silent for a while, carefully considering the vocabulary, and suggested cautiously: "I think the lighting effect of thermal sight is better, and our super vision doesn't care about darkness at all..."

"Stupid!" Duzun scolded, "Although this is a small step, it is a big step for a more magnificent future! Without the most basic accumulation, how can there be a bright future?!"


Chaoba bowed his head in silence, he stopped talking for fear of being beaten.

Can I stay away from this dude and seek refuge with other people?

At this moment, Chaoba's heart is desperate. As the leader of the evil alliance, Chaoba has self-knowledge. He is not the kind of person who plays tricks, even with the blessing of a super brain.

But he clearly feels that if he compares himself with Duzun, he can still be a top consultant.

It's not your fault for having a low IQ, but it's your fault for being stupid.

There are two superpowers, pros and cons, one is full of emotions, and the other is ashamed.

It was at this time.

A translucent person with blue light appeared in front of the two, expressionless: "Magic is not suitable for you, believe me, you have more important missions to complete."

"Dr. Manhattan?" Duzun, who had read the materials in the Tiebao Archives, was taken aback for a moment, his face changed slightly, and he was about to send a message.

Quantum Superman slammed his fist and knocked Duzun out with a bang. Before Chaoba was so frightened that he knelt down, he punched Chaoba again and knocked him out.

"Buy one get two free..."

This Quantum Superman held a Superman in one hand, pondering.

Then he left, and with many eighth-level gods besieging Mandrake on the periphery, no one on Cybertron could stop him.

In a blink of an eye, he was already standing in front of the Quantum Superman who was fighting Downey.

Two Quantum Supermen surrounded Downey.


With one blow, Downey blasted away the one who was fighting him. He turned his head slowly and looked at the Quantum Superman with two Speedmasters in his hands.

"You move slower than I thought." Quantum Superman asked his other self.

Hearing the news, the one who sneaked into Cybertron directly mentioned Chaoba and Duzun, and said indifferently: "These two guys are very interesting. It's the first time I see a fool."

"How silly?"

"An anti-matter superman, who has practiced magic for more than 1,500 years, and successfully learned the Martian technique, it is a miracle that he can survive until now."

The conversation between two quantum supermen, thoughtful, and a life form with great research value is really too much for their appetite.

Downey watched quietly the whole time, expressionless.

The dialogue between the two quantum supermen did not surprise Downey—don’t get me wrong, he wasn’t surprised by Duzun’s IQ—Du Zun has always been this bird-like, isn’t he, beast-level intelligence.

It's these two seemingly separate quantum supermen.

Individuals separated from quantum life exist independently, and each individual has its own thinking.

After a few more conversations, the two quantum supermen merged together and became one again.

"I took the Sovereign and Supermaster away, I think this is what you want to see." Quantum Superhuman said.

Downey said lightly: "Don't let Mandrake succeed easily, this is my last warning to you, otherwise you will never be able to get rid of his shadow and become a weapon in his hands for the rest of your life."

Quantum Superman nodded, and turned away with two unconscious matter-antimatter supermasters.

He didn't even say hello to Mandrak.


Mandrake was sieged by many gods. He was extremely embarrassed, with scars all over his body. Many dark red muscles had burst open, cut off and shattered by the terrible force.

The pressure that the Goddess of Death put on him was terrifying.

"I really didn't expect you to obey Downey's orders like this... When did the Dark Walker become a clever tool that anyone can play with?"

Mandrak's expression was gloomy, and when he noticed the departure of Quantum Superman, anger appeared on his face.

The goddess of death sneered and said, "I just want to kill you. Your ugly face really looks like a mouse."

Mandralaksen looked coldly at the dozen or so eighth-level gods present, gasped for breath, and became even more annoyed at Quantum Superman's actions.

It wasn't until Downey looked over with a sneer, his eyes soaring with murderous intent, that Mandralac let out a roar, turned around and left, fleeing in embarrassment.

"Don't chase! This guy is still alive, without him, we have no chance." Downey stopped the other gods and stared at Mandrak's back.

Mandrak is dead, who will take the thinking machine superman at the expense of the monitors?

"Your approach is very risky." Old Shazam looked at Downey.

"Everyone is taking risks. The biggest risk we encounter is nothing more than Mandrak's revenge. It can be resisted to some extent, but if it succeeds, the reward will be amazing. Believe me, it will definitely exceed your imagination... "

From the very beginning, he never intended to regard Si Chao as a weapon for killing and killing...

Rather, a medium, a medium that is enough to be unrivaled in Downey's hands and runs through everything.

"Get ready, we will immediately enter the world of Wantianyi. There is only one chance. If you miss it, it will be gone forever." Donnie showed a faint smile and smiled at everyone.

A kind of ambitious smile.

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