Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 960 Editor-in-Chief, Mandrake, and Deep Things

Dr. Manhattan is an extremely low-key guy who has been carefully tinkering with his experiments for so many years.

As a quantum being, Dr. Manhattan can do almost everything, whether it is modifying time to reshape dimensions, or creating life and building the universe, it is easy.

But such a powerful quantum life is not only Dr. Manhattan.

Quantum Superman is the second quantum life, almost exactly the same as Dr. Manhattan in terms of appearance and ability.

"Quantum Superman..."

Donnie's gaze directly crossed Mandrake, staring closely at the blue man in clothes, trying to gather some information about this guy, but unfortunately, he couldn't detect any information leakage from Quantum Superman.

I don't know if it is the characteristic of quantum life. After all, the last time Downey confronted Dr. Manhattan, he was still very weak and had no contact with the level of information set at all.

"If I were you, I would never get involved."

Downey looked at the silent and indifferent Quantum Superman, pointed at the hostile Mandrake, and said with a sneer, "Believe me, if you follow this idiot, your end will be miserable."

Quantum Superman's numb eyeballs moved slightly, and he looked at Downey for the first time.

Mandrak let out a cold low smile. He looked at the dozen or so eighth-level gods present, showing a strange smile with unknown meaning, and slowly backed away.

"Donnie, you took something that belongs to me..." Mandralac sneered in a low voice.

Downey interrupted directly and rudely: "It's my thing after it's in my hands, and you want to go back? Are you thinking about shit?"

Mandrak said coldly: "Don't you want to ask my purpose, maybe you will change your mind..."

"Idiot!" Donnie gave him a contemptuous look.

Think about it with your toes, this guy's goal is the anti-matter superman, the only anti-matter superman in the whole world inside the wall.

It seems that Mandrak, the watcher, has hooked up with the watchers. As the proud work of the watchers, the thinking machine superman, has probably been exposed within the reach of Mandrak.

Only one power source is missing.

More than anyone else, Mandrake needs to obtain the Sovereign, so that he can obtain a suspected quasi-level nine war weapon.

He has the qualifications to directly intervene in Wan Tianyi's world civil war!

With Quantum Superman and Thinking Superman in hand, Mandrak is the rhythm to take off.

Mandrake looked gloomy, pointed at Downey, and ordered Quantum Superman: "Go, kill him!"

Quantum Superman stood still, expressionless.

"I order you to kill him!! You are my creation, without me, you are still on a backward garbage planet in front of your ridiculous military captain! Alan Adam, I order you to kill him!"

Mandrak roared, the red muscles wrapped around his body swelled slightly, and his furious eyes were full of killing intent.

Alan Adam, the name of Quantum Superman, is not Clark Kent's double body.

Downey's expression moved, and his surprised eyes moved between Quantum Superman and Mandrake, "Mandrake actually created you...It's so surprising, I thought you, like Doctor Manhattan, were born in an explosion .”

The origins of Quantum Superman and Dr. Manhattan are almost the same. They were all dead in an explosion, and then their consciousness was awakened to reshape their quantum bodies.

"It was like this." Quantum Superman finally spoke, like a robot speaking according to the established logic, without any emotional fluctuations, without the slightest information, as if he was not a living life at all.

In fact, it is difficult to describe Quantum Superman in terms of living and dead.

Quantum Superman said coldly: "Originally, my trajectory should be the same as Dr. Manhattan, reborn in the explosion, but an ambitious person interrupted this step and accelerated the process by artificial means."

Mandrake sneered: "Dr. Manhattan sneaked into the world of Wantianyi and secretly modified his own origin. Then I can modify your origin. It's fair, and you should thank me."

As he spoke, he looked at Downey and grinned, "Don't you think it's strange that a guy like Manhattan actually originated from the main universe?"

Downey said calmly, "I didn't know it before, and I figured it out later."

Dr. Manhattan, this guy in the comics is indeed a stowaway. He smuggled from the world of Watchmen to the DC multiverse, and directly stole ten years of DC. He changed everything beyond recognition, and did a lot of grievances Things have become the number one mortal enemy of the Justice League.

Downey can also do things like modifying his own origin, which is nothing more than modifying the multiverse's record of his own information. As long as he modifies the information set left by him from the source, it can then radiate to the entire multiverse.

It's a very simple matter, and what Manhattan did has no conflict of interest with Downey.

Just play around with this big blue eagle who walks the bird openly without clothes on.

Quantum Superman also knows how to get himself a suit of clothes.

Anyway, the multiverse is a large hunting ground for high-level gods. If it weren't for the wall of speed and force to block it, anyone could enter and take off.

"Donnie, I know everything about you. No one in this world knows your origin better than me! You have no secrets in front of me, and I am not interested in making enemies with you. Give me the dominance, and I will turn around and say goodbye." Go! Even, you can get my friendship, we have never been enemies."

On Mandrake's ugly face, there was a hint of...friendliness.

Friendly down to the bone.

Downey said calmly, "The only person in this world who knows all my secrets is that guy who has been dead for a long time."

"But I also know everything about that guy!" Mandrake let out a sharp and piercing laugh, and said cheerfully, "I know everything about him, and naturally I know everything about you!"

This time, Downey's expression was finally completely moved. For the first time, he began to seriously look at Mandrake who was standing in front of him, frowning, and immediately showed bewilderment and surprise.

The others, on the other hand, looked blank, including Quantum Superman, who couldn't understand what the two of them were talking about, and were all confused.

Quantum Superman looked at Mandrake for a while, and Downey for a while, thoughtfully.

"You... Interesting, you are actually from the editorial department... No wonder..." Downey suddenly remembered one thing, a detail that he had ignored a long time ago and didn't take it seriously at all.

About the true origin of the character Mandrake the Watcher.

In reality, the editor-in-chief of the editorial department created a character based on himself, known as the ultimate evil villain, the Watcher Mandrake.

This is the character of Ultimate Evil Mandrake. The true origin is an evil character specially created by the chief editor of the editorial department to strengthen the storyline of the comics and to bring out the thinking machine Superman. Supervillains and careerists.

It all made sense.

This ugly mouse face, the famous Mandrake, has another identity as the editor-in-chief of the editorial department!

The author of Siyuan Earth's best-selling manga!

Downey frowned deeply.

He really didn't care about this information. In fact, Downey had always kept his editorial department at arm's length.

From the appearance of the skinny man at the beginning, to Downey using the plot gem to secretly observe the editorial department through the fourth wall, and not long ago, all the ancient existences who went to the editorial department were wiped out by unknown forces, and then the original The transcendent suddenly appeared in a very strange way...

The vigilance in Downey's heart has long been magnified to the extreme. He just wants to hide away and doesn't want to deal with the editorial department.

"It seems that I still underestimated you guys who seem to only hide on the other side of the fourth wall, sneaking around with some paper..."

Donnie's expression was a bit complicated, and he sighed lightly.

The editorial department...

Without them, Downey would not have been born, and everything that exists now would not have happened...

No matter how stupid Downey is, he will not deny the complex cognition between himself and the editorial department, and stay away from him. In addition to being vigilant, he also has the idea of ​​not wanting to be an enemy.

"Unfortunately, we are still on opposite sides. It's just that have you ever thought about the difference between what you are now and what the thin man did back then?"

Downey sighed, the Supreme God Armor was already on Downey's body in an instant, and the powerful power of the world spread.

Create a character, manipulate the character, and finally at the most critical moment, suddenly jump out to replace the character with itself, and become a special life that has two sharp oppositions of character and author at the same time, which should not be able to exist at the same time.

No, I'm afraid that the editor-in-chief of the editorial department is more clever than the thin man. He has never gone through the process of cultivating characters and finally replacing them.

Directly in one step, create yourself, be yourself from the beginning, no need to erase first and then replace.

"The difference is that I succeeded, but that idiot failed!! Not only failed to sublimate myself, but also became a stepping stone for you, a new god!!!"

When Mandrake thought of the skinny man, his heart filled with anger.

If it weren't for that bastard's series of coquettish operations, he, Mandrak, would be so aggrieved? The point is that this coquettish operation finally crashed! It's fine if it collapses, but in the end everything was accepted by Xinshen, and even the skinny man himself got involved, so stupid to the extreme!

Otherwise, why would I be in such trouble now? !

Duzun will still stay in the anti-matter universe obediently, being watched over by his ambitious but brainless younger brother, so he can just ask for someone when the time comes, why is it so troublesome?


They're so skinny! Incompetent author kills people!

Mandrake was full of malice, but awkward friendliness was squeezed out of his ugly face, and he wanted to solve the problem through negotiation.

The talk collapsed, and it would not be too late to let Quantum Superman come on. He tried to change the origin of Quantum Superman, just to fight Downey, so that he could gain dominance.

Dominance is more important than everything else!

The thinking machine superman is Mandrake's ultimate goal! With such a powerful weapon, he is really not afraid of anyone, except for those almighty gods who have been sleeping all year round and only send a few garbage clones to play in the world, he Mandrak is the strongest!

"Stop talking nonsense, let's do it, if you want to dominate, you can't rely on lip service."

Downey slowly raised his head and sneered.

"You—" Mandrake paused, and looked at Downey in astonishment. How could it be...

Downey has already killed.


Quantum Superman stepped in front of Mandrake, stretched out his palm, and lightly received Downey's heavy punch without shaking his body at all.

Strong, very strong.

Across Quantum Superman, Downey behind the helmet also looked at Mandrake suspiciously. At this moment, he wanted to understand something deeper, but he became even more confused.

It's even more disturbing.

But now is not the time to think about such things.


"Go away! I helped you kill Mandrake, you should thank me!"

Downey yelled.

Quantum Superman said indifferently: "Unfortunately, I can't do it. I want to stop you. Mandrake can't die, at least he can't be killed by you."

The two figures, one black and one blue, immediately broke out into a battle, and the terrifying power swept in all directions, easily annihilating countless streamers, and the surrounding area also began to tremble endlessly, emitting an overwhelmed buzzing sound.

In front of the two terrifying existences in the strong and powerful God's Domain, parts of the area were in an unstable state.

The ear-piercing roar and the powerful energy field that nearly wiped out everything, brutally wiped out everything nearby, and it literally blasted into a blank state.

"This Quantum Superman, I've never heard of him before, how could he be so strong?" Wanda opened her eyes wide in surprise.

She knows Downey's strength better than anyone else, especially after putting on the Supreme God Armor, it is a power that stands at the limit of level eight, but this Quantum Superman who suddenly appeared is evenly matched with Downey!

"Everyone, kill Mandrak immediately, be careful, this guy is very strong!" Downey suddenly turned his head and roared. A large amount of information was conveyed by Downey, and it was accurately received by more than a dozen gods.

The expressions of the Cybertron gods present moved slightly, and they immediately set off to kill Mandrak.

Mandrak, who had been avoiding the aftermath of the war in the distance, frowned at this moment, looking at Donnie strangely, his treacherous eyes were filled with deep doubts, and immediately stopped retreating, let alone hiding, and instead took the initiative to kill There are more than a dozen gods.

Quintasha, Optimus Prime, Megatron, Quintessentials, Bull Hulk, First Light Hal, Old Shazam, Iceman Bobby, Elizabeth, King Qin of the White Phoenix, Chaos Wanda, Franklin, female death.

Thirteen eighth-level gods, all with stern expressions, rushed towards Mandrak.

Mandrak flung the cloak behind him casually, with a deep ferocious expression on his face, without any fear, he marched brazenly, facing thirteen eighth-level gods alone.

From the very beginning, the battle situation has reached its peak. From the very moment of contact, Mandrak has shown almost terrifying combat power!


With one punch, Kuntasha's life magic was defeated, and with two punches, the divine power obtained by Old Shazam from Downey was pierced through.

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