Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 959 Downey is on the move

For every major event, there must be ambitious people acting secretly. What they are best at is to maximize the benefits of the chaotic situation and use the power of others to achieve their goals.

This is the case with the dark god stick, and this is the case with Mandrake.

So is Downey.

With the unprecedented and tragic decisive battle in Wantianyi World, Downey has already set his sights on the multiverse for the first time.

"What an amazing war."

Downey let out a deep emotion, amazed from the bottom of his heart.

Really, too tragic.

The three-digit eighth-level gods clashed fiercely, and there was a steady stream of eighth-level gods joining the battlefield. The two sides on opposite sides fought. I am afraid that such a thing has never happened since the establishment of the domain of gods.

"Are you going to act?" Wanda asked softly as she stood quietly behind him in a red dress.

Downey touched his chin: "It's almost there. I really want to thank these guys. They successfully blasted out many cracks in the wall of speed and force. I am more confident that I can pass through the wall of speed and force..."

Looking from a distance, the wall of speed and force kept shaking, and many horrifying cracks appeared on it, and some pictures of Wan Tianyi's world could be seen through the cracks.

The wall of speed and force, the barrier that cuts across the two sides, looks crumbling at this moment.

This is the opportunity Downey has been waiting for!

To be honest, if the wall of speed and force hadn't been damaged, Downey was already thinking of going to Apocalypse and borrowing the mother box from Darkseid.

Even the current Downey body is not sure that it can cross the wall of speed and power in good condition without the mother box.

"Then what should we do when we go, which side will we help?" Old Shazam looked serious. Around him, dozens of figures stood tall, and the eighth-level gods from the entire Cybertron star came.

"Help? We won't help anyone, we're on our side." Downey smiled lightly.

Everyone was startled for a moment, showing a daze.

These people, although their strength is good, and there are more than a dozen in number, but compared with either side of darkness and light,

They are clearly far behind.

For high-end combat power, Downey can't compare to Barbatos and Annihilate them...

For a moment, no one spoke, and everyone looked at Downey. Out of their long-standing trust, they knew that Downey was preparing a better plan.

A plan to win big on Cybertron, that's what Downey has done in the past, hasn't he?

Downey looked up at the sky, and countless streams of light flashed across the colorful world of God's Domain. They were beautiful and mysterious. Each stream of light contained different energy and contained different sets of information.

After a long time, Downey finally spoke: "Our goal is not to fight them, but to snatch something... Our goal is only one from beginning to end, the melting pot of the world!"

"Our goal is to snatch the melting pot of the world at all costs!"

The melting pot of the world?

Everyone present was a little confused and didn't turn the corner for a while.

Even if their calculation speed far exceeds the sum of countless computers, they still don't understand why Downey is staring at the melting pot of the world that no one pays attention to.

"The melting pot of the world?" Optimus Prime raised his eyebrows, "I thought you would snatch the Observer Medal, or secretly search for the disappeared Ultimate Eraser."

"If I could grab it, I would have done it a long time ago... But there are a lot of gods watching those artifacts. If you don't want to be surrounded by hundreds of eighth-level gods, it's better to go far away." Downey smiled. There is no further explanation.

The melting pot of the world, this is a place that is ignored by everyone.

Not to mention the little X energy left, even if there is no such thing, the world melting pot itself is the most rare treasure.

The melting pot of the world is the foundation of the multiverse, whether it is the dark multiverse or the bright multiverse, they all stand on the melting pot of the world. Although because of the power of Barbatos, the melting pot of the world is being eroded by dirty forces, and it is constantly drying up, step by step towards extinction.

But it was precisely because of this that Downey was given a chance. Except for Downey, no one really realized the value of the melting pot of the world.

Including Barbatos.

In the comics, it was thanks to the assistance of the World Furnace that the Big Three of Zhenglian could come back and defeat Barbatos in the final stage. The giant tailor-made three sets of artifact suits, and he just overthrew Barbatos unreasonably.

Batman can burst into battle after wearing the X suit, not to mention the stronger Superman and Wonder Woman.

Barbatos didn't realize his mistake until he died.

Ignored the melting pot of the world.

"The melting pot of the world is not a dead thing. This thing has its own consciousness—although it is not sure whether it can be compared with the thinking of intelligent life, but at least it has a simple and primitive thinking logic."

Donnie said this to his subordinates without thinking.

When everyone is not paying attention, taking the lead in snatching the melting pot of the world in a low-key manner is only the first stage of Downey's huge plan.

It is also a key step for him to find a way to cross the limit of the multiverse and promote to the super universe level. Without the melting pot of the world, everything is meaningless, so what if he is given the Observer Medal and the Ultimate Eraser?

Can he be promoted to the super universe class? cannot.

"Act now, I can't wait anymore." Megatron said coldly, seven different lights looming on his silver-white body.

All the gods are a little ready to move, even those who don't like fighting the least, seeing the huge battle in Wan Tianyi's world, will inevitably feel a surge of shock in their hearts.

Being able to participate in this unprecedented war, even a slightly ambitious god would have a subtle emotion.

Downey, who was smiling at first, took a deep breath and was about to lead his army to set off, but in an instant, his movements stopped suddenly, and his brows frowned slightly.

In the distant realm of the gods, a terrifying beam of light is rushing towards the direction of Cybertron, exuding undisguised powerful power and thick aura.

This is an extremely provocative act. In the realm of the gods, unscrupulously distributing a collection of information that contains bad thoughts is simply a declaration of war.

After receiving a steady stream of information sets, Downey couldn't help but raised his eyebrows, showing surprise amidst surprise.

"Who is it, courting death?" A group of gods were enraged by this strange visitor.

"It's an 'old friend' that ... I've been looking forward to for a long time."

The corners of Donnie's mouth curled up, revealing a sneer and anticipation.


A repressed ugly roar came, accompanied by the energy storm detonated by the intense blue light, in the light beam, two figures slowly emerged.

Mandrake, and, Quantum Superman.

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